All default, no problems whatsoever

ran just as well if not better than windows. used less ram of course, temps were lower, and i actually forgot i was playing on linux.
a little janky on first launch but easily fixed
i have a thrustmaster f16 button panel, and steam was picking it up as a regular controller with joysticks and stuff. im sure it can be fixed but im too lazy
when launching without forcing older proton, i couldnt get the game client to show up. but that was an easy fix. other than that it works perfectly! actually astonished!

Game runs almost as good on Linux as it does on Windows. Not perfect, but more than good enough.
If you are experiencing pixelated text, make sure the resolution is set correctly in Settings > Graphics > Display and make sure upscaling is turned off in Settings > Graphics > Quality
I use bordless windowed. Sometimes the mouse will be able to leave the window and go to my other monitor. Pausing, clicking the game, then unpausing fixes it
Game has trouble detecting clipboard updates. If you are using EDMC and copying stuff from that to paste in game and it's not properly coping, try copying anything from another application, and then copying the text in EDMC. This works for me

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Needed to use Nvidia beta (570) drivers. Stable (550) had black flickering issues, and supersampling resulted in 10 fps

gamemoderun gnome-terminal -- ./MinEdLauncher %command% /autorun /autoquit /edo
Alt-Tabbing on the full screen mode crashes the game
Was able to pass the "planetary generation" bug by waiting 35 minutes for the 1st time, but you cannot play on the latest proton, you also need to NOT CHANGE the bindings, it will crash at some point
Playing on latest versions of Proton (Valve ones and GE ones) crashes the game at the "Planetary Generation Screen".
- Install the game
- Choose "Proton 6.3-8" in the compatibility list
- wait (not like 30 seconds, but almost 35 minutes for the 1st launch)
- Quit the game once it started.
- Install Minimal Elite Dangerous Launcher from here : https://github.com/rfvgyhn/min-ed-launcher
- Add this in the args : gamemoderun gnome-terminal -- ./MinEdLauncher %command% /autorun /autoquit /edo
- Enjoy !!
and 8) If the game still doesn't works, install the xenmod kernels, you are probably using the 6.x kernels
J'ai un Meta Quest 1, et le jeu marche très bien en VR grâce à ALVR.

Works surprisingly well...
Occasional performance drop but not gameplay impacting.
Besides the occasional performance drop compared to native, its like running under windows. It even picked up on my two part HOTAS setup of a Logi stick and Thrustmaster throttle. Unless you need helper apps, it's difficult to tell the difference between Windows and Proton.

ANV_NO_GPL=1 force_vk_vendor=-1 gamemoderun mangohud %command% -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
I have the games at Epic. So i installed Epic Launcher with Lutris and the Game with the installed Epic Launcher
had to disable Ambient Occlusion in option to get rid of shadow flicker
Live Version crashes on planet generation
Legacy Version works, but had to disable Ambient Occlusion

Registry edits to anble HOTAS to work instead of being deteced as xbox controller according to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/uw3l03/comment/i9p82da/
See registry tinkering

Обов'язково запускати з сьомим Протоном. На новіших його версіях не адекватно працює ланчер гри.

No longer opens the game past the launcher.
Changed registry settings to enable HOTAS to work (instead of picking up everything as an Xbox controller) according to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/uw3l03/comment/i9p82da/
Pressing the Play button now opens nothing.

A little fiddling making sure my drivers were working properly, but it ran pretty much out of the box using Experimental.
Fixed this by updating the NVIDIA drivers to version 550.
Slightly slower than windows, had to drop from Ultra to High graphics.
This game is 11 years old and plays VERY well on Linux systems. It only improves as time moves forward 2025 will be an active year for Elite
DRI_PRIME=1 %command%

Either put up with crashes to the main menu when using sleep/resume, or get into the habit of quitting when done.
Quite fiddly launcher than you must go through each time you start. The launcher doesn't offer a lot of options, so don't see why it couldn't just accept a default to start the game.
In game FSR option is garbage. Use Steam Deck FSR if needed.
Couldn't eliminate shimmering from geometry edges
Framerate could remain stable but drop considerably at various points. In FPS mode there're are a lot of effects, though usually not a lot of actual geometry, in space stations can be quite detailed but there's nothing else much going on.
Game does not support SteamDeck sleep mode. Putting the deck to sleep, and resuming will get you an error saying you've been disconnected from server (even when playing in a solo galaxy), and throw you back to the main menu.
Janky mess of a game, but the space flight and trading is great, so long as you play it as if you were on a pc and turning it off after playing.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d11=n,b;d3dcompiler_46=n" %command%
The launch options provided above are required for EDHM UI to work, but are otherwise not necessary! I run EDMC (journalling tool) and EDHM UI (HUD recolour mod) alongside the game. I launch both of these using Bottles, where I've symlinked the game's appdata folders and main directory.
I've encountered no issues with this setup, and both tools work as expected. I then run both EDMC and Elite Dangerous with a non-steam game with the target set to xdg-open bottles:run/ED/EDMarketConnector & xdg-open steam://rungameid/359320

~/.local/kitty.app/kitty ./MinEdLauncher %command% --steam --edo --autorun --autoquit
Both trackpads open a menu, and the back grips are used for translating, UI Focus, and FA Off.
The launcher requires manually opening the keyboard, so, after logging in once, you cn use MinEdLauncher
Anti-Aliasing is on by default, and ruins legibility

Requires a Frontier account, but isn't the worst launcher to deal with
In game FSR enabled by default, even when rendering to 100% resolution. Set to normal to make text readable.
Framerate will hold quite well at 45fps, but severe dips come often.
Resuming from sleep mode will trigger error that game lost connection to server, even when playing in solo mode. Sleep mode not recomended
Inability to resume from sleep mode means you might skip this on steamdeck

Stopped working
No longer works, gets to planet generation and bombs out @ 0%
Tried Recent version of GE too
No longer works. Unclear why; nothing significant changed with my setup. No launch options work and don't know enough to tinker myself.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json VK_LAYER_PATH=/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d %command%
Anecdotally I got higher frames than Windows. No issues I noticed; third-party tools which rely on journal files will require manual config.

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json VK_LAYER_PATH=/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d %command%
Massive thanks to Palmi for sharing his launch options, as it actually allowed my game to launch and play without too many issues. I initially had a lot of trouble getting the game to launch no matter which version of Proton I used or what launch options I used. I eventually figured out that most of my errors were due to installing Steam from the Snap Store and not installing the .deb file. Hopefully this prevents a lot of headaches.

Using just Steam's recommended Proton version the experience is basically on-par with Windows.
gamemoderun %command%
Tweaked the game's graphics and configuration files according to this guide available on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2906622140
Audio clacking may be due to machine load but it's worth noting I never experienced it when I played the game on Windows.
If you have a bit more experience with Linux, I highly recommend getting "gamemode" and using it in the launch parameters as shown. It will squeeze a bit more performance out of your machine.

Out-of-the-box, after clicking the Play button, a window with title "Elite -Dangerous (CLIENT)" pops up and instantly closes again. Turns out that Steam launches the game with the shell environment variable PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 which disables DXVK and this seems to be the source of this problem on my system. I use a shell script wrapper now which un-sets PROTON_USE_WINED3D11 and this makes everything work perfectly for me.

Sometimes the Xbox One controller connected via bluetooth disconnects while the game is loading
The game runs out of the box without any tinkering on standard Proton, but stutters quite a bit and the framerate drops significantly from time to time

Every so often the game stutters after loading in assetts. (IE: transitioning between super-cruise and regular flight, and landing on planets.) But it only lasts at most 5-10 seconds before returning back to regular frame-rates.
/edo /autoquit /autorun
gamemoderun %command%
On foot
Some slowness in connecting to online, however not chaulking this all down to being on linux as the game has changed significantly since my reference playthrough on a PS5

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json VK_LAYER_PATH=/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d %command%
I made another report as borked where I tried different things and nothing worked. I saw these specific launch options in another report and that made the game work flawlessly.

Update: "Go figure: Runs on an Ryzen Laptop, 16GB, Nvidia RTX1650 like native, crashes on a beefier machine..."
Stable on This PC, crashes on other PC: OS: Regata OS 24 Arctic FoxKERNEL: 6.8.8-lp155.9-defaultCPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core @ 4.1 GHzGPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060GPU DRIVER: NVIDIA 550.78RAM: 24 GB.
Games running on one of my 3 Laptops (all with Hybrid Graphics: Ryzen/Nvidia or Intel/Nvidia) have less "Problems" with this Game, compared to the AMD 8050 Machine with "only" discrete Graphics. Could be significant, or just a coincidence. As always:
Have Fun

sometimes connection lost, to the server or you can't connect, with 9-16 of GE-Proton it was running yesterday a lot Hours with a Friend online in Multiplaying
it can be, that it runs with the normal Proton from Steam himself too, i don't know

Go figure: Runs on an Ryzen Laptop, 16GB, Nvidia RTX1650 like native, crashes on a beefier machine...
On this machine, stable as it can be, but on my "big" PC with the same OS on an AMD 8050 8core; 24GB Ram; Nvidia RTX2060, game would crash after 30 seconds into the game, regardles.
Pick it up on a sale to test, no demo to try out. Have fun (if it runs, of course). Cheers Frank

gnome-terminal -- ./MinEdLauncher %command% /autorun /autoquit /edo
Alt-Tab occasionally dropped framerate
Launcher Software refused to launch, had to use min-ed-launcher: https://github.com/rfvgyhn/min-ed-launcher
When reaching main menu, it appears the game isn't connecting to servers, but this can take 10-20 seconds to connect. This behaviour isn't limited to linux, and was occuring on a windows install.

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json VK_LAYER_PATH=/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d %command%
Thank you so much to Palmi who submitted their report below and provided the launch options that worked perfectly for me. You saved my game.