Works great on Proton, no problems to report.

Game runs at 30 FPS, since its pretty old, cut scenes locked to 30, you can turn off v-sync and play at higher FPS, I locked mine at 60
gamemoderun mangohud DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Might just be my setup, but I noticed this game would Alt - Tab by itself when play, playing in windows mode did fis the issue, but it could just be my system.
Cloud saves do nto work for this title, make sure you keep the saves manually.
Increased FPS by locking to 60, saves arent saved to the cloud, apart from that no issues or bugs.

Runs perfectly with no need to mess with any settings.

only game bugs. read pcgamingwiki

Fps drops when entering a new segment of the city, minor thing
I used the -dx9 launch option to unlock 60 fps. It's always 30 fps in cutscenes, though. The game works great with stable 60 fps all the time with maximum graphics settings, except for fps drops when entering a new city segment.

Everything worked out-of-the-box

Walking around the city at times fps drops
4w 400 gpu clock, HDAO, Shader and Particles on Medium, shadow and textures on high, AA on FXAA low, 720p
Waking up Deck can give the following issues
Might lag in rare occasions with 4w (Church enterance & some cutscenes),can be fixed by going 5w
The game's fps is cap by default at 30 fps. Good news! There's a work around. Setting the game's launch options to -dx9 will run the game at 60 fps. (Make sure you didn't cap the fps in steam's performance pop-up) Other than that the game runs stable at 60 fps with maxed settings.

When playing for the first time, gamepad controls will not work until you enable them in the options. So even though it says "press start" on the title screen, you actually need to press enter instead (Steam + right d-pad shortcut).

Works almost perfectly out of the box. Good enough for me as I did not want to tinker around for this game
enabling fullscreen is fine, alt-tab to desktop as well, but afterwards not possible to get back into the game
Some drops in FPS
Watchout if you are using fullscreen not to alt-tab out of the game. As I was currently not able to reopen the game, I lost a bit of progress.

The is capped at 30 fps

Game doesn't launch after the "preparing to launch" window
I've tried forcing different versions of Proton, disabled in-game overlay and cloud sync, forced dx9, tried both safe mode and normal mode, but after the "preparing to launch MURDERED: SOUL SUSPECT" window disappears, the "cancel" button turns back to "play" in steam.

El juego funciona muy bien con proton "6.3-8"
El juego por defecto corre a 30 fps pero se lo puede hacer andar a 60 fps poniendo en parámetros de lanzamiento "-dx9" sin comillas, o si se tiene instalado gamemode o si se quiere usar algún otro parámetro se lo combina de la siguiente manera "gamemoderun %command% -dx9" sin las comillas, el juego inicia por defecto en minimizado por lo que se presiona la combinación de "alt+tab" para seleccionarlo y poder jugar.
Finished game without issues
100+ FPS at max settings in 1440p (Except scripted scenes, which are locked to 30fps). Played with xbox one controller
Fully playable from start to finish
Unexpected occasional FPS drops
By default game runs at 30 FPS. If you add -dX9
launch parameter it will work at 60 FPS.
I pressed the install button and the installation went, no additional gestures. After installation, just launch the game and enjoy.

Failed to return to full-screen mode (using Alt-Tab).
The drop in fps and jerking the camera.
I finally played in windowed mode but it was fine.
Runs perfectly under Proton 5.0.5
No major issues as it is not a fast paced game; some occasional framedrops though
some heavy framedrops when moving the camera too fast (2 FPS instead of 60+ FPS)
Saw some green squares and some pop-in, but nothing that would make the game unplayable.
Works great 60FPS with ultra settings.
It fixes with launch command "-dx9"
It just works

Game starts in a background window and must be manually raised quickly before it goes fullscreen. Cannot get back into game after leaving with Alt-Tab.
Freezes hard when entering the cemetery. Set launch options to "-dx9" (without quotes) to disable DirectX 11 and play past that part.
The game runs perfectly. On W10 FPS drop while running through the city from 50 to 12-15. This is not happening on Manjaro, Proton 4.11-7

Works perfectly apart from the same problems it has on Windows (slightly jaggy mouse input and Vsync capped at 30 FPS).

Perfect! I ran this game on my old windows system, and now on Linux... Had the same performance using Proton 4.2-9

Completed the game without any issues aside from not being able to alt-tab back to the game. The game would instantly minimize after alt-tabbing back to it.

just past the cemetery with DXVK. no problem with 4-2.3

The game launches and plays flawlessly. Just hit install and played. This is exactly the experience I would love to see other Steam Play titles have. Great performance, no issues. Tried with a controller too, zero issues.

Runs out of the box with controller support no issues with sound or cut scene

Playable from start to finish, except the cemetery crashing when using DX11. That part can be played forcing -dx9 in launch options.

Perfect. No issues.