Läuft bis auf den Ton OOTB keinerlei Probleme.
Ton läuft nur auf OpenAL dann aber sauber und problemlos.

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
I found some texture pop-in to be a little distracting, so applied these changes.
Texture pop-in, as noted.
I tried HDR but it was too saturated.

The default XAudio2 2.9 doesn't produce any sound at all. This is a well known issue. Use XAudio2 2.7 or OpenAL.
The game is a stuttering mess in the default configuration. A common way to fix most of stutters is to disable texture streaming. Open SeriousSam4.ini
(typically ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/<Your Steam ID>/257420/local/SeriousSam4.ini
) and edit the following settings:
sim_fWorldPrecachingStreamingLoadingDoneThreshold = -1;
texs_ctMaxUnloadsPerFrame = -1;
texs_ctTooMuchLoadingTextures = -1;
texs_fTooMuchToLoadAtOnceMB = -1;
This drastically improved performance to rock solid 60 fps. Some people suggest to use DirectX 12 or Vulkan but the default DirectX 11 worked well enough for me.
I managed to complete the entire game almost without any hiccups. There's been a couple of times when it started stuttering right after loading a level. I noticed the game was using only one CPU core, I dunno why. Restarting Steam solved the issue.

Works and lags out of the box
Like other people are reporting, for the audio to work you have to change the "device" and you can do that either with an option or manually in the settings.
Ok. So, here is the thing. Even on Windows people are having a hard time. What worked for me was to modify SeriousSam4.ini file - search for "Performance and shutter fix" thread in Steam discussions.
But even after doing that, I couldn't use anything but "low CPU" or the game would exibit an erratic and low framerate from time to time. The problem is, with high/ultra GPU settings, it looked like sh**.
I mitigated this problem by activating AMD FidelityFx "CAS", among other settings targeting a 60 locked FPS. I don't recommend DX12 at all, it would crash the game from time to time. I would not recommend Vulkan either.
Anyway, be prepared to tinker a lot. There are a lot of settings to play with.
If you force use of DX12, then tinkering with the graphical settings will crash the game randomly

Very bad performance compared to windows, linux around 70-140fps Windows 90-190fps. Also frametime is bad on linux. Feels very slow unplaybl
Much worse FPS than on Widnows, for me its unplayable. I get araoudn 70-140 fps but it feels very bad. Maybe because of frametime.
Crasehs whan trys to enable Vsync

the game crashes if i change the 3d api or set another resolution my fix was set the d3d api in "/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/userdata/45912693/257420/local/Serious Sam 4/UserCfg.lua" replace the contents with gfx_strAPI = "D3D11" sfx_strAPI = "OpenAL";
--then in game graphic settings you can now change the resolution to 1152x720 or 1024x576 --in performance change cpu gpu and memory to lowest --set fps in steam menu(...) to 50 fps, 10w tdp and gpu clock to 800 and activate fsr or nis the game runs smooth, you can get 60 fps if you increase tdp, gpu clock and fps
TDP 10w, GPU clock 800

%command% +gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi OpenAL
use command line option
directx11 has bad performance and lots of frame pacing issues, vulkan has flickering. Use command line options to force dx12, best of both worlds, runs a lot better that way.

men_bShowIntroCutscene = 0 +men_iMaxAllowedFPS 120
No audio at all until you switch the Sound API to OpenAL
A bit slow in places
Despite audio issue and weak performance it works well

Croteam goofed it with this game. Runs poorly on 4060 with i7 desktop unit; Runs worse on Steam Deck.
FPS drops of up to 15 frames.
FPS capped at 45. Even with bad graphics, this poor game still stutters.

No audio unless custom launch parameters are set
Obejcts like grass and trees poping in and out even with all sliders set to max

I tried everything from going with the originally used Verrified Proton Version and the newerst GE. I even went and tried to force DX12 but it outright crashes. The game can be playable but due to the wrong resolution, wrong graphics settings and potentially more, this game is utterly broken and slow. It was once playable but not anymore since I can not get above 30 stablely.

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
The game puts out a warning, because it doesn't recognize the used Hardware. Just tell it to launch anways and it runs fine.

Crackling while loading levels. During the game, everything seems to be fine.
Shimmering textures on some surfaces: tree trunks, foliage of trees and bushes, some flowers.
Some few freezes in catscenes.
Same graphical issues as single player
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl gamemoderun %command%
+gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi OpenAL
OpenAL works, forced with the command line argument.
On Vulkan, the game had constant shimmering of black triangles on all leaves. So I forced DX12 (which went through VKD3D) as advised by previous commenters.
After quitting the game and coming back to it, sometimes it couldn't start the mission after loading a saved game - it loaded, I hit "Continue" and the game crashed.
Work-around was to fiddle with graphics options before loading the save. In fact, last time I only switched from "full screen" to "borderless" and then the save loaded just fine (after 10 crashes in a row trying to test if it's related to other things).
It's Serious Sam, there's no reason to mention draw distance and constant texture pop-in, because that happens on Windows, happened in SS3 and the Talos Principle, it's how the game is :) With just a few tweaks, the game runs excellent. The only big stutters I've experienced were exploding 50 enemies at once ;) Just think about it as a bullet time slo-mo ;)

3d engine is meh. Texture pop-in, loading textures, lod loading in your face, loading times, stuttering. That aside, its SS4.
Use OpenAL in the game options, or no sound. Also, use directx11, or crash on alt-tab.
Use openAl, or no sound.
Texture pop-in, minor stuttering, shitty antialisaing.
The game is overall playable, but ironing out minor inconveniences would make it a more enjoyable experience.
No sound with default settings. Switching to OpenAL fixes the issue.
Flickering/black textures on all vegetation.
Alt-tabbing completely freezes the game.
Finished the entire game in multiplayer with friends. Connection is trivial via Steam invites. Mission loading is somewhat slow.
Doesn't open with any of the included launch options. Tried multiple Proton versions, including GE Proton.
+gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi OpenAL
gamemoderun mangohud %command% +sfxapi OpenAL
OpanAL must be either selected in the menu or set as a lauch option for audio to work.
Some flickering in game when on Vulkan. Switching to DX11 in the game menu fixed this.
I completed the campaign in co-op with a friend on Windows. Performance wise he was having a similar experience to me. The game dose not appear to be overly well optimised in general.

+sfxapi OpenAL
Startup option "+sfxapi OpenAL" is required, otherwise there will be no audio at all.
Flickering shadows when using Vulkan. DirectX works fine.

-Switch the API to D3D11 in Graphics Options for the most smooth and flawless experience.
-I mostly play using Proton Experimental by default (= the latest stuff), it is very highly probable that the game runs fine with vanilla Proton as well.
This game barely runs on the Deck. I didn't stumble into significant glitches but I also didn't test for very long, given the game's state.
Proton Experimental
I let the game scan the system hardware to find baseline graphics options. I did not do further tinkering.
The game seems barely able to maintain 15fps let alone 30.
I have no idea why this is verified on Deck.
Ran it on experimental, finished the game.
You must manually choose OpenAL in the game options, otherwise the game runs without any sound.
Open your preferred proton's user_settings.py and add this at the end of the file (after the last curly bracket) and save the file (Ctrl+S):
if os.environ['STEAM_COMPAT_APP_ID'] == '257420': #SS4 user_settings['PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI'] = '1' user_settings['DXVK_ASYNC'] = '0' user_settings['DXVK'] = '1' user_settings['VKD3D'] = '0'
Adding this to the python file eliminates the need to type launch options permanently.
For unknown reasons this game runs better with DX11 than it does with DX12. For comparison, GOG's verson ran better with DX12 (d3d12 and d3d12core from VKD3D) than with DX11.
Also, if you have hardware like mine, I recommend you to disable/lower these options in the game settings (the ones marked in yellowish color): https://i.imgur.com/yiMkon9.png This will reduce the frequency of the occasional FPS drop and will give you smoother gameplay. DO NOT use the autodetect option, it ruins everything and the performance becomes horrible!

It doesn't seem possible to get stable 30 FPS performance with this game on Steam Deck in my testing.
The opening cutscene is very choppy and audio cuts in and out repeatedly, so half the dialogue is unintelligible.
Terrible performance on the recommended Medium/Medium/Low graphics settings - sub-30 FPS from the very beginning. And dropping all the settings to Low doesn't help much.
Gives error "The application has malfunctioned and it will now close". Verified game integrity and tried Proton experimental with same error
The issues at launch are non-existant. Switching APIs in game results in a crash though. I just played the game with the default DX12.
Played through the whole campaign online with a friend. No issues.
Fully playable with good performance.
+gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi OpenAL
switching to desktop and apps cause visual problems
frozen on level change

Works great out of the box with some occasional stuttering
Some stuttering here and there for short period of time. Usually when a big new enemy shows up. Probably shader cache related
I did check the audio settings because other reports mentioned you need to switch to openAL, but it was already set to this setting. Maybe the devs are working on getting it Steam Deck compatible?
It does still give the error message about not being able to check display driver at startup, but you can just cancel out of that and launch the game.
i had to Change it from Vulkan to DX12 before it would let me start a game or it would just have a black screen after the loading screen.
runs fine just as long you remember ti change it from Vulken to DX12 or that was it in my case
Runs out of the box
Ran the game perfectly fine with Proton, no Proton-GE needed. The first time the game starts it prompts for graphics driver updates this message can be completely ignored. After the game started i went straight to the options menu and changed the graphics renderer to Vulkan.
In my experience there was no need for setting any Launch Options as other reports have suggested.
This needs to be added to the launch options for the game to load +gfxapi VLK +sfxapi OpenAL
Its playable on linux but preforms better on windows
Lower than normal frame rate
You will have to set the audio api to OpenAL for choppy audio this is a issue with windows too I found Vulkan worked better for my gpu
Launch options: +gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi
In game settings:
- audio: OpenAL (stop popping audio)
- mouse: disable raw input (small movements actually work)
Fixed by changing the Sound API to OpenAL in the in-game audio settings
Fixed by disabling raw input
All fine up until Chapter 3 (Four horsemen of the apocalypse), which froze when loading. Killing and re-launching the game, then loading the save game worked.

Game ran fine overall. You may have to switch to DirectX for a little bit near the start of Paris.
It was crashing during the first mission in Paris. I switched from Vulkan to DirectX and it started working better. After I got past the rough patch I switched back to Vulkan because it had better performance!
As reported by many users I need to use the following (I have an Nvidia card):
- protontricks 257420 d3dcompiler_47
- add "+gfxapi D3D12 +sfxapi" to the command argument in Steam (and if the games ask about the game driver just ignore it and press "cancel" to launch the game.
Update everything to newest version (Kernel, display drivers) Add following to start parameters +gfxapi VLK +sfxapi OpenAL
Flashlight of Police and blood will have artefacts
Lots of flickering, sometimes legs would be bright magenta.
I was in a discord call, and the call's audio quality was being affected sometimes.
Requires launch options +gfxapi VLK

Default Config will not run!
adding "+gfxapi VLK" to Start-Options makes the Menu appear but it crashes immediately
Runs as expected
add '+gfxapi VLK' to launch options