-fullscreen -width 1920 -height 1080 -game Unofficial_Patch
installed the Unofficial Patch using protontricks GUI and set the launch options to( -game Unofficial_Patch )
need to set launch options to ( -fullscreen -width x -height x ) change the x to your aspect ratio like 1920x1080
quicksaving using F9 freezes the game completely. so manually save if you face this problem
link to the Unofficial Patch: https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch

Works pretty much fine. Those are more quality of life and I think you can enjoy the game if you don't skip thru npc dialogues.
Installed Unofficial Patch Plus into the Heroic games / VTMB folder, launched from Heroic by making the .exe "loader.exe"
Sometimes the animations would skip frames for, say, the dancers in The Asylum or cops on patrol. Usually only during cutscenes or in the background of talking head dialogues
At times, the dialogue box would only display the first two-three lines of an NPC's dialogue, or sometimes just display the last line chosen by the player. This was solidified the further the game went on, but never caused issues with the dialogue spoken or the NPC lip sync.

STEAM_COMPAT_CONFIG=noforcelgadd %command% -window
The opening movies stay on the screen for a while if you skip them
If the game is in fullscreen, the game won't make it to the menu. It will just hang on a black screen.
The game is buggy as hell, but I have a feeling that's in its DNA.
I'm surprised I was able to get it to work at all without the patch.

Completely playable at higher resolutions but you need the unofficial patch, otherwise it wouldn't even launch.
-game Unofficial_Patch
I went through the following steps on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS:
- Install the game
- Right-click on game in library, choose "Properties"
- "General" add
-game Unofficia
to launch options 2."Compatibility" section choose "force..." and "Proton Experimental" - Download the unofficial patch
- Open a terminal and run:
sudo apt install winetricks
winetricks prefix=/home/$USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2600/pfx
- With winetricks launched, pick:
- Select the default wineprefix
- Run taskmgr
- Click on the "File" menu in the top left and then pick "New Task (Run...)"
- Click "Browse" to select the downloaded patch (use Z: drive)
- Follow the installation instructions, when asked for game location navigate to your home (again the Z: drive) and select .local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/VampireThe Masquerade - Bloodlines/
- Pick all options to install
On Ubuntu 24.04 the offical protontricks from apt didn't work (old version). However, I decided to go with just winetricks and that worked without issue (and no need to install a bunch of flatpak or other packages).

MANGOHUD_CONFIG=read_cfg,fps_limit=90 gamemoderun %command% -full -width 1920 -height 1080 -game Unofficial_Patch -dxlevel 90
I used protontricks to install the latest version of the Unofficial Patch (v11.5), though this could be done through Wine, Bottles, or your prefered method of running an exe.
Afterwards, either delete the d3d9.dll
in the game folder or rename it (e.g. d3d9.dll_bak
) to solve the crashing issue everyone else seems to have. Alternatively you could run the game using loader.exe
, but that doesn't work with launch options and didn't work with Mangohud for me either, plus you'd have to add it as a non-Steam game.
The Unofficial patch caps fps to 65 to resolve bugs, but apparently up to 93 fps works fine, so you can increase the cap either in-game with fps_max 90
in the console, or modify the relevant line in Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines/Unofficial_Patch/cfg/autoexec.cfg
Finally, my launch options are personalised for me, but the minimum you should use is %command% -game Unofficial_Patch
to run the patch, but maybe also add -full
to force fullscreen.
Launch option is necessary for launching in fullscreen.
Occasional pause or stutter, not sure what the cause is but it doesn't typically have during regular gameplay, and may be normal for this particular game.
Unofficial patch is absolutely necessary to play the game. Will not even launch without it.

The game appears fully playable after tinkering, however this may be untrue later in the game
-game Unofficial_Patch
Installed the Unofficial patch via running the exe directly from wine, and pointing the installer at the install location
If on newer versions of proton or proton-ge, than the one listed on this post, after the splash screens, you will be met with a black screen
Swapping screens using shift+super to a secondary display will not allow you to interact via the mouse until you move it back to the primary display
Swapping screens using shift+super to a secondary display will not allow you to interact via the mouse until you move it back to the primary display
Launching as is will launch the game and give you a black screen after the splash screens.

-game Unofficial_Patch
Installed the Unoffical Patch through protontricks. Same could also be done via steam tinker launch.
Tried multiple Proton Versions, but only Proton 3.16-9 did not instantly crash back to Desktop or not render properly.
Crashed somethimes during loadingscreen, so better save often.
Crashed during Loadingscreens

-game Unofficial_Patch
Used Protontricks to install the unofficial patch like other reports suggest.
Can crash when loading a new area. Most of the crashes happened to me early in the game and it seemed to stabilize after the first story act, but I still got some close to the end.
3.16-9 was the only Proton version that ran the game normally for me. I wanted to see if I can run it with DXVK (since 3.16-9 predates inclusion of D9VK and it's a DX9 game), but to no avail. I did try briefly running it in 9.0-2 with the WineD3D renderer, but I saw no benefit to it and it also broke the overlay.

Game MUST run with the unofficial patch: https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/255290/all or else it can't map RAM correctly.
I set up a launcher for loader.exe (installed by the patch), which was able to be parsed by steam. This required no launch options, and the game is otherwise stable once launched through loader.exe.
The file path should be something like ~/home/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines/
With mod launcher (Loader.exe) the game functions more like a boarderless window. Worked fine with wayland.
Quitting the game through the main menu worked, but I am pretty confident it just crashed instead of closing.
This game is getting old, and as such it's increasingly reliant on community contributions to keep it running.

GOG Version + Clan Quest Mod copied from PC = PERFECT! Just ensure you add Loader.exe to steam game mode instead of vampire.exe
I referred to this guide on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1065whn/vampire_masquerade_bloodlines_on_steam_deck/
GOG + Clan Quest Mod installed on PC
Copy to Steamdeck
Add Loader.exe to steam
Use ANY Compatibility version (I used latest GE Proton) don't need to use older version.
If you want community controls, rename your game to 2600 in steam, then check available control schemes, export as your own, rename game back.

"/var/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines/Loader.exe"
In order to install the unofficial patch, I added the installer as a non-steam game. I then copied "vampires.exe" into the unofficial patch's compatdata folder. Specifically, inside of the compatdata folder is a virtual C:\ drive folder called "c_drive" that the program can see. I just added a "Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines" folder like the program would expect to see within there, then copied the "vampires.exe" file into that folder so it looked legit to the installer.
After the installer was done, I copied the dumped contents from the compatdata folder into the real "steamapps/common/vampire the masquerade - bloodlines" folder.
The launch settings tell Steam to use the Linux-optimized "launcher.exe" program. It'll still work mostly if you do nothing, but there are some small issues that'll complain and tell you to use the "launcher.exe" because you're in a virtual environment on Linux.

-windowed -width 2560 -height 1440 -game Unofficial_Patch
Game won't launch in fullscreen, but can be launched in windowed mode and made fullscreen afterwards from the title bar context menu (KDE specific i believe).
Wouldn't launch out of the box (Error: Available memory less than 15MB!!!-1). Unofficial patch fixes this, version 11.5 in my case. Unofficial patch installation was simple (launch installer file with Wine and install to your VTMB install directory, eg.: $ wine VTMBup115rc8.1.exe). No other issues so far.
gallium nine, hd texurepack, reshade
ALT+TAB crashes the game
I owne the game on GOG, this is why I was using vanilla wine
Works Perfectly

I had one crash, installation of unnofficial patch had a couple more steps, but generally I would say not harder than normal
-windowed -width 1920 -height 1080 -game Unofficial_Patch
used protontricks to install unnofficial patch
- run protontricks in gui mode
- select vtmb
- select the default wineprefix
- Run explorer
- Navigated the files to the Z: drive all the way up to my downloads folder (where I had the .exe for vtmb stored)
- double click the installer to run it
- followed the installation as normal
I use a home compiled tiling window manager, which caused some issues with full screen, should not apply to most other people
Runs about as well as it does on windows with patch

-game Unofficial_Patch -windowed
Unofficial patch
Freezes if launched in fullscreen.
Dips below 100 fps in intensive areas given the age of the game and my hardware. Not sure if this is exclusive to Linux as I don't dual boot on this machine.
I used this guide to install the unofficial patch. Worked like a charm. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2909531565
Give this game a try if you havn't, it's undoubtably a top 5 RPG ever made among the ranks of Deus Ex and FNV.

Unofficial Patch 11.5
Ran the unofficial patch installer by adding it to Steam. It generates a launcher.exe file that acts as the executable for the game with the unofficial patch. Once I added that to Steam, the game launches fine with experimental.

Got the game on GOG, installed via Heroic. Using "run exe on prefix" to install the unofficial patch. Set "alternative exe to run" to Loader.exe and it works great with Wine-GE-Proton7-43. After loading a save the game sometimes freezes. Pressing ESC to go to the menu and back into the game fixes it. In enabled both Esync and Fsync. MangoHud seems to work but it locks the cursor to the upper left for me for some reason.
-full -width 1280 -height 800 -game Unofficial_Patch
Since the Steam UI update broke adding non-steam games, you can install the unofficial patch using protontricks. For example by running protontricks -c ./VTMBup114rc4.5.exe 2600 and selecting the directory where your game has been installed
Alt+Tabbing takes some time, just be patient
Unofficial Patch v11.4 was installed successfully. I don't see a need to use older versions

When i click the "NEW GAME" it get stuck in the loading screen with the "blood bar" of the game... then the game crashes.
-game Unofficial_Patch
I think i tried everything...
Installed Unoficial Patch... Moved Bin files to vampire folder... Tried diferent versions of proton...
Installed Unoficial Patch... Moved bin/ files to vampire/ folder... Tried diferent versions of proton... Crash Report: Vampire caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module Vampire.exe at 0023:562f7365.
Game works pretty well, not perfect, can install the patches by adding the patch installers to steam as non steam games and forcing proton.
-full -width 1280 -height 800 -game Unofficial_Patch
Mouse is visible when using joystick/touchpad to move screen. a bit annoying
Freezes and fails to close upon exit, so not exactly a major issue, just close from steam menu
Just a buggy game lol. nothing steam deck related
Current version of the unnofficial patch is working fine dont know why people are saying you have to use older version (at least as of now, maybe it didnt work before) game also runs on proton 6.21GE2 although it seems like the loading times are slightly worse
Install VTMB Unofficial Patch version 11.3 (or higher).
The game needs the Unofficial patch by wesp5 to function. Even on windows, so this can't be a non-tinkering report. But ever since patch version 11.3, the tinkering you have to do is set to a minimum. Download the unofficial patch 11.3 (or higher) from ModDB, and install - it installs without issues using wine. Then, DON'T launch the game from the steam library, go to the game folder, and look for a file named "Loader.exe". Run that. You can add it to Steam as a non-steam game for easy access, or run it directly from a file. This is a linux optimised .exe loader that will run the game on linux without any issues that you would get running from steam (with or without unofficial patch). It gives you the menu to run the game with the basic patch, or plus patch, and it's working as if it's running natively! It's THAT good!
you have to start it via a seperate launcher which the unoffical patch provides and not via the steam ui
- installed the unoffical patch 11.3 via protontricks
- started the game once with the parameter -game Unofficial_Patch you have to run the game via steam once to generate the prefix:
- (optional) do basic config like resolution
- quit the game (maybe you have to stop it in steam manually)
if you have problems with crashes on quicksave (F9) or with random crashes you have to start the game via the Loader.exe instead via steam:
- open the explorer via protontricks and run the Loader.exe in the "Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines" folder (or run it any other way in the 2600 prefix)
- select "Unoffical_Patch" => enjoy the game with quicksave and without random crashes
some screen tearing
quicksave crashes the game
-game Unofficial_Patch
Used to run the Unofficial Patch
Run Unofficial Patch through Protontricks to remove the message: "Unable to run, less that 15mb memory available" when opening the game, and so make the game playable
-full -game Unofficial_Patch
Just bugs inherent in the game.
It should be noted that only unofficial patch v11.2 seems to work. The latest release caused the game to be unable to start. You don't need to mess around with protontricks, just dld patch v11.2 in desktop mode, add it to steam, then run it under Proton. Make sure you know where the game is installed. i had trouble finding it unless it was installed to my SD card (possibly because of the way the steamdeck locks down some directories).
The game runs fine without the unofficial patch some how but the mouse is constantly in my face. Also can't install the patch because the installer can't find the path. I don't know what you're all talking about because there's no media part of the run folder.
Mouse cursor constantly showed
Mouse cursor constantly shows up.

-full -game Unofficial_Patch
Had to install the Unofficial patch for this game. https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch Using version 11.2. To install it, merely add the .exe to steam as a non steam game in desktop mode. When installing it will ask for the directory of the game it should go like "Z:/run/media/.../steam/steamapps/common/vmtb
Only swapped around the dpad numbers to something that makes more sense to me.
Capped to 60 and TDP limit to 10. Frame drops when loading but usually remains at 60.
Under game properties setting game resolution there to 1280x800 seemed to help.
Had to change to a much older version of proton for this. Works fine with 3.16-9 but doesn't seem to work with Proton GE 7-33 / Proton 7.0-4 / Proton 6.3-8. Feel free to try older versions.
No cloud saves
Don't be afraid to install the unnoficial patch, if you like the game or want to try it, the patch makes the game super playable.
protontricks --command "wine VTMBup113rc3.1.exe" 2600
After installing the patch don't include any launch options - otherwise it won't run
Tried different launch options and different proton versions.
-game Unofficial_Patch
protontricks --command "wine VTMBup113rc3.1.exe" 2600
Tried different launch options and different proton versions. Before installing Unofficial Patch it would automatically turn off. After applying the patch it shows me a blank, black screen.
-width 1366 -height 768
-game Unofficial_Patch
Freezed several times,so i was able to kill process the game
Playeble,but u need to install unofficial patch(even the russificaation(if someone needs)works perfect) and configure launch options. also freezes.game freezed several times.
Black screen.
Game opens, black screen pops up for about half a second and then minimizes to the taskbar. If you try to open the window through the taskbar, it opens for about half a secnd then crashes.

-game Unofficial_Patch
Used protontricks (running .exe in the wine path) to run the installer for the Unofficial Patch. After that, added the -game Unofficial_Patch
to the parameters.
The game has a known problem with input when it runs in gaming mode. It won't register any keystroke, be it with the virtual keyboard, a key configured in the input settings from the buttons, or a USB keyboard. For these to work, you have to play the game in desktop mode, it works well BUT if the input configuration you selected has a graphical menu overlay it won't show, so that's why I have to create my own with no use of menus.
Well, this game is bugged par excellence, so that are lots of little quirks and annoyances, but it's sort of the same in Windows. Often I can't tell if a bug is from running on Deck or intrinsic to the game. But it's playable and so far has good performance on regular Proton 7.0-4 in desktop mode.
After you go to all the trouble to make the game playable, it is worth it.
-game Unofficial_Patch
Installed from Steam, ran once, and then used protontricks to install the Unofficial Patch. Afterwards, set resolution to 1280x800 using in-game configuration.
Using -full, -width, and -height commands showed a blank screen. No issues when set from in-game options.
Game does not seem to shut down properly when exiting using the in-game menus. After exiting using in-game menus, the game would not load again until Deck was restarted. However, using the Steam button menu to exit the game seems to avoid the issue. So far, it has loaded properly every time after I've exited using the Steam button menu.
Will not load at all without the Unofficial Patch. Requires tinkering.

It's not flawless, but perfectly playable on Deck after tweaking -- much less scary than its official "unsupported" designation.
-full -width 1200 -height 800
Added "1","2","3","4" keyboard options to left touchpad for dialog response options; assigned various inventory/log/action keyboard commands to the D-pad and face buttons.
Because I own the GOG version (which already includes Unofficial_Patch -- definitely install it if you're running the Steam version), I had to launch through Heroic. Could not get the .exe to launch through Steam. Occasionally it will fail to launch through Heroic. When this happened, visiting Heroic's log indicated the problem was a Wine version mismatch -- I believe, essentially, there was another instance of Wine still running somewhere that was causing a conflict. A simple restart of the Steam Deck fixed this.
Save a lot. Frequent crashes Act 1, but gets better. Unofficial patch mandatory for most users.
-full -width 2560 -height 1440 -game Unofficial_Patch
Some missing textures with map boundaries. Not a significant impact to gameplay.
Frequent crashes in Act 1, but seems to go away over time. Save a lot.
Install https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch
Game will crash on newer versions of proton without unofficial patch to correct directory.
I didn't need protontricks, just double clicked exe. May need chmod +x
I wasn't able to play more than 10 minutes before experiencing freeze and usually lost some progress because of the freezes
-full -width 1920 -height 1080 -game Unofficial_Patch
without the launch options the game starts in top left corner and you see a black screen instead menu
Quicksaves freezing the game
The game freezes on loadings ocassionaly, which was issue with original game on Windows as well, but the bigger issue is that the quicksave freezes the game in most cases. There is a workaround for it on Proton Github, but for me it only worked in 2 from 3 times
The performance in the Proton is awesome, but the constant freezes are making the game unplayable
-game Unofficial_Patch
Playable - Not Recommended
Tested: Proton 3.16-9
⚠️ Recommend installing Unofficial Patch (https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch) by adding the exe as a "Non-Steam Game". For me, the game directory was found under "Z:/run/media/"...etc. as it was installed to the SD Card. After installation, add the launch options above to ensure the patch is applied.
⚠️ Game supports 1280x800 with Unofficial Patch
⚠️ Requires use of on-screen keyboard at various points in the game (using computers in-game, etc.)
⚠️ This game shows Keyboard prompts only
⚠️ Mouse cursor is sometimes visible when it shouldn't be
⚠️ Despite a lot of tinkering with controls, the experience doesn't feel super comfortable. The game would feel much better with mouse and keyboard.
✅ In-game interface text is legible on Steam Deck
Only runs on Proton 3.16-9. Same issue running vanilla without the patch. Would highly recommend having it.
-game Unofficial_Patch
Used wine to run the unnoficial patch (https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch/downloads) .exe file. No tinkering required, found the games path under the 'Z:' drive within the patcher.
Only runs for me through older versions of Proton, plays perfect overall. Started minimized in the center of the screen at first but it was fixed once I changed video settings.

Replace four files with the "Absolutely Unofficial True Patch Platinum" if you want to play vanilla