Game runs perfectly OOTB.
Aside from the initial processing of Vulkan shaders which took over an hour to complete, the game ran with zero issues OOTB.
Native version didn't open, had to force latest Proton.
Aside from that, game ran perfectly without any issues.
Some issues with visuals and controller support.
Whenever the screen changes (pausing, entering a mini-game, low health, etc.) artifacts will show up all over the screen.
Mouse & keyboard controls are awful, and unfotunately the game doesn't support controller input.
Other than that the game is still perfectly playable. It's honestly a miracle that this game can even run on Proton in the first place.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Since this is a game made specifically for the Steam Deck, the only feature you can't use on PC is the gyro mode. Aside from that, zero issues.
Some issues, but the game is still playable if you're willing to put up with them.
FPS will drop whenever a bunch of enemies are on screen. This is probably because of the shoddy PC port.
Starting the game with movies enabled causes the game to crash after the initial logos. Turning off movies from the launcher prevents this from happening.
When starting the game, it'll ask if you want to run it on Windows 7 compatibility mode. When you do, the game says it has enabled compatibility mode and closes itsef, saying that changes are applied after restarting the game. Starting the game again, it'll keep asking you the same thing, so starting without Windows 7 compatibility mode is the only way to get the game to start.
Game crashes with most recent Proton.
After the initial dialogue when starting a new game, the game immidiately crashes.
PLayable in spite of controller & Microsoft .NET issues.
Default controller mapping was completely asinine (aim with Select, shoot with Start, etc.) Also, button prompts are only for keyboard & mouse, no controller inputs can be activated.
Every time you start up the game, Microsoft .NET Framework installs and gives a "You must use "Turn Windows features on or off" in the Control Panel to install or configure Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5" error. Just pressing OK starts the game with no issues, but having it pop up every time you start the game is annoying.
If you're willing to put up with that, the game is perfectly playable.
This is a native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
Native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Game crashes after slecting a character.
I could install and run the game with no problems, but after trying to play a single player game and selecting a character "DAY 1" flashed on screen for a second and then the game crashed. I tried using different characters and the same thing happens every time. Not really worth the effort of messing around with the game to get it to not crash.
Game runs pretty good OOTB.
Game would sometimes stutter when changing screens.
Continued from my Windows cloud save of two and a half hours. Aside from those slight stutters from changing screens the game ran with zero issues.
Cutscenes didn't play, got a black screen (except for UI) with sound when starting a new game.
When a cutscene starts only SMPTE color bars are displayed (no sound), after the initial cutscenes were over I could see something for about 3 seconds before everything on screen (except for the UI) turned black. Don't care enough to tinker around with the game to get it to run properly.
Game has some slight performance issues, but is perfectly playable if you can bear with them.
Some issues when changing resolution, but after restarting the game they are gone. As far as I can tell, game can only be played fullscreen, not windowed.
Game sometimes stutters when running around in large areas.
These issues could be because of the shoddy PC port and not Proton. Best way to play the game, if you can, is on Xbox One/Series backcompat.
Native Linux game, works perfectly fine.
This is a native Linux game, so there's not really a need to check if it works or not but might as well just say it runs perfectly fine for the hell of it lol.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Single player & online/local multiplayer worked perfectly with zero issues.
Native version wouldn't open, had to force latest Proton to play.
Aside from that, game worked perfectly.
Native Linux game, runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linux game, should run with no problems on any distro.
No sound whatsoever.
Absolutely no sound plays.
If you're willing to play with no sound, then the game is perfectly playable in spite of that issue.
Had to force latest Proton to play.
Trying to play the native version only showed a black screen. When using the latest Proton, the game opens and takes about a minute to load the main menu. Aside from those issues the game runs perfectly fine.
Secret of the Oracle wouldn't launch.
Aside from that, all other games work perfectly OOTB.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
Native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Works (almost) perfectly OOTB.
Only the Bethesda version of the game runs, the DOS versions freeze after a couple of seconds of gameplay and I had to stop them through Steam to close them.
Game crashes after loading single player with most recent Proton.
After choosing a difficulty, the game starts loading and crashes after it's done loading.
Black screen when launching the game.
After the initial logos show up the next thing is a completely black screen with sound. I wouldn't recommend installing this version of Darksiders since it uses an awful wizard called "InstallShield". If you wanna play this game, try the "Warmastered Edition", though that one has some issues with Proton.
Cutscenes won't play.
Cutscenes are automatically skipped.
The game is perfectly playable if you don't care about the cutscenes, worth playing this version (Warmastered Edition) rather than the original version of the game.
Native Linux game, works perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, works perfectly OOTB.
I only marked online as not working because there are no people playing this game online, though YMMV and you may be able to find a server with people playing. In spite of the fact that online is pretty much a ghost town, this game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linuz game, runs perfectly OOTB.
Native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should work with zero issues on any distro.
Doom 1 & 2 run fine, Doom 3 is pretty much unplayable.
Doom 3 only shows a black screen with some textures, pretty much unplayable.
Try the original version of Doom 3 (app ID 9050), that one works perfectly with Proton.
Works perfectly OOTB
Game runs with zero issues OOTB. However, when starting the game my second monitor was disabled and had to go to my system settings to eneble it again.
Works (almost) perfectly OOTB.
Could not get the game to fullscreen properly, could only play windowed.
In spite of the fullscreen issue, game runs perfectly natively OOTB.
Game freezes during cutscenes.
Could not get the game to window, regardless of what resolution I chose from the options menu it alwas forces fullscreen. Most likely an issue with the game itself and not Linux/Proton.
During cutscenes the game would freeze and I had to alt+tab back to Steam to close the game from there.
Only way to avoid freezing was to skip cutscenes.
Runs perfectly OOTB, in spite of weird shadows on characters.
I followed the steps on the game's PCGW page, but characters still had weird shadows on them. In spite of that, the game is still perfectly playable.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Runs pretty badly.
The game ran and looked pretty bad, in spite of the fact that my hardware far exceeds the minimum requirements the game lists on the store page. Could be an issue with Proton as well.
Game wouldn't start.
Pressing "Play" on Steam just makes the game load for about a second and nothing hapens.
No audio
Only the music in the first FMV played (and got delayed after a few seconds), there is no music after that.
X-2 constantly crashes.
X-2 crashes CONSTANTLY. would not recommend playing it through Proton.
I'd only recommend playing X and the other bonus modes, don't even think about trying X-2 through Proton if you don't want to contantly pull your hair out from the contant crashes.
None of the games are playable.
Once I started a level the games immidiately froze and I had to force close them through Steam.
Missing music.
No music.
Game is still playable despite the missing music.
Runtime error.
The game immidiately crashes when launching, giving a runtime error as the reson.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Didn't notice any issues when playing offline, couldn't find a match to test online.
Black screen with sound.
When the game opens, only a fourth of the screen on the top left shows up when the Rockstar logo plays, after that it's just a black screen with sound.
Mediocre PC port with R*'s awful launcher.
I wouldn't recommend playing this game on PC the way it is now, especially not through Proton. You have to install Rockstars awful launcher to play the game. That alone makes the PC version inferior in my book.
Looks awful.
Tried changing around the settings but the game looks super saturated. Still playable though.
Black screen with sound.
When the game launches I could only see a black screen and sound. Pretty much unplayable.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Load times are unacceptable.
No music during gameplay, and cutscene audio is atrocious.
Alt+tabbing aout of the game causes it to crash after a few seconds.
TEN MINUTES just to load the first level, can't even imagine how long it would take to play this from start to finish with load times that slow.
If you have more than one screen hooked up, the game opens on the center of all screens.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, I was able to play it with zero issues.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
Game is a native Linux game, runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Kinda ok with no modifications.
In spite of a pretty dodgy settup tool, the game manages to run with no apparent issues. Played for a few minutes and noticed that default controller binds are pretty weird. I'd recommend it if you have the time to fix these issues yourself, but OOTB I wouldn't recommend playing this game through Proton.
Game crashes randomly.
I was trying to resume from my cloud save, but the game always crashes during the cutscene that plays at the beginning of Episode 6. Tried playing other missions, but they would also crash at random points. This was already a pretty horrendous PC port (crashes only happened on Linux/Proton, not on Windows), so my recommendation is to play the Xbox 360 version on Xbox One/Series if you can.
This is supposed to be a native Linux game, but I couldn't get it to run with or without Proton.
Pressed play on Steam, but the game immidiately closes. Tried with and without Proton and the same thing happens. Considering it's a native Linux game, it really is strange that it can't run either way.
Runs pretty well OOTB.
Had an issue when starting the game for the first time where all of the screen was black except for the HUD. Restarting the game fixed the issue.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
One very minor annoyance is that the cursor will appear on the center of the screen when changing menus, even when playing with a controller. If memory serves me right, this was also an issue on Windows.
The game stutters way too much.
It's beyond the point of being tolerable, the game contantly lags and is a real pain to play.
Servers shut down on June 30th, 2020.
Only reason I'm writing this in the first place is because I'm testing my entire game library on Proton, so might as well check this game off the list while I'm at it. Launching the game on OpenGL would instantly crash it, so DirectX11 is the only way to get the game to start. Not that it matters since it was an online-only game, there's nothing there to play.
Minor stuttering and artifacting.
The parts in-between levels have some artifacting, sometimes even showing up on the levels themseves though very rarely.
Aside from those issues, runs ok OOTB.
The game keeps crashing, I can't get past the tutorial.
Nothing to do with Proton, but I find it laughable that a console port doesn't have controller support.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues with the latest version of Proton.
Works perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues with the latest version of Proton.
Immediately freezes.
Just like all the other DOOM games that use DOSBox, the game freezez when starting a level.
Works fine OOTB, has some issues though.
Some textures, lke the snow, do not look right. Scrolling through weapons with the mousewheel causes the game to switch between all weapons infinitely, can't even close the game when this happens.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Runs way better than the first Max Payne game through Proton.
Can't play without installing R*'s awful launcher.
The game runs pretty well through Proton, but I wouldn't recommend installing it because you need to use R*'s awful launcher in order to play the game. I would personally recommend playing it through Xbox One/Series backwards compatibility.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues OOTB. If you can, play this instead of Redux. Way better.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, I was able tu run it OOTB with zero issues.
Tried native and Proton, both had issues.
Game would open fine the first time on fullscreen, after changing the resolution to windowed 1280x720 the game would not open after restart.
The game could not detect my controller, and when using the keyboard the controls would randomly change mapping (up/ down would change from the direction pad to WASD, etc.)
After changing the resolution from fullscreen to windowed the game would immidiately crash after starting to play it after a restart.
Game wouldn't start on Proton after changing resolutions, and playing natively the game wouldn't detect my controller and change key mappings randomly while using the keyboard.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues OOTB. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992303284/recommended/774171/
Most videos look awful, some don't even show up.
Sometimes videos will show up desaturated and with a green bar at the bottom. Some only play sound and are all glitched. This is an FMV game, so being that it's a hit or miss whether videos will play correctly or not makes it unplayable through Proton.
Game always crashes after finishing a stage.
Game has slight stuttering, particularly noticeable in the opening movie.
Game always crashes at the end of a stage.
This game is abandonware, it hasn't been updated in almost two years and still no word on the console ports they promised would come some time after launch (the port was supposed to come out on last gen consoles...) It also has a pretty awful english translation. I wouldn't recommend you buy it, let alone play it through Proton.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Played through the whole game and got 100 % completion, zero issues.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Played through the whole game and got 100 % completion, zero issues.
There were some very minor visual issues during the fight with Kwolok, but nothing major. I'm not sure if it was because of Proton or if those visual issues are also present in the native version of the game. Also, the first couple of times I ran the game when the Moon Studios logo is supposed to show up, only SMPTE color bars popped up. This only happened about 3 times & after a couple of times launching the game it never happened again.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game ran with zero issues OOTB
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
This game needs GameSpy in order to run.
Just no. The fact that this game needs you to install middleware that's been defunct for a decade is a dealbreaker. The game also runs on a super tiny window, making it unplayable through Proton.
Runs perfectly fine OOTB.
Multiplayer worked just fine.
Local multiplayer works fine.
Played in single player, online & local multiplayer and had zero issues. Game works flawlessly OOTB with no modifications necessary.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
Game is native on Linux, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Only the Bethesda version runs, the orignal versions are only a black screen with sound.
The Bethesda version is inferior to the original version of the game, the version that matters (original) only shows a black screen with sound when launched.
Would not recommend playing it through Proton.
Default control bindings are awful.
Game crashes every 10 minutes.
If you can get it to stop crashing and fix the default controls, it should be a pretty good experience. Play it while you can before Bethesda inevitably ruins it, like they did with the first Quake.
Steam Error
Application load error 5:0000065434
Steam Error
Application load error 5:0000065434
The regular game runs fine, GLQuake only shows a black screen.
No music.
The default controls are awful.
Aside from those issues, the regular game runs fine through Proton.
The regular game runs fine, GLQuake only shows a black screen.
No music.
The default controls are awful.
Aside from those issues, the regular game runs fine through Proton.
Audio is missing with most recent Proton.
No audio.
If you don't mind playing with no audio, the game is still perfectly playable.
Works (almost) perfectly OOTB.
When entering a particularly large area, the game would sometimes freeze for a second and stutter a bit afterwards. This didn't seem to happen on smaller areas.
Aside from those slight freezes/stutters, the game ran with zero issues OOTB.
Thanks to GFWL this game will ALWAYS be an awful port.
Could not get this game to launch with Proton, and IMO it's hardly worth the effort to get it to work. But even on Windows this game was always an absolutely abysmal port, in part because of the GFWL integration and Capcom's negligence to release a proper updated version of the game that isn't dependent on that garbage. Best way to play this game is on the PS4 or Xbox One (or current gen consoles via backcompat), the PC port will never be fixed.
Could not start the game natively or with Proton.
Tried with and without Proton, game would not start either way.
Game froze most of my computer during the d3t logo that plays when starting the game.
Had to shut down my system through the terminal.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Game crashed after playing the intro videos.
Opened the game, after all the intro videos played the game crashed and immidiately got a "Saints Row The Third has experienced an unrecoverable problem" error. Tried on Proton and native, had the same issue.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Only a white screen shows up.
I couldn't even close the game trhough Steam, had to reboot my PC just to close the game.
Just play Transformed.
Constant freezes especially when you or another racer gets hit by a rocket or item, some stuttering.
Too many issues to recommend playing this trough Proton. Play Transformed, that one works perfectly on Proton and improves everything from this game.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Played through all 3 story modes twice (because I forgot this game doesn't have cloud saves) & 2P Battle Mode, everything worked with zero issues.
Game shows a black screen with sound.
Don't care enough to fix it with custom shenanigans. Only workaround is to change configs which is not worth the trouble.
Too much stuttering.
If you can manage to play without getting a hedache from all the stuttering then go for it. How is this verified on Deck when all that stuttering is going on?
Load times are unacceptable.
The first time playing this I though the game froze after the first cutscene because when it starts loading a stage, it's just a static screen with the level name. No indication that the game is loading. Took about a minute for the first level to load, and then over 30 second for the levels after that. It's also a pretty bad game, so regardless of whether it runs or not on Proton I wouldn't recommend it either way.
Unplayable through Proton.
When running the game, it gives out the error "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0"
Native Linux game, works perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues OOTB.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Game ran with zero issues OOTB.
Severe graphical issues make the game unplayable on Proton/Linux.
Only things that appear on-screen where the playable character and the UI. BAckground stages and opponents were all pitch black. Sometimes only the oponents show up and my character turned black. Tried arcade & practice modes, both had the same issue.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Can only see the bottom of the main menu on the top of the screen.
The game seemingly freezes on the main menu, had to close it through Steam. Unplayable through Proton.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, I could run it OOTB with zero issues.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, I was able to run it OOTB with zero issues.
Works (almost) perfectly OOTB.
Only the Bethesda version of the game runs, the DOS version crashes after startup.
Native Linux game, runs perfectly OOTB.
This is a native Linux game, should run with zero issues on any distro.
Black screen.
Game opens, black screen pops up for about half a second and then minimizes to the taskbar. If you try to open the window through the taskbar, it opens for about half a secnd then crashes.
Runs like a PowerPoint presentation.
Single digit framerates. Pretty much unplayable.
Don't even bother.
The game installs Visual Studio and Unreal Development Kit.
Just becasue of that I wouldn't recommend running this game through Proton, even though it runs with zero issues. Your call.
Game is perfectly playable, but constantly stutters.
Game runs at 31 fps, causing some extremely annoying stuttering.
Couldn't fins a fix for the stuttering on Linux.
Some videos are missing.
In their place are SMPTE color bars, so I wouldn't recommend playing this game through Proton.
Runs pretty much perfectly OOTB, with some graphical bugs.
Character models will have ghosting when walking on top of wet ground. Don't know if this is a Proton issue or an issue with the game itself.
Played on high settings, no problems. Full framerate cutscenes looked pretty choppy, so I played with original framerate cutscenes like the console version.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
Just a minor issue but when exiting the game through the title screen the screen turns black and he only way to get the game to close is to press any button on the controller, not sure if this is a Proton issue. Aside from that, the game runs with zero issues.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
A bit wonky to get the settings to show up (you have to right click anywhere on the screen) but aside from that, the game runs with zero issues.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The vanilla version of the game works with zero issues OOTB. I've yet to try it out with the HF patch installed (best way to play the game), but I wanted to try out the unmodified version of the game on Proton and it ran perfectly.