Game works fine windowed, required config INI modification for fullscreen
Editted the following ini config file of the game to enable fullscreen:
/steamapps/compatdata/283840/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application Data/SITER SKAIN/ALLTYNEX Second/AlltynexSecond.ini
Changed the following:
The "WAIT_TYPE" changes to 1 when using the config.exe through the "Controller Layout Tool" of the game in Steam, which made it boot on a white screen. Setting it back to 0 launches the game in fullscreen without issues.
Outside of the AlltynexSecond.ini modifications for fullscreen, the game works without further issues. Controls are good, game runs fine, and I'm still as bad at it as I was back in the days.
Game ran great out of the box on Steam Deck. Didn't have any issues running from initial startup. Game did not require any tweaking to run on Steam Deck. Steam Cloud and achievement tracking appear to be working for me without issue on Steam Deck.
Even though the game supposedly has Steam Cloud support, local high score tables and achievement progress are lost when the game is uninstalled.
Frame time isn't completely stable at all times, which appears as occasional judder
Everything worked out of the box
The configuration tool is also now displayed in correct language and characters
Proton-5.11-GE-3-MF GloriousEggroll
Configuration tool shows only boxes instead of text (is it trying to show the Japanese font?), search for "alltynex second config translation" in Google Images to see what the options say.
Proton-4.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton-4.21-GE-2 (proton-ge-custom github from GloriousEggroll )
1st level finished.
The game is now working with the latest version of Proton (4.11-11), installing dxsdk_jun2010 using Protontricks and disabling Steam Input to allow the controller to work.
Note that DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) would also work but it is no longer available as a trick. It can be downloaded from
Disable Steam Input
Doesn't work game opens black window and then shuts down, config launcher works.
Game won't launch, configuration tool launches but has just boxes for all characters.
Game launches with a black screen and then exits. Launcher works but displays just empty boxes as characters (this I believe is because of the font Proton uses does not actually include any Japanese characters). No Proton launch options made any difference.
Doesn't launch. Works in WINE.
Config screen opens and game window only pops up and closes