Ran flawless and full speed with no tweaks or selections needed. Much better than the Android version on ChromeOS.
Haven't tried it with RE3, as it worked out the gate with the default Steam install (even on Deck it doesn't, currently)

Game runs perfectly after removing the movies directory. You have to press Space/Enter to get to the initial menu.
Game runs perfectly if you delete the games movies directory.

Protontrick Winecfg to lock the mouse inside the game
This game runs perfect and i never had any problem with alt+tab and changing resolution. you might have a problem with dual monitor because the mouse can escape from the game window, to fix that use Protontrick, go to Winecfg, add GT3.exe and Lock the mouse inside the game.

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=a_path %command%
Black screen stuck .
Download the 2 .iso https://archive.org/details/grand-theft-auto-iii_202110 .
Mount GTAIII (CD1).iso .
Add a Non-Steam Game... SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/winecfg.exe , LAUNCH OPTIONS : STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=a_path %command% , Play , Windows Version: Windows XP 64 ( otherwise " Product not supported on this OS. " after ) .
Add a Non-Steam Game... /media/username/GTA3/Setup.exe , LAUNCH OPTIONS : STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=a_path %command% , Play , install the game .
Add a Non-Steam Game... gta3patch.exe , LAUNCH OPTIONS : STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=a_path %command% , Play , patch the game .
You can revert to Windows 10 or other with winecfg .
Delete GTAIII/movies folder ( otherwise black screen stuck after ) .
Add a Non-Steam Game... GTAIII/gta3.exe , LAUNCH OPTIONS : STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=a_path %command% , Play , black screen , press Enter twice .

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/media/a/8688e754-c2e4-40d1-a9c8-c205211ca8d9 %command%
Download the 2 .iso https://archive.org/details/grand-theft-auto-iii_202110 .
Mount GTAIII (CD1).iso .
Add a Non-Steam Game... a_path/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/lib64/wine/x86_64-windows/winecfg.exe , Play , Windows Version: Windows XP 64 ( otherwise " Product not supported on this OS. " after ) .
Add a Non-Steam Game... /media/username/GTA3/Setup.exe , Play , install the game .
You can revert to Windows 10 with winecfg .
Delete GTAIII/movies folder ( otherwise black screen stuck after ) .
Add a Non-Steam Game... a_path/GTAIII/gta3.exe , Play , black screen , press Enter .

Forced Proton 4.11-13. Installed the Definitive Edition, Natural HD Textures, Xbox Version HD, and skip intro mods. The game loads to a black screen but just hit "Enter" a few times to get to the menu. And turn off "Trails" in the optiosn to remove the annoying motion blur effect.
The vanilla game does not load without tinkering.

Forced compatibility for Proton 4.11-13 with Definitive Edition, Natural HD Textures, Xbox Version HD, and skip intro mods. The game loads to a black screen with no audio so you have to hit "Enter" a few times.
Turn off "Trails" in game to avoid the nauseating motion blur effect.

works with proton 5.0-10 and needs the ginput mod for controller support

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,ddraw=n,b" %command%
Didn't even try to launch the vanilla since I expected it to have same issues as Vice City. Use Silent Patch and Widescreen Fix, or whatever modpack gets the game working for you.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,dinput8,ddraw=n,b" gamemoderun %COMMAND%
I'm using the "Updated Classic" mod, which improves the game. With Proton 7 and above, the game crashes at loading screen. Otherwise, played for an hour without any issue.

It's fine as long as you use keyboard and mouse. Doesn't work worth a hoot with an XBox controller. Have not tried a PS2 controller.
Due to the nature of the game, control stick doesn't work. Even with mapping, control buttons are wonky at best. Just use keyboard.
No intro screen, but you will get the audio. Just press enter and it will bring to the main menu.
It's fine as long as you use keyboard and mouse. Doesn't work worth a hoot with an XBox controller. Have not tried a PS2 controller. Will source one and update appropriately.

installed "DE mod"
do not play with 2 monitors
Do not play with 2 monitors, the game does not keep the mouse into the game screen and i was not able to launch it with gamescope. The intro (videos) will not work at all, left click to pass it. Except this, the game works finely, no problems at all, no crashes, no instability, no graphical bug, everything is perfect. GTA III is like an old engine, you have to kick it a few times before it will run miles without issues.

Didnt need to make any changes and just used a community control layout and everything works.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,dinput8,ddraw=n,b" gamemoderun %COMMAND%
Installed mod to add proper xinput support.
Some missing bands between geometry but it's slight.
Mod for xinput
Crashes are infrequent but seem to happen more often as you do more and more missions during any one play session.
Go out is fine but the script that the definitive edition mod adds for right stick camera turning like the console version has, causes a severe but that locks Claude in place when zooming with sniper rifle and also rockets making some missions impossible to complete. You MUST disable this mod which returns the camera behavior back to the way the PC version works stock but it's not hard to get used to and for me at least is how I have always played this game. All other mods can remain enabled, see other reports on how to get the game working well with the mods. Only one text file needed altering and was easy to find, I just don't recall which one it was to disable what you need to. Alternatively you can just go right to installing mods manually one at a time and just stop at ginput for controls.

Game works with proton 5.0.10. When game starts, it will "stuck" on blank/black screen. Just click left mouse once, then either press ENTER or SPACE key, it will skip/show game menu. have fun playing.

Definitive Edition Project, GInput, No Intro, custom Claude model mods installed
Claude's model was messed up. I don't know if this is because of the base game or because of Definitive Edition Project. I installed a custom Claude model to use instead that was more high definition.
When you switch windows, the game window minimizes automatically
GInput is required for controllers to work. Once that mod was installed, my Xbox One controller worked perfectly via USB.
I tried several combinations of Proton and Launch Options, and ultimately found that using GE Proton without Launch Options worked the best. I previously used GE-Proton7-42 and am now using GE-Proton8-4 successfully. If I tried using launch options including WINEDLLOVERRIDES I would get errors regarding missing .asi files. If I used regular Proton (Expiremental or otherwise) I would get the common black screen with sound error. Interestingly, running gta3.exe directly from the Steam directory launched the game without issue, but pressing the "Play" button in Steam gave the black screen.
Playing with the Definitive Ediiton Project mod is a must!
The game is completely playable and enjoyable, but you need to install some mods (read concluding notes)
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,dinput8,ddraw=n,b" gamemoderun %COMMAND%
Windowed only works in Arch kernel (through Virtual Wine Desktop).
EAX does not seem to work in any way.
The game doesn't boot with Proton-GE, you specifically need 7.0-6. EAX doesn't want to work with any workaround I tried, use miles which seems to work the best. You need to install ThirteenAG Widescreen Fix, Mod Loader, Framerate Vigilante and SilentPatch for a good experience. Change LoadFromScriptsOnly to 0 in scripts/global.ini. Change refresh rate in FramerateVigilante.ini to Hz / 2 (ie 120 for 240 Hz). G-Sync might cause stuttering (it might, it doesn't always). You need to downgrade to 1.0. If you don't get a d3d8to9 wrapper, please install one. Windowed mode can be enabled by enabling the wine virtual desktop, although it randomly freezes on zen kernel, works fine on normal Arch Linux kernel.
Works Great on Deck with the following fixes! (Ginput, SkyGFX, SilentPatch, ThirteenAG Widescreen, Framerate Vigilante)
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,dinput8,ddraw=n,b" %command%
Intro FMVs are unskippable using gamepad with Ginput. Use this mod to disable them: https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=12470
With the listed mods installed, use the Launch options I provided in order for the mods to work.
Works Great on Deck with some game fixes! (Ginput, SkyGFX, SilentPatch, ThirteenAG Widescreen, Framerate Vigilante)
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,dinput8,ddraw=n,b" %command%
Works beautifully once some fixes are added to the game. There's a minor issue where the cutscenes are unskippable with gamepad controls, but this can be fixed with this mod: (https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=12470) Mod is designed for GTA San Andreas, but also works with III and VC. Use the launch options I posted to get the listed mods to work.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b" %command%
Used to run great via the Definitive Edition patch, GE-Proton, and the launch command. Something has broken it as it no longer launches under those conditions :(
Slight screen tearing
After alt-tabbing out of the game, the game was unable to capture the mouse correctly, allowing it to wander to my second monitor.
Very playable.
TDP limit 3W
Startup videos were not played. Skipped them with random buttons press
Steam inputs are not recognized as a gamepad. Have to use a controller layout by community or make up your own.
Cloud saves do not work in Steam for this game
我試過安裝definitive edition MOD,也試過好幾個版本的Proton,但就是一樣不能玩。
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b" %command%
Installed GTA III Definitive Edition mod.
Black screen with sound.
When the game opens, only a fourth of the screen on the top left shows up when the Rockstar logo plays, after that it's just a black screen with sound.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b" %command%
Downloading and trying the game only leads to a black screen. Instead of using the re3 version you can still use the default version from Steam. Thanks to Keebz for their Vice City config it works well here. Download the Definitive Edition Project Mod, apply a launch command and use GE Proton and it'll work properly.
You can find the mod here: https://www.definitive-edition-project.com/iii-de
Jogo começa em tela preta, apenas com o som do jogo de fundo, somente ao mudar para uma versão mais antiga isso funcionou
You can natively run the game using the re3 version of gta 3 from archive.org, install the normal steam version then copy and overwrite all the files from the linux build of re3 into your gta 3 steam folder and rename the re3 file to gta3.exe, steam will natively launch it.
You can turn the tdp down to 3 and the gpu clock all the way down to 200 and still maintain a locked 60fps
Besides being native the re3 version has proper controller support, 16:10 widescreen support and other bug fixes/quality of life stuff
only offers 640x480 resolution
Overall with the proton switch it is totally playable, runs well and doesn't crashes at all!
With Proton 7.1 the cursor did NOT get locked into the window, so on a dual - triple monitor setup I could drag the cursor to the other monitors as I was looking around, which is to say the least not ideal. But switching to Proton 5.13-6 fixed this issue and now it's all good
Launches to black screen with sound. Tried every version of Proton listed on SteamPlay, no dice.
The game only runs on Proton 4.11-13, other versions don't launch the game or run it poorly
Crackling in menus, seems fine in-game?
Using any resolution except monitors native looked very wrong
Runs without a hitch.
The game crashed when completing the last mission (before the cutscene). The only way I could fix it was by copying the Linux executable of the re3 mod to the game's directory in steamapps and launch it from there, which means you are not shown on Steam as playing the game (see re3 installation instructions for more details).
I copied the files from the Windows version of the GTA re3 mod (the one that was taken down by Rockstar) into the game directory. Steam couldn't launch the game if I copied the Linux version.