The game runs well overall on Lubuntu 24.10.
Colors occasionally appear washed-out, such as the health bar appearing a lighter shade of red than usual. The issue repeatedly goes away and comes back during the same session.
A high-ping was observed while playing online multiplayer.
Works well, inclucing online co-op

Like a glove, nothing to configure.

gamemoderun %command%
For multiplayer to work:
Delete or rename steamapps/common/Grounded/Maine/Binaries/Win64/PartyWin.dll Rename steamapps/common/Grounded/Maine/Binaries/Win64/PartyWin7.dll to PartyWin.dll
Multiplayer was not working for me until I did this:
Delete or rename steamapps/common/Grounded/Maine/Binaries/Win64/PartyWin.dll Rename steamapps/common/Grounded/Maine/Binaries/Win64/PartyWin7.dll to PartyWin.dll

Ran flawlessly.

gamemoderun %command%
You need a Microsoft Account for Multiplayer. Multiplayer works with Friends on either Linux or Windows.
Läuft einfach!

%command% -dx11 -d3d11
For some reason when you try to login to xbox via microsoft (for multiplayer), i could put in my email but not my password and showed me a error page for the login. I found if you connect your microsoft account with a github account you could login via that way.
After the wierd login bug it seems to work like normal
No tweaks, ran fine

%command% -dx11
When looking at our house, framerate tanks to 20fps, but when out and about, framerate is up at 100fps. The PEEP.R mode seems to drop fps considerably as well.
Even multiplayer worked for me with no issues.

Multiplayer wasn't working, could log in to Microsoft Xbox Online BS after waiting maybe a minute for the window to load, could find games of friends afterwards but when trying to join or host it gave the error that I couldn't host or join a game.

I set it to medium and turned off fsr 1 ( I don't like it) and the game runs great 40-50fps and looks great.

%command% -dx11 -d3d11
Without tinkering, the game struggled to maintain even 10 fps at lowest graphics settings. According to a previous reviewer, the problem is with Vulkan dx12 that performs poorly on Intel Alchemist GPU's. Adding these launch options completely resolved the problem and the game now works smooth as butter on high-quality graphics.

It is fun the game has multiplayer; you need to add people through the xbox app which is available on phones
%command% -dx11
Game bugs mostly like markers won't show, sometimes I get stuck and can't move aside from that it runs smoothly
it simply works

Yes, it's quite fun; multiplayer works you just need to add your friends through the xbox app probably on a phone or something
%command% -dx11
The game is buggy but that has more to do with the game itself sometimes I would get stuck and sometimes markers on the map would disappear but it still ran smooth with no stutter or screen tearing of any kind... it also seems they fixed the microsoft login page since I didn't have any issues there
it simply worked

The game is fun. First 20 hours I did not experience any crashes. Now I crash once every hour. I'm the host, so it's a bit annoying. I'm checking if forcing DX11 helps, like it did for others.

It use to have issues displaying the XBox login, but works right out of box with GE-Proton8-20. Didn't run into any other issues. Big step forward. I did not have to force DX11 though, so that's a new one for me.

%command% -dx11
Frequent crashes, fixed by using %command% -dx11 as a launch option.

Grounded is a great little game that runs perfectly on Steam Deck.
My only issue with the game is re-the spiders in the game itself - I don't like spiders! :) - but that's purely a game content issue and has nothing to do with its ability to run. But the game is great - just imagine Subnautica with insects and spiders.

%command% -dx11 -d3d11
Sometimes, I see a water surface flashing in random places where there is no water
This was the first game I tried on Intel Arc and it ran poorly at first. After some confusion and research I found that as of now (2023-10), Intel's Mesa Vulkan drivers lack important features for vkd3d (the DX12 translation layer) to work efficiently. As the game runs in DX12 mode by default, this resulted in mediocre performance (20-30fps) and inexplicable heavy performance drops when getting close to certain objects, e.g. that brown leaf arcing over the pathway near the spawnpoint, or any field station.
Switching the game to DX11 mode immediately solved these issues, and even boosts overall performance by another 10-20fps, as it makes use of dxvk instead of vkd3d. So for now, Intel Arc owners in general probably should avoid using DX12 at all cost.

Worked out of the box. Only issue was creating a Microsoft account to be able to play.

Tried all current major proton versions and various workarounds described here
Multiplayer is completely nonfunctional. Despite successfully signing into xbox live, I am neither able to host nor join a multiplayer game.
Unable to host or connect to a game, despite successful xbox live login.

After some tinkersteps this runs fine. However if a 3D Character model is visible in the UI, the framerate reduces to 15fps and stays there.
tearing and stuttering. later one feels like the shaders aren't compiled despite shader pre cache syncing
At first I had massive framerate issues. Despite lowest settings at 720p at 50% resulution scale: max 15 fps. Setting launch options to dx11 resolves that completly reaching constant 60 fps. I still have a problem with 3D characters in UI or interfaces (e.g. when you open your inventory or the character selection in MP) When such a screen occurs, the game will be choppy at around 15 fps. This persists untill you go back to the main menu. However, sometimes the performance hit isn't that big if you only access these screens for a short duration.
Desync for some stuff in MP

Game does not run 60 fps if you cap it so.
I had to configure around with the refresh rate and graphics in settings (I used Steam Deck Gaming's video) and you should too! After doing all of that configuring it runs around 30-45 fps in most situations, but using a light source of sorts at night can drop it down from 20-25 fps. Game is also VERY battery consuming for anyone wondering. Except 1.5hr-2hr of playtime. Overall, it's preeety good.

Game did not start with default settings. UndeadIceCream's workaround resolved this and the XBOX log-in issue and the game worked flawless afterwards.
OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
Tried some tinkering as proposed by some users, but nothing worked out. Also tried several proton version, from experimental to GE.

protontricks 962130 -q msxml3 protontricks 962130 -q dotnet40
once hanged up on respawn
Used fixed mentioned here (dlls, protontricks) except launch options modification

Read the older comments, there was a file that you have to rename or to delete. Still necessary on my PC, not sure on my SteamDeck.
Using window mode an a Controller, some minor problems with a mouse icon appearing. Close and open the menu again usually solves it.
Seems it is finally stable. A month ago, the Game occasionally closed itself while playing.
I can finally log in to Microsoft, for multiplayer, without using Proton-GE or other tinkering. Solid game, solid experience.
Black screen
Or the game will freeze on the loading screen