Vortex Acherontic
Because in terms of performance the Linux version is garbage. But runs very nice with Proton and DXVK
RTX features on Linux with nVidia requires launch options but runs out of the box (without RTX) as well.
But all RTX features look terrible so I turned them off anyway.
Video footage: https://youtu.be/zZapMpOhWMI
Sometimes there are issues in connecting to servers or refreshing the server list. How ever I did not tested playing on Battle Eye Servers (Only on my own with out Battle Eye)
Runs out of the box
The handy games logo video does not play with default proton (6.3-5 at the time of writing) but works fine with 6.15-GE-2. Since I do not know if there are some more videos except for the HandyGames Logo I recommend playing with GE Proton just in case. BUT the games run with no further issues with 6.3-5 just fine.
When playing using remote play together the remote controller of your coop partner is not recognized properly but vibrations do work if hit by enemies. Effects both Windows and Linux as host
Maybe GE Proton is required for working video. Did not tried without and videos are played.
Runs out of the box but has missing videos
Missing cut scenes. Tried Proton 5.13-2, 5.0-10, 5.21-GE-1 as well as the mf-install and mf-installcab scripts to no avail. (With the script the game was unable to lauch at all)
Runs out of the box with Proton 5.0-10
Does not work with Proton 5.13-2, 5.21-GE-1
Runs out of the box
Some menu items are not accessible using the default controller layout. "Dress" in main menu and "Reset" and "Retry" in mini games. Either use the touchscreen or switch to Mouse and Keyboard layout. Click the buttons and switch back to the default controller layout.
PhysX. Set it to low otherwise the game won't even hit the 30fps (in game fps lock) in heavier screens and especially with black goo on the ground.
Note: The game has an build-in 30fps lock you can not disable from within the game it self.
Change to Proton 5.0!!!
Steam uses Proton 3.16 and WineD3D by default for this game. Which will introduce visual degeneration. Forcing Proton 5.0 and therefore DXVK will solve this as well as improve performance.
runs out of the box
online seems dead or does not work
Run mf-install and mf-installcab to make cut since work. Do NOT use Prototon-5.6-GE-2 (yet) since the audio in videos will be distorted.
Runs with Proton 6.3 and Experimental but is missing cut scenes. I recommend using Proton 6.16-GE-1 which works flawlessly as well plus working cut scenes.
Use Proton 6.16-GE-1 to make videos work. Other than that it also runs fine with 6.3 and Proton Experimental (6.3-20210917)
Withput GE-Proton some (not all) videos are missing.
Bad performance
Drops below 20 fps in the first few minutes of gameplay and the first encounters.
Run it with Proton 3.16 because more recent version will introduce glitches or even fail to launch the game at all. (Tested 5.0-7 and 5.6-GE-2)
Runs out of the box but has some minor annoyances
Text is a bit small and hard to read on a 7" display.
If the Steam Overlay (or Steam Deck Quick Access menu) is opened the game still reacts on controller inputs.
If VSync is enabled in-game it can't keep up with 60fps.
Without VSync it does not follow gamescope 30 or 15fps limit and will always run at 60 no matter what.
But at least it has no performance issues if VSync is disabled in-game
Either Online Coop is not working or nobody plays this game online.
My Personal Deck compatibility rating: Playable
Detailed QA Report: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/steamplay-qa-testing/-/issues/11
Runs out of the box
In order for gamepads to work you need to force SteamInput
Runs out of the box with minor annoyances
If gamescope is limited to 15 or 30 fps the game will also run slower. Not just only in FPS everything is slower, the entire game throttles.
My personal SteamDeck rating: Playable.
Detailed QA Report: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/steamplay-qa-testing/-/issues/12
Does not get past Launcher without GE Proton
The game is dead
As it is a flash game and flash no longer is supported by any modern browser the game is basically dead. It redirects you to your local Browser to www.battlespace.eu/?steam but will load infinitely and finally hits a timeout.
Native version is broken but runs fine with Proton after circumventing the the 2k Launcher
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Binaries\/Win32\/BioShockInfinite.exe'/" )
Sometimes crashes in loading screens, pretty rare but it happens
When running the Windows build with Proton the 2K Launcher only launches one time after a fresh prefix is created. Any time afterwards you have to clear the BioShock Infinite prefix and then launch the game, re-do your settings etc.
Or you modify the %command% as shown above to directly launch BioShockInfinte.exe instead of this broken mess what is called the "quality of life update" introducing the 2K Launcher.
Rename Borderlands2.exe to Launcher.exe and you're good to go. Also with D9VK you can increase your FPS by 3 to 4times. https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk/releases
Install https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install and afterwards https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-installcab to make cut scenes working
If you experience Coop issues try to recreate the Proton-Prefix, for default install locations:
WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx WINEARCH=win64 wine wineboot
If you still having issues try to full delete and recreate the Prefix and install the media foundation fixes mentioned above. ATTENTION: This will delete all your local save games.
After fixing media foundation issues everything just works (tm)
Videos do not play by default, follow this guide to fix this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQx9oWmjlgI
Gets stuck on a white screen after initial logo videos
I tried the following version of Proton:
- Proton 6.21-GE-2 (Working videos, gets stuck on white screen)
- Proton Experimentsl (Throws DX12 errors in DX12 mode and does not start, In DX11 mode gets stuck on white screens plus missing videos)
- Proton 6.3-8 (Missing cut scenes, gets stuck at white screen)
Works but in order to interact with the mouse you'll need to tab in and out of the game. Afterwards the look controls are way to sensitive and in order to fix this you'll need again to tab in and out of the game. But don't minimize the game while this otherwise you'll not be able to get it visible again just Alt+Tab until you're back on the CASE: Animatronic Window(Proton/Wine issue with Full screen applications)
Follow method two from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQx9oWmjlgI
After fixing Windows media foundation issues it just works (tm)
Videos do not play by default, follow this guide to fix this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQx9oWmjlgI
To fix I had to force Steam Input to on. Game Settings -> Controller -> Steam-Input enabled.
Cut scenes did not play with default Proton (6.3-7)
For working cutscene use Proton 6.20-GE-1 (the lowest version I tested)
Runs out of the box
Game crashes if tabbing out
With nVidia on Wayland there is heavy tearing and stutter due to the lack of Glamour support for XWayland. As the game is limited to 30fps and not running at the display refresh rate this becomes an issue. Otherwise it would play fine. Or you switch to X11 for this game.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n" %command%
Installed: https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw
Does not run very stable and not very well without tweaks.
Seems not to work with Proton
Native works fine but neither are Proton 8, Proton Experiment and not Proton GE 9-4 are working with this game. Also tested the 64bit Beta Branch to no avail.
Native version works just as fine however with slightly worse performance (~25%).
See: https://youtu.be/SEjEx6wa7hU
No working logo videos (UE4 and Nvidia) and no BattlEye support which means you can not play on official and unofficial servers which have BattlEye enabled. Coop and playing on non BattlEye servers works like a charm. Otherwise this game would be a Platinum rating because no tweaks are necessary, the performance is excellent and the game run even more stable and faster than on Windows
Sometimes textures or shaders went grey before being recompiled. In some scenes shadows where flickering a bit. Also but very rare some animations where missing or rest before being finished
In some areas there where serious fps drops or in busy scenes. Probably a threading / syncing issue
To make he game run in the first place please follow these steps: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1451035703
Runs really bad
Game has significant lags as soon as you jump, shoot, sprint or get hit. Unplayable
In an earlier attempt playing this game I had very bad lags. Dunno if this was resolved by any update or by enabling NVAPI
- Inside the game installation folder copy and replace all content from bin64 to bin32
- Rename Crysis64.exe to Crysis.exe
- Play
Runs out of the box but sometimes with low FPS
If you set motion blur on "Enthusiast" you will get some black squares on some trees while turning the view.
Can be solved by lowering motion blur to "Gamer" preset
Can't keep steady 60fps. In some areas even drops below 30 especially if a lot of those mini exosuits are on screen (The little blue things with tentacles)
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
If motion blur is set to "Enthusiast" there are black squares on some trees while moving the view.
Lower to "Gamer" to get rid of those.
Highly recommend turning ESYNC off otherwise the game will suffer from performance issues.
You'll need to copy (and overwrite) the content of bin64 to bin32 and rename Crysis64.exe to Crysis.exe otherwise the game fill quit because it complains about missing license servers. Performance is okay and playable but could be better.
You need to copy (and replace) the content of bin64 to bin32 and rename Crysis64.exe to Cyrsis.exe in order to workaround missing licensing servers. Performance is playable but could be better as well as GPU utilization, it's okay but could be better.
Proton 7.1-GE-2
Real-time ray tracing is not working properly. RT reflections crash the game, RT shadows are missing and RT lighting keeps the scenery black.
With out RT and everything maxed out runs on 40 - 80 fps @ 1920x1080 resolution depending on how crowded the scene is.
Ray tracing does not work properly
Runs but is buggy
Flickering characters while static object seem to render fine.
Missing videos. Using 6.18-GE-2 will make them work but will introduce controller issues like ghost input even if no controller is attached (probably due to the new HID support which is enabled by default in 6.18-GE-2)
Solvable by adding "taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command%" as launch options for CPUs with more then 4 cores/threads. It's a common Unity3D issue running via Wine.
Proton 6.3 and Proton Experimental just render a black screen with HUD in-game.
When using PipeWire you will not experience Audio crackle. With PulseAudio add: PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% as launch option to solve audio crackle
Replace Doom 64's SDL2.dll with the one shipped by Quke Ex (Quake on Steam AppID: 2310)
Repalce DOOM 64's SDL2.dll with the one shipped by Quake Ex (AppID: 2310).
Otherwise the game will suffer from serious lags on any mouse or gamepad input.
The SDL2.dll of Quake is located at: [...]/steamapps/common/Quake/rerelease/SDL2.dll
Runs out of the box
Crashed only 3 times in over 6h gameplay and only after hiting F9 for quickload many times
No more manually replacing SDL2, works fine, no input lags, very rare crashes.
Native version is borked so but Proton works out of the box
The native version is utterly broken and not even the Steam Linux Runtime makes it work properly. I recommend using Proton here. Runs fine with the Default one without any additional tweaks
Does not run ...
Probably bc of nVidia being .... nVidia. Since on Steam Deck it works out of the box.
EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) prevents the game from opening the main menu and stops with an EAC error message.
Does not run (anymore?)
Tested the following versions of Proton: 5.0-10, 5.13-6, 6.3-7 and 6.18-GE-2 none of them worked.
5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Use any Glorious Eggroll Proton build WITH media foundation fixes in order to play.
7.0rc3-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 7.0rc3-GE-1
In D3D Mode the whole game is very dark despite the brightness you've set in the main menu
With Proton 6.3-8 you will have a very bright game despite the color depth set (16-Bit / 32-Bit) in both D3D and OpenGL mode.
I recommend using at least Proton 7.0rc3-GE-1 to solve this issue.
However in D3D mode the game will be very dark despite the brightness you've set in the main menu.
I highly recommend changing the render device to OpenGL in the first run dialog or form within the game to get rid of any visual degeneration.
Runs out of the box
Changing any video settings sometimes crashed the game
Runs out of the box
Before enabling full screen I had a 1080p borderless windows in the middle of my two displays. This solved itself after enabling fullscreen in the game settings.
Runs out of the box
Force Steam Input to off solved controllers not being recognized by the game
winetricks dotnet45 (to get past a black screen)
Proton 6.21-GE-1 (To make cut scenes work)
Runs out of the box
In handheld mode I always run the deck at 40Hz/40fps to gain some more playtime. But nothing dedicated to this particular game
Slightly hard to read but manageable
Add PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% as launch option to solve crickle
runs out of the box
could be deck verified
smooth 60 fps on default settings
Dose not run with Proton but runs flawlessly with Wine, a Lutris installer is available which will make you're life easier to setup the really complex wine prefix. Also tried to setup the prefix the same for Proton but with out any success.
(Reported experimental version: Proton Experimental)
Followed the instructions described here: https://github.com/redmcg/wine-mono/wiki
Does not start
Looking at the logs it stops with:
Assertion failed: !status, file ../src-wine/dlls/winevulkan/loader.c, line 664
Also with Proton Experimantal, Hotfix and GE-Proton 8-25
Runs flawlessly on not EAC protected Servers and in Single player/Coop
After multiple hours of playing the game suddenly starts to lag like hell (6fps or less). Restarting the game or just sign off and rejoin the server/game solves this. Probably an Empytion issue.
Is playable fine on not EAC protected servers
Runs great
Tabbing out of Windows-Fullscreen mode made the game minimize, which isn't the idea of Window-Fullscreen
You can not play on servers with EAC enabled
To all the other reports below: Stop using WINED3D and then complaining about bad performance!
It is NOT required to use WineD3D if you have a GPU which supports Vulkan 1.2 or newer. (Looking at you jujut8, Dagobert, UGH Dany).
Anyhow EAC is still not enabled for Linux + Proton and I don't know why Valve thinks this game is also Steam Deck verified if you can not even play online on official servers ...
Game freezes upon starting a new game
Tried Proton 9.0 and Experimental. In both cases the game just freezes after hitting the start button on (at least) a single player game. The game used to run fine in the past though ...
Runs out of the box
Latest game update fixed the game getting stuck in an infinite loding screen.
Proton works fine but I recommend vanilla Wine (not the bundled Wine)
Color palette has a very limited with depth even if set to 32bit in the main menu. This does not happen if the game is run with Wine 6.10 + WineD3D See: https://imgur.com/gallery/GjJNia6
Requires Proton 5.8-GE-2-MF
Will crash after the intro video
Some boxes around characters with Depth of Field (I assume)
runs fine with proton
lauch window requires touch screen interaction to start game
controler input is not enabled by default.
requires touchscreen interaction to change.
afterwrds there where still buttons in some menus not accesible with controller. touchscreen interaction is required then
online is either dead or not working
only playable on deck, after some tweaking
Runs out of the box
Loading times seem to be very long. Dunno for Windows tho maybe it is a general issue with the game.
Runs out of the box
Cut scenes do not play, you'll need to use Proton 6.20-GE-1 for them to work. Earlier GE versions might work as well, didn't test 'em.
With default Proton (Only teste 6.3-7) there are no cut scenes.
Text on buttons where not replace properly. But toggle the language to French and back to English fixed this
Works out of the box
Switching to borderless window will leave you with a black screen. However windows mode and fullscreen was totally fine
Changing video mode or VSync will crash or hung the game
Singleplayer dose not work, you can only play in multiplayer mode
Runs out of the box
Controller seem not to work. Neither with disabled nor with activated Steam Input
Runs out of the box
The Vulkan Backend currently does not launch. Dunno if it does neither on Windows but I think so as it is marked experimental. Just leave the note here. DX11 mode runs with no issues
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,d3d9,d3dimm,ddraw=n" %command%
Cutscenes are not shown without the use of dgVoodoo2
Without dgVoodoo2 to port the game from Direct3D 8 to Direct3D 11 and thus make use of DXVK there are no cutscenes.
Install dgVoodoo2 as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqvRO2AMyU
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,d3d9,d3dimm,ddraw=n" %command%
Tabbing out and back into the game could cause the gamma to get broken.
Cut-scenes where playing but not shown.
To solve the gamma and cut-scene issues apply dgVoodoo2 to the game as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqvRO2AMyU
Some DirectX 12 issue which causes the game to crash.
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 266] D3DCommandQueue->GetClockCalibration(&GPUTimestamp, &CPUTimestamp) failed at D:/Projects/MaineRel/Game/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12DirectCommandListManager.cpp:397 with error 80004001
Do not enable the Depth of Field effect since the Shader is broken (even on Windows)
This is just to confirm that it still runs with Proton 3.16-8 Beta (Some shader computation stutter but after a few seconds everything is good)
Runs out of the box
- If an external controller is attached the game gets confused and no controller works at all.
- Also you have to use Keyboard+ Mouse layout or touch screen to select the default input method.
- If you wish to play with an external gamepad, launch the game without it connected. The in the main menu connected your external controller. Quit the game, keep the external controller connected, start the game and all will be fine onwards.
External controllers are kinda weird to setup but works all fine with just the Decks internal controller with no issues
Runs out of the box
- If an external controller is connected everything seems fine in the main menu but all inputs will stop working as soonas you get in game
- Disconnecting external controllers and then start the game everything will be fine
- If you wish to use external controllers launch the game and start a mission, connect the external controller and quit the game. Everything will then just work
- With only the Decks internal controller everything will be fine right from the start
Same as with Spartan Assault, external controllers are weird
Since ODST it's broken
Tried protontricks 976730 win7 Proton-5.0-9 Proton-5.9-GE-ST-5 Proton-5.9-GE-ST-6 Clean Prefix
For the rolling release gang: Mesa has broken Vulkan on Steam in Vulkan Instance Version: 1.2.153 you need to install a patched version (development version of time of writing) or downgrade to an older instance version.
For openSUSE Tumbleweed:
sudo zypper in https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/Wayland/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64/libvulkan1-1.2.153-68.1.x86_64.rpm https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/Wayland/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64/libvulkan1-32bit-1.2.153-68.1.x86_64.rpm
With Proton 8.0-3 there are frequent disconnects from an online Lobby. Switching to Experimental solved this. Tested: Halo 2 and Halo 3
Serve performance issues when particles are near to the camera
Serve performance hits when particles are near to the player, blood particles, smoke, fireballs eg.
Using Proton 6.3-8 or Experimental (23th Dec. 2021) the game will suffer serve performance issues as soon as the player gets damaged. This is the reason why I used GloriousEggroll Proton instead.
Runs ootb
Game shows keyboard bindings all the time. Not sure how it got the verified mark which lists "Shows steam deck glyphs" if the game doesn't.
With the lack of auto aim it is very hard to play on deck. But the game play fine and runs on solid 60fps on the high preset.
Switched to the native version as Valve set Proton as a default for this game
Switched to the native version to save DXVK and Proton overhead in favor for better battery life and slightly better performance.
Text in the main menu is a bit small and hard to read on 1280x800 resolution
Even on lowest in-game settings the game can not keep a steady 60fps on Deck.
Swithcing to the native version instead of Proton however gives you a few fps but still in a margin of error after all.
Detailed QA Report: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/steamplay-qa-testing/-/issues/13
Since the game uses Steams CEG DRM you'll need to run it with Proton Experimental (at least on 15th Nov 2021)
Maybe because of DRM repalcing the HMA.exe with an "no cd crack" version did not helped
Runs out of the box
Gearbox logo has looping sounds, all other cutscenes are just fine
Should be rated playable not verified
- The games sometime mixes controller glyphs with keyboard glyphs. Or switches back to a keyboard and mouse layout for some menu while others still are for gamepad. Most notable is the skill tree here. Sometimes if you want to assign skills to the quick select menu. You need to restart the game if this happens or go back to the main menu and re-load your save game to recover from this state. Seems to be a game bug to me.
- Another example is the weapon switch button. Later in the game your character can wield two of it's primary weapons (maybe only the Elf can dunno(?)) and you can press the right thumb stick to switch between a bow and another bow for example. The button binding for this is never shown in the game instead the game will show "Shift" instead of the right thumb stick for this action.
6.5-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.5-GE-2 to make cut scenes work
Runs out of the box
Disable Steam Input for proper controller recognition. Otherwise it is seems a bit random.
Missing cut scenes with default Proton
To make cut scenes work you need to use Proton 6.15-GE-2 (the only one I tested previous version might also work). Otherwise it runs out of the box with default Proton.
With D9VK there are some shadow issues depending on your view angle but it is playable after all.
Runs but as serious visual glitches
Some surfaces have a very rapid flicker. You won't have fun with this game as of now.
Seizure warning: https://youtu.be/FP8_sSvaxi4
This games is whitelisted for Proton 3.16. In order to use the latest DXVK improvements manually select the most recent Proton version
Looping Music fixed by adding PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% as launch option
- Install Protontricks (https://github.com/Sirmentio/protontricks)
- run: "protontricks 214510 d3dx9_41" in commandline
Use Lutris to play the game via Wine Steam or cracked DRM free EXE
CEG free exe: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light v1.03 [MULTI6] Fixed Files from https://www.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_lara_croft_and_the_guardian_of_light.shtml
Tabbing out of fullscreen causes the game to freeze (Common bug in Proton/Wine games and fullscreen)
Runs out of the box
Detailed QA report: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/steamplay-qa-testing/-/issues/14
You can not complete the game
The game fails to playback cut scenes which will stop you from playing further after the "Ritual"
Missing video playbacks
Use Prefix from: https://www.protondb.com/app/42910#Wb4Ykmz7Y
Runs out of the box
Lag spikes when picking up diploma. Other than that it play perfectly fine in DX11 and DX12 mode.
7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game can't keep steady 60fps sometimes even drops below 30
Runs out of the box
For raytracing, DLSS and such to work add:PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NGX_UPDATER=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr,dxr11 VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_2 %command%
as launch option
- You need to switch to any version of Proton.
- With GE-Proton FMV where a bit laggy sometimes but vanilla Proton works just fine.
- I advice not to use Boxtron as this will result in ghost input from your controller.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,d3dimm=n,ddraw=n" %command%
Used dgVoodoo2
FMV colors are distroted but play fine in external media players (eg. VLC or Totem)
Only a few buttons on my Xbox 360 controller worked right. Some did not worked at all (RT and LT) and some (dpad) was mapped incorrect
FMV are basically borked even with GE-Proton.
- dgVoodoo2 did not helped with distorted colours
Using the Controller doesn't work as expected
- dgVoodoo2 did not helped fixing controller mappings
Playing with keyboard however worked just fine.
So if you're here just for the race then yes, you will have a pleasant experience, if you are here for the full experience it's not quite there yet.
Broken with nVidia 525 driver series
This game does not run with at least nVidia driver 525.53 and 525.60.11 see for more details: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/multiple-cuda-rtx-vulkan-application-crashing-with-xid-13-109-errors/235459
6.20-GE-1 for (experimental) DXR 1.1 support. Otherwise the game would run but complain about missing features.
Upon each star up of the game the cursor is locked to a 1/4 of the actual game window. Atl+Tab out and in solves this issue if it occurs.
Do not enable Hairworks, otherwise the game will crash soon after the intro video.
Runs out of the box
Videos do not play. This includes the intro videos as well as videos shown on ad boards in the game. As there are only 4 video files in the game directory and none of them covering any game relevant information this is no big deal.
Getting the videos to work with GE Proton (tested 6.16-GE-1) did worked but also left the game unstable and randomly locked up the graphics while sounds still played fine.
The game currently crashes at a cut scene while entering the graveyard. But is playable with no issues until this point.
First time setup required the touch screen.
A bit inconvenient if attached to a regular TV. Had to unplug the HDMI to use the touch input and reattach in order to proceed
With default Proton 7-1 there where serve performance issues.
Switching to GE Proton solved this
5.8-GE-1-MF GloriousEggroll
Proton 5.8-GE-1-MF
Complains about Steam, Oblivion and Steam not located on same drive.
Also tried to install all of them in my /home/[...] Steam Library to no avail.
At this point I am not adventurous enough to look into solving this issue.
Note: To make online play work since the Frontier Update: Set the Windows version Proton mimics to Windows 7 due to unimplemented winhttp stuff it uses when set to Windows 10. (WINEPREFIX="/path/to/NMS/Proton/Prefix/pfx/" winetricks win7). Single player works with out any tweaks and also with default Proton.
Runs but with occasional crashes
Crashes instantly in Window Mode
Due to Failed to get Thread Context crashes at loading Maps or checkpoints (Does not always happen)
The Linux native Version does not detect Gamepads correctly and you need either provide your own Button Mapping or to play it with Proton.
The Linux Native Version does not start if not installed in your Home Directory at ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/
The Linux Native version has worse performance than with Proton but is more stable.
Works out of the box
Even with forcing Steam Input the game did not recognized the gamepad but using keyboard and mouse worked fine
Additional Note: Videos do also work (Intro videos and cutscenes)
You'll need to manually install dinput to do any action in game. Also the FPS are somehow low at maximum settings ( ~ 40)
Proton 6.13-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command% (known Wine + Unity 3D bug in case of poor performance limit the amount of cores/threads available to the game to fix performance issues)
taskset -c 0,2,4,6 (to fix this on a 8 Core / 16 Thread CPU)
Played through the whole game on maximum settings. How ever some minor stutter can appear while loading a new part of the map.
Runs very well
First launch had a setup window not supporting gamepad
Didn't launched with Proton (default) for me. Had to use the native Version. That one ran like a charm.
Only upon closing the game there is always a crash dialog. But since it's upon closing the game it isn't an issue
FPS are all over the board 30 - 60 Trying lowering the visuals does help with perforamnce but the game starts to get's blurry, pixelized and jsut looks awful. But that might be because it's still a beta as of writing this review.
FMV do not work
- With default Proton the game get's stuck at the first campaign video (not the logos)
- FMV do render green with sound using Experimental or GE Proton
- Game does not utilize the PC hardware to it's full extend
Proton 7.0rc6-GE-1
Issues I encountered with the native version (aka. why I recommend using Proton):
- Weird mouse acceleration (super fast in vertical and slow in horizontal)
- No proper multi monitor support
- Opens up one large fullscreen window across all displays
- Force the primary desktop resolution causes the game to disable all non primary displays
- Does not give a f*ck about what you've set as default display in your DE/WM always opens on the display which was enumerated first
- No borderless fullscreen support to avoid above issues
- Low performance in fullscreen mode (In window mode 250fps+ in fullscreen locked to 50 so does not give a damn about your monitor refresh rate)
- Sound crackling (no it's not the all time famous PULSE_AUDIO_MSEC=60 as I run Pipewire and it does not suffer from this issue)
- Tearing everywhere!!!
Did not played the native version for long as the above was already annoying enough.
With Default Proton (6.3-8) the game crashed right at the start
Runs but with very unsteady FPS
Serve FPS jumps and random laggs and stuttering which isn't releated to shader compiling.
ucrtbase.dll fix is required but than runs perfect
$jd String replacement bug. Copy ucrtbase.dll from Windows or any Wine 4.19+ installation into the game folder. Wine: /usr/lib64/wine/ucrtbase.dll.so (remove .so) or in Windows: C:\Windows\System32
Runs out of the box
Online works perfectly fine
- No issues with controllers
- Game gets stuck upon exiting, you'll need to force quit it via Steam
Runs fine with some minor tweaks if you experience low performance on a 4+ core CPU system
If you experience poor performance try to cap the amount of CPU cores/Threads to be used by the game to 4 using "taskset -c 0-4 %command%" or "taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command%" for example.
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 mangohud taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command%
Controller works but not in main menu. Maybe the game never implemented menu interaction with gamepads
Runs still a bit slow with above performance settings but at least over 60 on preset high
Low FPS with no tinkering.
Detailed QA Report: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/steamplay-qa-testing/-/issues/15
Using this fix: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/728#issuecomment-459839962 and getting the mfplat.dll from here: https://www.azdll.net/files/mfplat-dll.html it will run but randomly crash at the intro video as well as sometimes heavy laggs, asynchronous sound/video and slow controls after watching a video tape. Changing the render mode can fix this, sometimes you'll have to set the video settings back to standard. But most of the time it will run very well with very good performance.
Runs out of the box but no cut scenes
Cut scenes work with Glorious Eggroll Proton 6.14 and 6.15-2 but will crash the game as soon as you reach the main menu with a fatal error.
Only playable with the default Proton but no cut scenes. Tested Proton 6.3-5 and Proton Experimental (latest version as of 18th August 2021)
Runs out of the box
However there where minor stutter while the FPS where stable. Dunno if it is the game or Proton.
protontricks 910830 -q --force mfc42
Had to force Steam Input to: "On" for Controller to work
Crashed one time with distorted geometry.
RTX on nvidia requires launch options, see above
It's a DX12 title and VKD3D seems to miss some features.
Tested Proton versions: Experimental, 6.4-GE-2
440:err:vkd3d_meta_get_copy_image_attachment_format: Unhandled format 130.
440:err:d3d12_command_list_copy_image: No attachment format found for source format 130.
Runs out of the box
Gamepad was not detected. But forcing Steam Input to OFF solved this issue.
On nVidia I recommend to switch to any version of Proton featuring VKD3D 2.10 due to a long unsolved nVidia driver bug which this version of VKD3D circumvents.
Not playable
Only building mode and test drive is working. Joining a game results in an infinite loading screen. As read on other sources and as confirmed by the devs, they do not support EAC via Proton yet. "But maybe considering it after getting controller support sorted out". I read this as: No Linux support at all for quiet a long time.
"PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" Disabling esync is necessary other wise the game will crash.
Install Windows Media Foundation from https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install to make the game run and play cut scenes. Beside this, the game runs very fine
You need to patch Microsofts Games for Windows Live out ot this game.
- Go to desktop mode
- Download: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/576-xliveless/
- Unpack the file
- Copy the xlive.dll and xlive.ini to the main game directory (next to Republic Heroes.exe)
- Switch back to gaming mode
- Enjoy
The game will show a message that the user needs to be logged in to Games for Windows Live for achievements.
You can confirm this screen by using the touch screen, press "Steam + dpad right" or "Guide + dpad right" on external controllers.
The games does default to English text and voice output. If the game supports your native language you have to switch this manually in the in-game settings.
Uhm, there is no "Online Multiplayer" maybe because Games for Windows Live was manually removed from the game(?)
The game does not properly quit upon exiting it. You need to force quit it from within the Steam interface. (Press B)
Game does not launch due to dot net errors with Proton 9
With out modifications the game will be rendered off screen. Please follow this video to fix it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SKMzwKE34E
For nVidia users, add: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="nvapi64=" %command% as launch options otherwise BF will complain about an outdated driver which apparently is not true.
Runs out of the box
Random fps drops for a few seconds but nothing major
Audio in pre-rendered cutscenes is missing. In game sounds are all good.
You have 2 mouse cursors one from the game and your hardware cursor. However the position of those is not in sync. I recommend playing with game pad anyway works very well!
Does not work with Proton Experimental Does not work with Proton 6.5-GE-2
Runs out of the box with Proton 5.0 and onward.
For KDE users: Disable compositing otherwise kwin_x11 will hung itself up as soon as you reach the main menu or access the main menu in game. If you however got stuck here you can use any TTY (Ctrl+ALT+F1) to run htop to force kill any running Proton process (Prefixed by Z: or C:).
Does not work with Proton Experimental. Does not work with Proton 6.5-GE-2 5.13 and 6.3 where not tested.
You can also install the widescreen patch as described here: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Republic_Commando#Republic_Commando_Fix You just need to run the CT.exe once using Wine or Proton apply your visual settings and re-run the game as you would normally do.
Also Proton 6.3-5 has some visual issues with to bright textures. I recommend staying with 5.13 for the best experience
Runs out of the box if you don't care about cut scenes.
No cut scenes (Proton 6.3-6). With Proton 6.15-GE-2 they do at least play (again) but all audio tracks from all supported languages are played at once which makes the overall audio quality horrible, loud, overload and very hard to understand.
Runs out of the box but cut scenes default to English only.
Cut scenes do only play in English. I suspect this has to do with the videos having multiple audio streams (one for each language the game was released) and Proton only playing the first stream, therefore English.
Cut scenes where long time not working at all or with earlier versions of GE Proton all audio streams where played at once.
With the latest GE Proton 7-10 there is no audio at all in the cut scenes.
Vanilla Proton (7.0-1) will default to the first audio stream.
Older vanilla Proton build will not play any videos.
Runs out of the box
Played this game already in the early 2014/2015 with vanilla Wine just fine. Therefore played the game using Proton/Wine 10+ hours
7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 7.0rc2-GE-1
With Default Proton (6.3-8) there are missing cut scenes and some freezes. I highly recommend using GE Proton.
Either missing cut scenes or freezes.
With Proton Experimental and Proton GE 6.1 advancing after tutorial popups might freeze the game. With Proton 5.13 this does not happen but you'll miss all cut scenes including tutorial videos.
Proton Experimental: Random freezes after advancing tutorial popups Proton 6.1 GE: Working cut scenes but still random freezes after tutorial popups Proton 5.13: No freezes but also no cut scenes/tutorial videos
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Used Proton 6.15-GE-2 for working cut scenes and tutorial popups. Older GE Protons work too but have a high chance of freezing after displaying videos.
Uses Steam CEG DRM which is not supported in Proton
Play via PlayOnLinux or Lutris using Wine Steam
Formerly this game did not worked using Proton due to the game using Steams old DRM CEG. Which is now supported in Proton Experimental.
Runs out of the box
This includes X11 and Wayland on nVidia using the proprietary driver.
Runs out of the box
With a lot of mods and on huge maps however it might be the host should increase the time between autosaves otherwise it might make clients timeout if the hosts saves during the connection attempt.
NOTICE: Do not store the Steam Runtime - Soldier on a BtrFS sub volume. It dose not always work right there. ext4 or XFS works just fine. (This is in advanced by my previous report where everything was broken)
%command% -VULKAN
Running the game in DX12 mode on nvidia GPUs will cause the game to crash due to an long unsolved driver bug nvidia seems unable to fix and if they do they break it shorly after.
Bug report: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/multiple-cuda-rtx-vulkan-application-crashing-with-xid-13-109-errors/
Running in DX12 mode on an Nvidia GPU will cause shader compilation errors:
LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
LogWindows: Error:
LogWindows: Error: Fatal error: [File:C:\BuildAgent2\work\78a794e88763017d\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 348]
LogWindows: Error: Shader compilation failures are Fatal.
LogWindows: Error:
LogWindows: Error:
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000038cec5a FactoryGame-RHI-Win64-Shipping.dll!FPipelineCacheFileFormatPSO::CommonToString() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000038d5e58 FactoryGame-RHI-Win64-Shipping.dll!ExecuteSetGraphicsPipelineState() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000001800410b7 FactoryGame-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!operator<<() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000001800441e3 FactoryGame-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!?BusyWaitInternal@FScheduler@LowLevelTasks@@AEAAXAEBV?$TTaskDelegate@$$A6A_NXZ$0BA@@2@_N@Z() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000018004a24e FactoryGame-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!FOodleDataCompression::ECompressorToString() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000018003d5a5 FactoryGame-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!FBDDAutomationTestBase::xIt() []
LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000018005faa4 FactoryGame-Core-Win64-Shipping.dll!UE::FLazyEvent::Wait() []
LogWindows: Error:
LogWindows: Error: Crash in runnable thread Background Worker #12
LogWindows: Error: HandleError re-entered.
Either switch to DX11 or Vulkan instead:
%command% -DX11
%command% -VULKAN
Since crashes often
Since Update the game crashes very often on Linux, both using Proton but also Linux Native dedicated servers. was stable.
In advance to my previous report. DX12 Mode on nvidia is working again with much better perforamnce then forcing DX11 or Vulkan. But this might be due to an nvidia driver update (545.29.06 before I used 545.29.02).
Due to the regular crashes this game is very unsatisfying to play and if not played on a dedicated server chances are good you'll loose some significant progress because of this. The Satisfactory client seems to crash way more often then a dedicated server but crashes happen on both.
Runs but with huge lags
Huge FPS drops when shooting
Runs out of the box
Controllers however seem not to be detected properly
Runs out of the box
Disable Steam Input in order to make controllers work (Works at least for XBox One S Controller)
I also recommend to apply a 60fps patch since the games is caped at 30 fps even tho mangohud and steam report 60fps gameplay.
Follow the steps described here: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/SkyDrift#Essential_improvements
Hovering above 40 - 50 fps on any preset. Also changing ESYNC, FSYNC or try limiting cpu cores (older unity builds required this) did not helped with performance. Especially when runing OBS and streaming the footage even using NVENC.
Online runs just fine
I had the feeling that in fullscreen modes the performance suffers while in window fullscreen it did not.
Runt also with Prootn 8 but tutorial videos are missing and maybe others too.
Using GE-Proton solved this.
Does not start on Deck
Maybe the game does sync settings across devices as I firts played the game on PC and set everything to max quality
Runs out of the box
Limited the game to 30fps because the Deck can not run it much faster and that with FSR on by default.
Actually I have to answer this question with no as the game offers a dialogue allowing to change the font size at the very first boot. However the answer is yes if you keep the defaults.
A very rare crash, on Desktop Linux (nvidia system) as well as on Steam Deck (AMD system). But only once.
Even after applying the tweaks mentioned at https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/acrpnp/space_engineers_works_in_steam_proton_with_major/ the game just shows a black screen an nothing happens ever after again.
Runs with a lot of tweaks and still has minor issues (see below)
Unable to host a game for friends. It was loading for ever if the game mode was not set to offline. Joining servers however was fine.
Follow the guide here to make the game work: https://github.com/Linux74656/SpaceEngineersLinuxPatches
Is playable but with a lot of tweaks and the intro video as well as menu background videos are not working.
Considering all the tweaks and still it does not work under all circumstances or parts of the game (like hosting a session for friends) does not work I do not consider it a good experience.
Singleplayer works fine but crashes on joining a multiplayer game.
Without GE-Proton there is no music in the main menu and videos are missing.
With Experimental there are videos but still no music.
If you run a nvidia GPU you NEED to use VKD3D 2.9 at least, hence Proton Experimental or any GE build featureing 2.9, because it's the only version of this compatibility layer workarounds a confirmed nasty Vulkan Driver bug Nvidia did not yet solved since over a half year
Alt+Tabbing without virtual desktop will leave the game black upon restoring the game.
Proton-6.12-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Intro video does not play and presumably other cut scenes might be missing otherwise. Choose at least Proton 6.12-GE-1
Infinite connecting screen
Does not run with Default Proton (6.3-6) but works fine with 6.16-GE-1
Runs out of the box using Proton. But the native version is basically unplayable.
The native version does not run as the game uses Adobe AIR which was dropped in 2020 by Adobe. The archives only list installers for MacOS and Windows but not for Linux. This means you can not fulfill the required dependency for Linux. Also since the native Version does not ship with Adobe AIR you need to meat this requirement manually which is not possible any longer. In order to play this game at all you need to run it with Proton as the Windows version ships with an Adobe AIR installer and makes it out of the box playable using Proton. Except for gamepad support.
Runs out of the box
Due to the LCD effect on the HUD it is difficult to read the text in the inventory
All settings on medium to gain (more or less) solid 60fps
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
Crashes after intro video if FSync is enabled.
Otherwise everything if 100% working, videos, controller, online etc.
Runs out of the box except for some very rare irrelevant cut scenes
Very minor cracking noise sometimes but very rare
Cut scenes do not play. They work with Proton 7.1-GE-2 (The only one I tested). Not that the cut scenes have any relevance to the game but it's still better as some test image.
cyan and black textures where water or blood should be. Red flickering in the distance.
Only works win PROTON_USE_WINE_D3D=1 DXVK will crash the game constantly
Crashes only with DXVK but not Wine D3D
Beside some crashes at the initial loading screen before entering the map the game runs quiet well.
While loading an Offline or Online game the game crashes quiet often. But after it has loaded (try several times) it runs pretty welll.
Using PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 as launch option will reduce the amount of initial crashes but will also introduce heavy graphical degeneration. Missing textures, shaders, poor performance and red flickering at the horizon.
While the first loading screen before entering the world the game crashes sometimes. Just restart it until it works (reach 25%). Also the game will stay a while at 90% but that's common even on Windows. Just be patient.
Probably not
Loading screen of doom. Idk maybe it's because I have a 64GB deck and run everything from SDCard. But the loading time is abysmal even for SD Cards. While writing this I am still waiting for the Deck to load what ever happens after you got caught right at the beginning. 10 Minutes already have passed. I guess it got stuck.
Also there is an issue when every now and then the game will get stuck in a black screen upon launching it. Dunno, force quit and restart helps.
Also I feel like there are missing cutscenes as the intro sequence starts right in the middle of a sentence of that guy with the mask right at the beginning and in a short glimpse I could see there was an island before that scene where he talks. Either missing cutscenes or it's because of the loading time.
Also I am not sure if the main menu is supposed to be all silent. No background music and occasional UI sounds. Dunno never played this game before.
Runs very well
My previous report was "probably not" but as I moved the shader cache back to the internal drive of my 64GB Steam Deck all the mentioned issues where gone.
Tested via Remote Play Together, no issues
RTX on nvidia requires launch options se above.
Installing D9VK fixes the low fps issues: https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk/releases I recommend version 0.12
Default Proton does not play videos and the gamepad is not recognized by the game. (Maybe forcing Steam Input to off with default Proton I dunno did not tested this). With GE Proton everything works out of the box and fine.
Fixable with "taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command%" as launch option (max 4 cores more will slowdown again, and max one thread per core I do have 16 Threads and 8 cores 4 cores is the best value)
taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command% to fix performance issues
Given the age of this system and that it is usually locked to Proton 7.0 I played the game with Sarek Proton 9-18 to benefit from all the latest Proton improvements while still being able to run the game using a supported version of DXVK (1.10.3 Async). As modern version of DXVK do not run on this GPU as it is locked to Vulkan 1.1 and DXVK as of version 2.0 requires at least Vulkan 1.3
Given this more or less necessary tinker step the game ran out of the box (on lowest settings but the system is below the minimum requirements for the game. (According to synthetic benchmarks the 8800GT is 23% faster compared to the GT 730M) It is a miracle it launched in the first place and ran at an "acceptable" framerate (20 - 25 avg in very rare cases 50)).
Game crashed on connecting to a hostes session or on hosting your own.
No remote play together and couch coop is not possible and requires 3rd party apps which do not allow for swapping controllers so remote players can not operate.
Independent of VFX settings the fps was caped between 9 - 16 fps.
https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install Is required to make the game work at all.
Had to set Steam Input to "Forced: Off" for controllers to work
Pre-rendered cut scenes where long time not working. But this seems to be fixed now with Proton 7 and GE Proton7-10. However there is a small green bar at the bottom of the screen when ever a Video plays. Nothing game breakable but a bit distracting.
Sometimes the game crashes at launch. Toggling window and fullscreen back and forth in the Unity Configuration dialogue or in game fixed this.
Runs out of the box
- Tutorial videos are missing. But those seem to be unimportant
Turning the view with the right stick was extremely slow.
Ramping sensitivity up to max solved this somehow. Still a bit slow for my taste but fast enough to be playable.
However turning with gamepad felt laggy even tho the frame times where stable and fps above 80.
In order to fix performance issues disable FSync and enable taskset to limit the game to max 4 CPU cores/threads if you have more.
If you have no FSync ready Kernel (Anything prior to vanilla Kernel 5.16 and any non Zen, Xan Mod or GE Kernels)
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 taskset -c 0,2,4,6 %command%
Without tinkering awful experience.
Detailed QA Test: https://gitlab.com/z-ray-entertainment/gamezone/proton-qa-testing/-/issues/9
Runs Out of the box
External Controller did not work properly. It was impossible to walk. Looking around, navigate menus all worked fine. But no way to properly play it. With the Steam Deck internal controller everything was fine.
Playing in docked mode with external controller is impossible
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,d3d9,d3dimm,ddraw=n" gamescope -f -- %command%
Fix FMVs:
FMV did not render properly by default when run in fullscreen mode
You need to use dgVoodoo2 to make FMV render correctly.
Install dgVoodoo2 as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqvRO2AMyU
Fix 16:9 support
Install TR2 Audomated fix for correct 16:9 support: https://github.com/Carlmundo/TombRaider2-AutomatedFix
- Game -> Settings -> Browse local files
- Move 2 folder up and enter compatdata/225300
- Download/copy the AUtomated FIx here
- Then open up a terminal in this folder and write:
- WINEPREFIX=$PWD wine ./TR2AF_1.0.exe
- Locate your steam instalaltion of TR2 (usually somwhere inside Z:)
- Let the installer do it's work.
Use gamescope
If you run the game in window mode FMV also render without use of dgVoodoo2 but only in a tiny portion of the screen.
I adivce to use gamescope as a virtual display to make it behave like a windowed fullscreen game and to avoid ALT+Tabbing issues which some users reported to have.
Sometimes crashes if you die or on level ends
Without tinkering there is no 16:9 support and FMV render black while occationaly they work but rather rare.
Runs out of the box
In handheld mode I always run the deck at 40Hz/40fps to gain some more playtime. But nothing dedicated to this particular game
With "Next gen content" enable there where rendering issues on some models. Most noticeable in cut scenes where Laras Hair goes nuts an had white flicker. Some enemies had the same flicker on their trousers. Without "Next gen content" none of there are there.
On Steack Deck you may want to disable "Next Gen content" due to rendering issues. (Does not happen on Desktop Linux /w nvidia driver. Probably a Mesa or amdgpu bug)
Cut Scenes Black game crashes
With Proton 5.11-GE-1-MF Cutscenes do work but game still crashes.
Run in window mode
Game crashes upon launch while cut scenes sometimes are not visible
DXVK will cause heavy lags, even several minutes in game and long loading times. Use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 to improve this to only initial stutter at new levels
Just the usual WineD3D fps loose
Runs just fine
On first launch the setting dialog is shown. This can't be navigated with gamepad. Either use the touchscreen or community layout
If not on NVidia or not on the 455.45.01 driver.
With NVidia drivers 455.45.01 you will experience wrong volumetric shaders on clouds or smoke. Older driver do work fine. Possibly caused by their recent "fixes":
- Fixed a bug in a Vulkan blending optimization that could produce incorrect results.
Black squares on volumetric shaders since 20th Nov update (Build 8549)
Since the latest update (20th nov) there are shader bugs in some volumetric shaders.
Runs out of the box
SInce Proton 5.13-3 which puls in DXVK 1.7.3 the shader bugs are solved on AMD+ACO and NVidia GPUs
Launch options
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
Runs out of the box
I was however not able to get controllers to work properly. Either they did nothing or buttons where mapped incorrectly. Tired to Set Steam Input to Forced On and Off to no avail.
Cut scenes however worked fine with default Proton.
Does not even start
Indepednent from being launched in modifed or official realm. Game gets stuck at loading mods.
- Switched to "temporary_launcher_workaround - Bypass Launcher" to prevent Microsoft EdgeWebview 2 Setup which does not complete
In crowsed areas the game dropped below 60 fps
Crashes once every hour
EAC sometime does not initialize and you need to restart the game. There will be a notification in the upper right corner of the screen before entering the main menu.
If you want to play with others, you need to be the host and others need to join you. This means no quick play under Linux as you'll get thrown out of th lobby right before the first maps starts.
5.5-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 5.5-GE-1
No cut scenes (Tried Proton 5.4-GE-1 and MF-Install/MF-Installcab to no avail)
Runs out of the box
Had to force Steam Input to: Off to make Controllers work.
Solely some config is needed for working Controllers.
Proton-4.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Fixed with 4.21-GE-1 Proton build
Linux Native
This game offers a Linux native depot. They just do not advertise it on the Store page. Hence No Proton used.