Enhanced edition works out of the box
Flawless experience on my hybrid AMD + NVIDIA laptop, no config required.
A bit sad it didn't get native support like the original edition, but works definitly fine with Proton.
rare crashes during cut scences

Totally borked
Always crashes on startup no matter what I do. Strangly, it does work on my Steam Deck
gamemoderun %command%
Im running Nvidia driver 515.105.01 and Proton Experimental. Im reaching 90-140 FPS. Ultra Graphics, Raytracing activatet, Tesslation deactivated, Nvidia Hairworks deactivated. No crash at all, only a compatibility error at the start - just ignore it.
RADV_PERFTEST=rt VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr,dxr11 %command%
I locked the game at 30 FPS.
The game doesn't quite run at 30 FPS because of raytracing.
You need to change the UMA Buffer to 4 GB in the bios (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8PKHha2CjqI). For better performance, then use CryoUtilities (https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities). Install, open and set the recommended settings.
My settings in the game:
Resolution: 1280X800
Aspect Ratio: 16:10
Quality: lower
Vsync: Full
Motion Blur: Off
Ray Tracing: Normal
Hairworks: Off
Advanced phyxs: Off
Tessellation: Off
Shading Quality: 0.4x (This is important to reduce. I put 1.0x and had more FPS drop.)
I'm hovering around 25-30 FPS. Depends on the location.
RADV_PERFTEST=rt VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 mangohud %command%
Launch arguments will be required, especially for Radv and VKD3D, without those, you'll be greeted with a wonderful error message saying that your gpu isn't Raytracing capable.
Won't launch
Enhanced edition won't launch for me via proton and there's no native install option for it. Seems it wants a newer version of DX??? Regular version launches under proton and seems to run better than the native install. Had some rendering issues with the initial game menu when launching via a native install. Switched to using proton and it runs just fine.
The ray traced lighting is completely broken. When you're outside the game looks relatively normal (at least without a side-by-side comparison), however indoors you instantly notice that everything is way too bright. Areas that should be in shadow are lit up and the torch is completely redundant. Even in areas that should be fairly well-lit the lighting almost seems like it's completely missing, with the entire scene looking incredibly flat. Character eyes also glow in certain scenes.
Apart from the lighting problems, the game also throws an error on every launch complaining about the GPU not being DXR 1.1 capable. However, you can simply click through this and it will launch. HairWorks is also broken and causes the game to crash every time at certain spots, including during the intro cutscene, making starting the game impossible with it enabled. However, you can simply toggle it off in the options and the crashes no longer occur. All other options work as expected, including DLSS. Performance actually seems to be BETTER than on Windows, however I strongly suspect that this is down to the broken ray tracing not having the same performance impact as when it's working properly. Other than that it plays, controls and sounds fine. It could be considered playable if you don't mind how flat and ugly it looks at times due to the missing lighting effects.
The launching always throws error message, but does not prevent you from launching. You can only play in very, very low resolution.
very low resolution, when changed to correct resolution can't load to game itself only menu displays correctly.
When playing in safe mode (thus very low resolution) no crashes happen. After setting the resolution correctly it can't load into game. And sometimes at random moments in the menu it crashes.
Launching the game gives an error, when closed the game runs.
Once you set the settings correctly the game crashes constantly. Always crashes when loading to save data right before playing.
This game almost perfectly worked through Proton. Only on first launch there was a lighting issue that fixed itself after re-launching
Launching the game for the first time or with Ray tracing can have issues with lighting. A Restart fixed lighting issues and the game played very much the same it did on Windows.
Vulkan shaders are important for your first launch
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes all sound would stop for a minute or so, seemingly to load in. But then it was fine.
Sometimes alt-tabbing would cause the game to freeze.
Enabling Hairworks causes the game to crash upon loading a save.
Played it start to finish. DLSS and Raytracing worked beautifully. There were some minor bugs, but apparently the Windows version has problems too.
Disable nvidia hairworks
Not being able to use nvidia hairwork is really sad
the incompatibility popup on startup doesn't close itself up but after that every thing is fine
so DXR v1.1 would be supported (needs supported GPU)PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1
so Ray Tracing on NVidia would work
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 gamemoderun %command%

It will crash when the game starts
after the first preview, the game crashes. I tried all the above options, they didn't work.

Game works fine up until you first gain control
Tried running the game in proton ge, 5.0 and 6.3.8 but it always crashes at the same spot: as soon as the game is supposed to give you control of artyom. It shows the rendered terrain up until the camera is close to the ground and then crashes.
Tried adding PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% since I was using RTX but to no effect...
Steamcloud saves from win machine didnt show, other then that it seemed fine.
Got an incompatability warning on startup, and game crashed a few times after intro movie, can't really tell why but after some tinkering i ended up running it just fine in native res (2560x1440/144hz) with full RayTracing and balanced DLSS (PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command%).
Using Proton 6.3-8. To enable DLSS you need to set launch parameters.VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
Not woriking
I tried it with the latest proton-GE too, but didn't start. Black screen. It sais i do not meet the game requirements (I'm well over the suggested specs) and ask wheater I want to run the game anyway. When I click yes, it close the window, and in 3 seconds, the whole game closes.

Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
used Proton-6.21-GE-2
use PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% as run parameter to enable dxr.
Will give a warning at the start, just ignore.
nvidia hairworks not working. Causes game to hang after initial cutscene and an in-engine camera downward pan, just before one would be able to control the main character.
with Hairworks enabled, after the initial cutscene, the game hangs in the first scene when the camera does a downward pan, right before one would control the main character. Disabling Hairworks fixes it for me.
Noticed 2 crashes in 10h. It happened while I had Nvidia HairWorks on.
There is an error you have to close on every launch, but other than that it works perfectly.

Looks promising, but crashes.
As the opening scene starts and the camera lowers, the game always crashes when the camera gets close to the ground. I loaded the non-enhanced edition and the video jumped at that part but made it through, although my 21:9 screen has black borders in non-enhanced.
6.20-GE-1 for (experimental) DXR 1.1 support. Otherwise the game would run but complain about missing features.
Upon each star up of the game the cursor is locked to a 1/4 of the actual game window. Atl+Tab out and in solves this issue if it occurs.
Do not enable Hairworks, otherwise the game will crash soon after the intro video.

This worked out of the box! At the time of test, I'm using proton experimental. Running smooth on my setup.
The lighting feels off. On the first stage - in the sewers, the stage are not properly lit, and missing shadows/ambient occlusion.

Enhanced Edition doesn't have a Linux port
Enhanced edition doesn't start due to an error. Tried Proton 6.3, 6.9 GE, and 5.13

Seams to be working fine with launch options:

error message: quit, or get stuck on black screen
when i launch it, it gives me an error with three options: open link, play anyway and quit. if i select play anyway, it plays a cutscene and gets stuck on a black screen afterwards.

Crashes quite early on.
I do not have an RTX GPU, so it might not work. However raytracing isn't supported by NVIDIA dirvers for Linux, so it may not work even if you do have an RTX GPU.

Opens a dialog box complaining about not meeting minimum requirements.
Can click 'Run Anyway' and the intro movie will begin to play. Once it completes game crashes.