WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8,vorbisFile=n,b" gamemoderun %command%
Didn't work out of the box with Proton Hotfix, crash at the first loading. But works perfectly with GE 9-23, played 5 hours straight no bug whatsoever.

O jogo roda bem
Use a steam pelo pacote da sua distribuição, não use flatpak com ele o jogo não abre.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8,vorbisFile=n,b" gamemoderun mangohud %command%
ProtonDB will display that I don't own the game because I am playing this version via a family share library. No issues now after about 4 hours worth of gameplay.
Game downgraded to version 1.0
Mods in use: Silent Patch, Widescreen Fix, GInput, Framerate Vigilante, and SkyGFX.
o jogo abre mas fecha logo em seguida

After installing SilentPatch, the game booted under proton and worked well. Though mods are recommended to fix bugs with vanilla.
My copy of GTA SA is from the Rockstar Games Launcher. Go here .Use the Rockstar Launcher Standalone 1.0 and follow those instructions included. Now, from here you should have the game installed. Now, when I tried running the game under proton I got the error "GTA San Andreas requires at least DirectX 9 or above". This did not happen when ran using Wine 9.20 . The Error is also present on Windows, which you need SilentPatch in order to fix. SilentPatch is highly recommended due to it fixing a LOT of issues both the Steam/RGL and the 1.0.0 builds of the game. Downgrading is also recommended for both fixes and mod support. The easier way I have seen is done by this guide. Now you get the essential pack. It has silentpatch + stuff needed 4 modding.From here u should be good. Read the Readme.
Check out the PCGamingWiki article for this game.

Issues with full screen display support on Proton 9+, reverting to Proton 8 has provided no issues.
Proton 9 and up was causing the game to crash when attempting to launch in fullscreen mode.
Lot of fun, Surprisingly stable for such an old game. Occasional crashes but those are clearly caused by bugs in the game itself, rather than any sort of support/compat issues.
Managed to downgrade to version 1.0 without issue, however had some trouble installing the widescreen patch. Might've been a me issue. Planning to attempt to get SA:MP running and update on compat in the future. Without downgrading though, switching down to Proton 8.0 was the only requirement to get the game playing without issues.

The game sometimes crashes when switching to a different window using Alt-Tab.
The game works flawlessly out of the box.

Testei todas as versões do proton e a melhor é a 3.7.8, sem lags,bugs visuais e sem instabilidades.
para funcionou com a versão 4.2-9 do proton as outras encontravam falhas na imagem e no desempenho.

It launches and plays
An upgrade from Mint 21 to 22 did the trick, seemingly.

Not playable on Lutris
Not opening with Wine GE Proton 8.26 it says "Gta san andreas atleast requires directx 9.0" and closing

Consider downgrading to v1.0 for a better experience, mods and other fixes! I had issues with the downgrade process (I followed steps in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83z83I153oc&t=4s). Starting the application after these steps made my game freeze. However, when removing the 'movies' directory in the game directory, v1.0 worked without issues.

It doesn't work out of the download
gamemoderun %command%
fingers crossed compatibility becomes better

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="bass,vorbisFile,vorbisHooked=n,b" %command%
Highly recommended to play it with the modpack from the Definite Edition Project, as the vanilla Steam version sucks. Alternatively, downgrading + Silent Patch + etc. also works.

Some animations seem a bit fast w/ uncapped FPS, but game speed & function seem unaffected

gamemoderun mangohud WINEDLLOVERRIDES="bass,vorbisFile,vorbisHooked=n,b" PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
If you have installed the Definitive Edition modpack and are experiencing audio issues, you should update bass.dll file in the game directory. You can download it from the CLEO mod's website ( https://cleo.li/ ).

Borked. Steam version did not worked for me
Game did not worked with any proton. Steam version is borked for me. I downloaded copy (cough cough) from the internet and worked just fine.
If you have trouble with steam version. Look somewhere else (wink wink), there is plenty of copies just laying around.

gamemoderun %command%
Downgraded to 1.0 and installed silentpatch + widescreenfix
Sometimes the mouse goes crazy, spamming escape and moving it around fixes it

Works fine apart from a few crashes at transitions.
Occasional crashes at transitions.
Just remember to save often. The game loads quickly so crashes aren't too much of a problem overall. Wouldn't recommend for speedrunners though.

If you wait a few seconds during the cutscenes during the game and then skip them, you will not experience any crashes.
I downloaded the game from Lutris and installed it via Steam connection. I played it without any settings.

-Installed in SteamOS Mode -Switched to Desktop Mode -Downloaded Definitive Edition Project. Followed installation instructions as detailed on their website: https://www.definitive-edition-project.com/sa-de -One Minor change is to edit the controlset for Pad 1 in scripts/GInputSA.ini to "2", to enable a "GTA-IV-like" control scheme. This will feel the most natural to someone who plays modern GTA IV/V. DE project will get button prompts for an xbox controller layout. -I left the controller settings alone back in SteamOS mode and just launch as normal from there.
I can confirm radio volume is much higher than other SFX (turn down to at least half in the options to balance it out), and some dialouge and SFX are distorted or crackled (gunfire, police sirens, some cars). It's noticable but not too distracting from gameplay.
The DE Project is not unique for the SteamDeck or even Linux, these patches are neccesary on Windows for all of the 3D-era GTA games. Really all you're doing is following those same steps and you should be good to go.

I recommend adding the indicated parameters. but even without them it works normally, just by clicking play.

I installed CLEO, SilentPatch and FramerateVigilante to have better overall experience
- Launcher: Lutris
- Runner: Wine-GE-8-24
Completed the entire game without a single problem.

Стим версия ужасна. Замените файлы стим версии на файлы версии 1С. Для фикса большинства багов используйте SilentPatch.
Установка 1С версии игры + SilentPatch и ginput
С такими фиксами я прошёл всю трилогию на 100% и не заметил проблем.

Installed the DEP, which contains many of the QoL mods others list here.
Literally just drop the files from the DEP into the game install directory on a fresh install. It plays very smoothly.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Had to use Silent Patch and WidescreenFix (without the other one, the games looks kinda thicc even with "widescreen" option turned on)
I mean, i can Alt-Tab, but comming back to the game makes it freeze. When i used just one virtual desktop, it made my OS unresponsive forcing me to reset. Having another virtual desktop doesn't actually fix the problem, it just gives a way to actually close freezed game
Turning off "frame limiter", makes the game buttery smooth graphicly, but buggy in other ways (such as cars stopping immediately). I have to use "frame limiter", but with Silent Patch it's fixed to 30 fps, so it's playable

It's like a proper port with GInput and the widescreen fix, without stretched assets and correct FOV.
Downgraded to 1.0, using the Ultimate ASI loader replacing vortexFile.dll, SilentPatch, DSOAL for EAX emulation, ThirteenAG's Widescreen Fix, GInput for controller support with proper controller glyphs, and imfast to skip intro videos and speed up loading.

No tiene relación con Proton o Wine, es culpa de Rockstar
Las texturas se ven exageradamente saturadas, CJ se ve de color verde incluso
Con algunas versiones, crashea al cambiar la resolucion
Solo he conseguido ejecutarlo con Proton 6.x, 7.x y se queda en pantalla negra constantemente despues de cinematicas o ingresar/salir de edificios
He probado practicamente todas las versiones de Proton, la mayoría ni abría (crasheaba nada mas iniciar) y en las pocas que funcionaba se quedaba en pantalla negra en menos de 20 minutos de juego. Sorprendentemente funciona muy bien con el Wine normal, soluciona los problemas de los crasheos, pantallas en negro y las texturas saturadas. Aunque obviamente tus horas de juego no se verán reflejadas en tu cuenta de Steam.

Game is not easily playable, Despite tinkering
Couldn't get it to run despite various attempts and various proton versions. Game always closes right after title screen.

Installed Ginput
Enabled half rate shading, set TDP to 8-9 watts. no performance losses.
Audio quality in game seems to be very poor, radio volume very loud and must be lowered to under half. Crackling and poor audio quality mostly noticeable on peds and cars/car horns.
Must downgrade to v1 and install mod fixes for a more stable and enjoyable playthrough. Launch intro movies are broken and seem to crash any proton version so deleting the files or installing a mod to bypass them and booting straight to the load game screen fixes it, tested on latest GE-Proton.

Be sure to use both SilentPatch and WidescreenFix for a proper experience (Linux unrelated)
due the ancient Intel HD 4000.

With framerate limited to 60fps and limiter turned off game runs with no issues including cut scenes.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Game froze on uncapped framerate after first cut scene.
With Fram Limiter turned on game would only run at 26fps. Running the game with frame limiter turned off causes the engine to go crazy at high framerates. Limiting frame rate to 60fps after turning off frame limiter fixes both issues.
All settings maxed out 1080p, frame limiter turned off, and frame rate capped with launch commands the game runs flawless.
Works Great
Works Great
Launched and crashed immediately using GE-Proton8.3. Works perfectly fine with Proton-6.21-GE-2 and no mods
How to play with Quality-Of-Life mods on Deck
It's about technical improvements only: proper aspect ratio, better gamepad support, and numerous issues fixes.
Note: I used Bottles to run both game and patcher, but I believe the "Non-Steam game" method should work as well.
Download SA from Steam using Steam Deck. Transferring files from Windows PC will NOT work.
- Tech details: original audio files (every file from "
" folder) have "0A" separators, Windows Steam version has "0D 0A" separators, and Deck Steam version has "0D 0D 0A" separators. Honestly, I don't know why exactly, but those subtle differences placed all over the audio files crash Windows SA on Deck and vice versa.
- Tech details: original audio files (every file from "
Rename the "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" folder into something different (for example, it could be just "GTA San Andreas"), then add
either in Bottles or Steam as a "Non-Steam game".- Without this step, Steam will wipe all your changes when you attempt to run the game.
- On Deck, the game is located at
/home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Downgrade the game using the RockstarNexus patcher (forum topic, video guide).
- It seems the "Stub Version" doesn't work as for 2023, so download the "Full Package" instead.
- It's important to use this particular method as it patches files, not replaces them. As described above, PC audio files don't seem to be compatible with Proton, so patching keeps them compatible.
Download and extract Widescreen Fix (includes ASI loader), SilentPatch, and GInput to the game's root folder.
and setSkipIntroSplashes
, this will skip intro movies that are broken on Deck.- I'd also recommend to open
and setControlsSet
to have modern gamepad controls (e.g. accelerate/brake with triggers instead of A/B buttons) but it's optional.
- I'd also recommend to open
Optional: if you have savegames from steam version, they'll be incompatible. You may convert them using an online tool.
Install Definitive Edition Project modpack
Minor crackling
Just crashing when I launch the game!
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
I tried many proton versions but none of them works
If you downgrade the game to 1.0 and use asi loader, silent patch, and ginput, it is perfect.
GInput through Silent ASI Loader
Fixed with ginput through asi loader after 1.0 downgrade
Used q4wine downloaded in discover on the steamdeck desktop to run .exe files needed to mod the game. Moved the game file to the desktop to add and run the files needed to downgrade and mod, then moved back into the steam folder it came from. Also added a mod to fix the widescreen issue. All works amazing 60fps and even have all the old ps2 cheat codes that work.