It crashed twice in over 5 hours of gameplay, other than that, it worked flawlessly with Proton 8.0-4, no tweaks required.
Everything works out of the box with standard proton
Have completed the game on Proton, the intro videos are now working too.
Can be played on regular Proton too, the videos are not essential.
Plays perfectly on the Deck and Proton-GE with no Gamebreaking Errors that I could find on my Playthrough on Berserk Difficulty.
Only seems to happen after prolonged Gameplay and/or putting the Steam Deck into Sleep Mode and waking up. Else Perfect Audio
Standard Proton 7.0-1 that is shipped by default on Steam Deck currently has Problems with the Video File at the Beginning. By using Proton-GE this Problem is circumvented.
Videos didn't work with vanilla Proton 5.13-2, everything seems to work great with GloriousEggroll 5.21-2.
Run mf-install and mf-installcab to make cut since work. Do NOT use Prototon-5.6-GE-2 (yet) since the audio in videos will be distorted.
When MF is install via Protontricks makes the game work with constant 60+ frames per second
Need to install media foundation for videos to play.
Game is now with most recent Mesa drivers playable again, no crash or graphics corruption. But the videos are skipped without mf-install.
Crashes when trying to start a new game
Game used to be playable just with missing videos (that could be worked around by mf-install). However with some Mesa (development/oibaf) driver change around September 2019 the game started having graphical glitches (texture flickering), now the game just hangs when trying to start up a new game.
Game is perfectly playable, however intro logo video is just a black screen, and you have to hit enter to continue. When exiting the game there is also an error message.