WINEDLLOVERRIDES="MSVCR80=n,b;MSVCP80=n,b;SpeedTreeRT_Yup=n,b" %command%
protontricks 211160 vcrun2015
BEFORE you can run the protontricks, you have to remove two files in the /steamapps/compatdata/211160 prefix that are actually symbolic links: pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/msvcr80.dll and pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64/msvcr80.dll -- the msvc2015 tries to overwrite these, and as the link target is protected against rewrite, the msvc2015 installer will fail. If you do remove these just prior to run protontricks, it should work and the game will start normally.

During cutscenes you could hear a crackling noise
I had to change the controls, but short of that it worked great. You just need to make sure that you ran the configuration first (you have to do this no matter what system you're on though). As well, on my Steam Deck I've noticed that it will have a crackling noise during cutscenes from the audio.
Crackling mostly during intro video.
Impossible to load saved game. Crashes every time during loading when choosing Continue from main menu.
Apart from above it also crashes every time I release captured viking dudes on the beach and most of the time when using finisher attack on enemy. At least those I experienced in first 5 minutes of the game.
Switching to Proton Experimental allows to use config tool properly. On 7.0 and older Proton versions it either won't open or open without buttons to save configuration. Game runs and looks good, with no slowdowns or graphical glitches, but crashes and broken saves make it completely unplayable.
Runs like a PowerPoint presentation.
Single digit framerates. Pretty much unplayable.
Don't even bother.
Works if you start it over the configurator, otherwise you get a black screen.
Plays great as it should play on windows. The sound however is a bit glitchy in the cutscenes
Tried using both Proton 6.3.8 and Proton Experimental but it crashed in both instances.
la verdad es muy jugable, aunque se le nota los años.
En la introducción, se entrecorta un poco.
Solo en momentos muy casuales.
OOTB no issues
Slight stutter in the audio of the opening cut scene.
Audio breaks up during cut-scene
Graphical glichtes on the right 25% of the screen, no game content
Graphical glichtes on the right 25% of the screen, no game content
Graphical glitches

Open initial menu but crashed after pressing Enter
Using Steam Client latest Beta + Proton Experimental now opens the game, but from my testing I can't get past the initial menu
Doesn't work due to DRM.

You can make it work, but requires a crack and ensure you have the Config/Saved Game folders copied from a working installation (Windows)
It's a shame you have to resort to a crack to play a legit purchased game on Linux due to DRM. Anyway, if you can find the crack and apply it, you will need to either make the .NET proton trick to work on your prefix to run the ConfigTool or, like in my case, copy the folder from a Windows installation to your game prefix folder, typically something like this:
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/211160/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Viking
Then make sure you copied the "Config" and "Saved Games" folders, all of their contents, from Windows (it should be under your "My Documents / My Games / Viking" folder) to the above Linux location.
It works fine with Proton 5.0-10, which is the version I am using. But it should work with other stock Proton versions as well.
I added the init parameters PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% , but I am unsure whether they are necessary. It works fine with them, though.

Game does not start.
viking.exe runs for a bit and stops.

Borked by DRM
Seems like another game that is borked by DRM (CEG). Really sad to force paying customers to use cracks :-(

Can be made to work with a crack for the CEG DRM
Apart from the crack, I used PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% to make sound a grafics work.
Doesn't start. No window, nothing

Still borked

Still borked. D9VK didn't help.

Won't start.

Won't start. Will show "Preparing to launch Viking: BfA" for a few seconds then crash.

Doesn't work.

Doesn't work.

Crashed, doesn't work

won't start

Won't launch