The game works also with default Steam Proton Experimental, but the videos are broken…, however, that's only a minor thing.
Game is falsely flagged as Linux compatible. If you try to install it directly, it will only create the game entry in your library without and data. Force compatibility for the game to be able to play it.
I was able to fully finish the game. The game has a lot of problems but none are related to the compatibility layer.
Movies won't work with Proton Experimental. I switched to GE-Proton to work around this problem.
Game crasges after launching it from default launcher
OOTB no issues
Cut scenes do not play (test card)
Runs out of the box
Disable Steam Input for proper controller recognition. Otherwise it is seems a bit random.
Missing cut scenes with default Proton
To make cut scenes work you need to use Proton 6.15-GE-2 (the only one I tested previous version might also work). Otherwise it runs out of the box with default Proton.