WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
protontricks 39510 directmusic
Basically the same as https://www.protondb.com/app/39510#ngmcnQsZAc you need a bit of tinkering to get everything working, and playing the workshop version+mods is a must to have a good time. After all of that it works perfectly fine.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
Some changes to .ini files, optional, will not be listed here;
Alt tabbing gives the game a brief black screen and then crashes
Here are the steps to fix EVERYTHING (as I did it):
- Change the beta branch to [workshop], set default launch option as [Play mod launcher].
- Run at least once; close immediately.
- Go to your prefix in compatdata; should find a file named user.reg, open it in a text editor.
- Find line with [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] and add the following under it:
**Also remove this line:**
"*dsound"="native" - Install the following mods:
- Union
- Ninja
- Game should now work properly, somehow.
Optional (QoL)
- Install GRawInput: https://github.com/SaiyansKing/GRawInput/releases, can also install it from steam workshop.
- Do some ini fixes from here https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofgothic/wiki/how-to-run-gothic-on-modern-computers/gothic-2/#wiki_additional_tweaks
With all this done, I had not experienced many issues. It should all work properly now, this way. Although mind that alt tab does not work for me properly.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
Music won't Start and the Trigger Points may Crash your game.
You will need protontricks to get Gothic 2 gold running and a compatibility setting as well as additional tinkering.
1.Install Gothic 2 Gold
2.Go into Properties> General tab and set launch option to
3.Download and add GE-Proton9-1 release into your /home/user/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d directory, restart steam
4.Go into game properties compatibility tab and check Force the use of the specific game compatibility tool with GE-Proton9-1
5.Run the game once, it will crash.
6.Install protontricks.
7.In CLI terminal run
protontricks 39510 directmusic
8.Go into your Gothic 2 wineprefix directory should look like this /home/user/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx
Find the file user.reg,edit it with a text editor
Scroll and make sure your [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] looks like this https://pastebin.com/LXg8aX88 Remove "*dsound"="native", after installing with protontricks or the game will crash.
11.Enjoy Audio:Other
No music without directmusic from protontricks Instability:Frequently
Without these steps the game crashed constantly.
No music, constant crashes with a weird error if no directmusic is installed via protontricks and you need to put WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" in order to get the game running
Game crashes without following the steps provided, took me a day and a bunch of research with different proton versions to get it running.
copied Lycrics by silentgameplays. If you read this, thanks a lot silentgameplays :D
It works for me Just fine! i was able to install the Dx11 Mod but only the framerate was unlocked other than that there is no Dx11 effecs. If i find a way, i post it afterwards here.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
Playing the base game it's awful, you some times get a blackscreen or freeze and frecuent stuttering.
Blackscreen in alt+tab or game freeze
Despite all the problems, it can be solved by making certain configurations:
What I recommend for stability and performance is to install the beta of the workshop
Then subscribe to Union - patch for Gothic 1, Ninja, Gothic 1 Community Patch and GD3D11
GD3D11 must be configured since because it is 32 bits, it doesn't matter what your PC is, you are going to have performance problems.
This is the best configuration I achieved in the video section (f11) for stability and performance:
Set texture detail to low
Disable shadows and
Activate Vsync
With this configuration I was able to play for an hour without slowdowns or crashes.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
You will need protontricks to get Gothic 2 gold running and a compatibility setting as well as additional tinkering.
1.Install Gothic 2 Gold
2.Go into Properties> General tab and set launch option to
3.Download and add GE-Proton9-1 release into your /home/user/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d directory, restart steam
4.Go into game properties compatibility tab and check Force the use of the specific game compatibility tool with GE-Proton9-1
5.Run the game once, it will crash.
6.Install protontricks.
7.In CLI terminal run
protontricks 39510 directmusic
8.Go into your Gothic 2 wineprefix directory should look like this /home/user/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx
Find the file user.reg,edit it with a text editor
Scroll and make sure your [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] looks like this https://pastebin.com/LXg8aX88 Remove "*dsound"="native", after installing with protontricks or the game will crash.
No music without directmusic from protontricks
Without these steps the game crashed constantly.
No music, constant crashes with a weird error if no directmusic is installed via protontricks and you need to put WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" in order to get the game running
Game crashes without following the steps provided, took me a day and a bunch of research with different proton versions to get it running.

Access Violation error after the intro videos
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
======================================= UNHANDLED EXCEPTION OCCURED ====================================================== ======================================= CRASH INFOS: ===================================================================== Gothic II - 2.6 (fix), Parser Version: 50 User: steamuser, CPUType: 586, Mem: 0 MB total, 0 MB free Startup Options:-game:gothicgame.ini =============================================== CALLSTACK : ============================================================== 0023:004E956C (0x17F31D70 0x128B4E58 0x17F31D30 0x0082E6F0) Gothic2.exe, zCMusicSys_DirectMusic::LoadThemeByScript()+2284 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin_carsten\zMusic_Dm.cpp, line 591+5 byte(s) 0023:004E8BAF (0x17F31D70 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCMusicSys_DirectMusic::PlayThemeByScript()+255 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin_carsten\zMusic_Dm.cpp, line 487 0023:004DB7C6 (0x0082E6F0 0x00000000 0x0155FC70 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, zCMenu::Enter()+70 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin_carsten\zMenu.cpp, line 403 0023:0042957E (0x00000000 0x00400000 0x0015C159 0x0155FE94) Gothic2.exe, CGameManager::Menu()+686 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic_bert\oGameManager.cpp, line 1378 0023:00425C35 (0x0082F0EC 0x00000006 0x000600BC 0x1275F3C0) Gothic2.exe, CGameManager::Run()+1029 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic_bert\oGameManager.cpp, line 713 0023:0078188B (0x0000002C 0x00000005 0x00000001 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, MainProg()+75 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic_ulf\Phoenix.cpp, line 111 0023:00503270 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x0015C159 0x00000001) Gothic2.exe, HandledWinMain()+928 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 1169 0023:00502DFD (0x0155FE98 0x00000000 0x0015C159 0x00000001) Gothic2.exe, WinMain()+141 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin_carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 1054+17 byte(s) 0023:007D43F8 (0x00000004 0x0000FFFF 0x000000B8 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+r24 byte(s)

Low FPS and FPS drops
:( but Chronicals of Myrthana work wery well

Generally game is playable like in windows, game is very stable. Mods (after use launch command) work corretly even with union.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw,d3d9ongl,dxvk,dxvk2,wined3d=n,b" %command%
after move brightness/gamma/contrast bar return to first position make value lower than original. Later i will try it with dx11mod
Windowed mode is unsupported. Is possible to switch (F3 marvin key) but graphic gettin freeze. Return to fullscreen mode make game playable back.
without launch command is impossible to run Workshop Launcher
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw,d3d9ongl,dxvk,dxvk2,wined3d=n,b" %command%
Modify Systempack.ini scale value to 1.4 for nice UI scaling.
Yes, setting scaling to 1.4 fixes this.
For best vanilia experience, use workshop beta branch, subscribe to Union, Gothic LegacyAltRenderer, Ninja, zBugFixes, zGamePad, and then add WINEDLLOVERRIDES - then it will work, 60FPS and music included.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%
↑ Use the command above to make GD3D11 work ↑
Switching between two screens does not crash the game like it did on windows. Using GD3D11 will increase your FPS limit - And the game looks even better
The game is running great. Although it requires use of protontricks in order to get the background music to work.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%
protontricks 39510 directmusic
Background music not working out of the box.
First needed to install directmusic in protontricks: protontricks 39510 directmusic
Then edit ~/.local/share/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx/user.reg Find the section called [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] and delete line: "*dsound"="native"
Sometimes the secondary screen is used to open the game. Cannot move the window to the main screen either. Needed to switch to use only ony screen on which I wanted the game to run.
I recommend using D3D11 mod (which requires adding the WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%). Gamepad mod works great as well. I had some troubles to get my DualShock4 to work properly. Remember to disable SteamInput for this game and make sure you have some system-wide DS4 driver installed and running. ds4drw works great for me. Some texture pack is also very nice to have :)
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%
Activate beta in game properties to gain access to these mods in workshop
- Union
- Ninja
- zUtilities (optional)
- zBugFixes
If you use Flatpak version and your Steam library on another drive, check Note section in the description here
To avoid cabextract aborting error you need to lauch the game with Proton 5.0.X version (where X is 10 by now) at least once before using protontricks (you can change version in game properties, compability layer section)
- Install directmusic via Protontricks (you can find it in Install a Windows DLL or component section)
The program window will disappear during the installation. The window will appear again if the installation is successful.)
- Find the file user.reg located somewhere at .../steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx.
For example, /home/demonich/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx, or /mnt/SecondDisk/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx
- In text editor use search to find dsound. You'll see few similar lines with asterisk symbol. Delete these lines, except! lines with dmband, dmcompos, dmime, dmloader, dmscript, dmstyle, dmsynth, dmusic, dswave. Remove asterisk symbol in every line.
Check performance section to resolve problem with Alt-Tab (both methods work well)
Install GRawInput -- converter of outdated input method into modern one.
Be careful when unpacking the archive! In the game there is a folder system with lower case, in the archive there is the same folder System with upper case. Linux will be ok with two folders system and System in the same place, because it can be case-independent, but your game will not like that at all, because it was made for Windows -- the system with case-dependent file system. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Honorable mention! You can install zGamePad mod for better controller support. I don't have a controller, so I can't say anything about it. But it seems to work for other people.
This game uses outdated directx, which can't be translated into Vulkan by DXVK. Use GD3D11 for fancy picture with shadows, or Gothic Legacy Alt-Renderer for better performance on any hardware
Insert the line at the top of the review in the properties of the game, the launch properties section.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n;ddraw=n,b" PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Set the following in Gothic.ini zStartupWindowed=1 scaleVideos=1

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%
Mouse sensitivty is pretty slow even on max.
When activating workshop beta installing D3D11 mod is super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Had to install directmusic using protontricks to enable background music
Mapped Esc to back grip button to skip videos
Background music is missing unless you do the protontricks fix
Follow these steps to get it running nicely on the Deck:
- Install the game
- Go to "Manage" -> "Properties" -> "Beta" and select "workshop beta"
- Install this mod collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2899031562
- Feel free to experiment with other mods as needed, for example by using a texture mod
- Open up a console and execute:
protontricks 39510 directmusic
- Open up a texteditor and find the following file:
- Open up a texteditor and find the following file:
- Find the section called [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] and do the following two steps:
- add line (necessary for D3D11):
- delete line:
(if this line is not present, directmusic was not properly installed and you should try step 4 again!)
- add line (necessary for D3D11):
- Save the file
- In Steam overlay, select Gamepad as the control scheme and map the escape key to a rear button to skip startup videos. There probably also is a config setting to do this.
The game should run now with working background music. If music is not present, you're missing directmusic! Try step 4 again and check if entries regarding dmusic
start appearing in the user.reg file from step 5.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Works perfectly
If you want to use GD3D11 mod (https://github.com/SaiyansKing/GD3D11/releases) you have to set launch options to WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Changeable parameters:
- zStartupWindowed=1
- scaleVideos=1 In the file ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Gothic\ II/system/Gothic.ini
Using Protontricks get libraries:
- dmusic
- dmusic32
- directmusic
- dsound
For 1920x1018 and 2560x1440:
- D3D11 Renderer Mod
Everything mostly worked but background music in game was missing. To fix this I needed to do two things.
- Use protontricks to install the entire directmusic package.
- Open: /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx/user.reg Find the [Software\Wine\DllOverrides] then delete the line for "*dsound"="native" and finally save the file.
After doing that the game works great using mod launcher and the following workshop mods:
- Union - Patch for Gothic 2
- Ninja -D3D11 Rendering Mod
- zGamePad - complete gamepad support
- Texture Pack by Artemiano
- (optional) Gothic II Classic
I'm using the latest GE but I suspect this process would work fine on the default proton version as well.
Set the game to run at 40hz/40fps and set TDP to 7w.
There is no in game BGM unless directmusic / dsound adjust is made.
If your resultion ends up out of wack go into video settings and make sure you set it to 1280×800x32 during my tinkering it ended up changing to 1280×800x16.
Unplayable crashes. Could not get through opening dialogue
Constant crashes
Locked 30 FPS
No music
Endless loading screen when going through the addonportal with max settings
Works if you turn down the settings before entering and crank them up after the loading screen
with unity mod an controller support module
You have to opt in the workshop beta to access the workshop and install those mods
Videos are not shown by default and KB+M controls are not ideal. However, all is fixed by installing Union + zGamepad mods via workshop.
Videos do not play. Install Union mod from workshop to fix.
Initial launch had only half of screen visible. Navigating to ingame graphics setting and setting correct 1280x800 resolution fixes it permanently.
Default KB+M sttings are crap. Install zGamepad mod from workshop to have proper gamepad support.
For best console-like experience:
- Opt into Gothic 2 Workshop Branch to enable one click installing of mods
- Launch the game once and set display resolution to 1280x800
- Subscribe to Union and zGamepad mods
- Set controller layout to Default Gamepad
- Launch the game choosing mod launcher after hitting PLAY
- Hit PLAY once in mod manager
played on SteamDeck
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8,d3d9,d3dimm,ddraw=n" %command%
Tabbing out and back into the game could cause the gamma to get broken.
Cut-scenes where playing but not shown.
To solve the gamma and cut-scene issues apply dgVoodoo2 to the game as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqvRO2AMyU
To fix crashing upon entering Jharkendar and a plethora of other engine bugs, go to Properties>Betas and select Workshop from the drop-down menu, then head over to the Steam Workshop and subscribe to Union.
Missing music, I couldn't get it to work using any of the fixes mentioned here but it wasn't a big deal to play without it.
Game crashes when I go to Jharkendar through the portal. But to fix this, I set the graphics settings to the minimum and successfully teleported to the location. Then I returned settings back to the maximum and it's ok.
Game crashes every time when trying to go to Jharkendar
R2/L2 for right/left attack, Dpad for sneaking/blocking/map, Left trackpad to select spells
Lowered visual settings and set TDP to 7~ in order to get around 4h of play time with 60FPS (outside of Khorinis)
The game was rock solid, but now I am stuck because it always crashes when trying to enter Jhakendar
If I would have been to play again I would have enabled some quality of life mods from Steam Workshop - Maybe they would have even solved by Jhakendar issue.
Mod Installation works flawlessly through Wine. To use the D3D11 from Clockwork/Degenerated put
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n;ddraw=n,b" %command%
in the Steam Launch Options.
In game dir edit file .../steamapps/common/Gothic II/system/Gothic.ini to change lines to
(for more resolutions) extendedMenu=1
(for videos) scaleVideos=1 and zStartupWindowed=1
Played with Proton 6.3-7 and options PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

Black screen intro but the sounds ran well.
intro videos had just audio and black screen. no menu. constantly switching between window and fullscreen. i had to tab out and kill it

Proton-6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I used Proton-6.1-GE-2 because there are fewer problems with it. Remove the old Proton 39510 prefix, start the game and exit. Install DirectX Music, and if you need mods (Player Kit, Union, etc.), install Visual C++ 2010.
In the game settings, select Soundprovider - Miles Fast
This is a game engine problem.
Sometimes the game freezes while loading. More often savegame.
Installation DirectX Music and Visual C++ 2010:
export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39510/pfx" && winetricks -q dmusic vcrun2010
If at the end there is an error WARNING: sha256sum mismatch!, install it manually.
wine "$HOME/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2010/vcredist_x86.exe"
You have to fix a few things manually before this will be a enjoyable experience, but this is mostly not due to proton/wine.
You need to install dmusic for sound to work
Had do enable windowed mode in gothic.ini
Game crashes when learning special skills, but this is not wine exclusive. SystemPack patches fixes this
All issues I experienced so far can be fixed by installing dmusic and installing the GothicFix SystemPack and Player kit. See https://github.com/GothicFixTeam/GothicFix/releases

Performance is good. Game is stable when doing anything but wanting to learn the special skills.
Game would always open back up in full screen after a short time.
Game crashes or more like exits when I want to learn special skills: Lock Picking, Pickpocketing and Sneaking. Game also crashes/exits when I try to import a hero file.