WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Installed the FusionFix mod and had to add the launch option to made it work.
worked fine with a nvidia gtx 1660. when i switched to an amd rx 7600, i had a "snow/confetti" graphical glitch, as described in this github issue: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/1862.
since i run the game via lutris, i fixed that by following what users said in the github issue, which is: right-clicking the game in lutris, selecting Configure
> System options
> Environment variables
and adding RADV_DEBUG
as the key and nodcc %command%
as the value

%command% -windowed
Installed the FusionFix mod, for loading dinput8.dll winecfg override added.
Fine experience, just R* launcher is annoying.

Capped to 30fps as it used to run in that anyway.
I'd reccomend GTA 4 to anyone with a steam deck. It looks as good as it will, runs well, gets 4+ hours of game time on a single charge on an OLED, and the deck doesn't get too hot either. The only downside for some is that you have to sign in to the rockstar launcher, however I didn't face an issues with it.

Seems to work fine, would recommend installing FusionFix to fix the horrendous port to PC that this is.
Everything seems to be fine, both without mods and with the FusionFix mod to fix a lot of the problems with the game.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Use winecfg to update prefix to Windows 10+; R* dropped support for older versions of Windows.
Make sure to grab & install FusionFix (https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix) for various enhancements & bug fixes.

Set Windows version to 10 due to the launcher not supporting 7 and 8. Installed a DLL (d3dx9_43) for FusioFix.
If you do or install nothing else, at the very least cap your FPS to 60 to avoid issues/crashes mostly during missions but it can affect the freeroam experience too such as peds repeatedly stumbling into things instead of being able to walk around them.
Highly recommend using FusionFix. Requires a DLL override for the included dinput8. Makes the game more playable on PC.
IndependenceFM only plays about 20 seconds of each song. It depends on Windows Media Player, so to fix use a custom proton like ProtonGE or proton-cachyos that includes it or install it with wine/protontricks (wmp11).
I've been playing for several hours with FusionFix and an unrelated trainer. No crashes, no problems. IndependenceFM sometimes glitches out and makes an annoying noise instead of playing a song but I haven't narrowed down the cause and could be an issue on my end.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" MANGOHUD=1 game-performance %command% -availablevidmem 6114
DXVK + Fusion Fix +DayL's Natural Timecycle

Reviewing for Vice City Next Gen Edition standalone mod, shoutout to Gizzburt on the Deck subreddit for a guide
Required for DirectX and Visual C++ downloads
10 watts @ 45 hz clocked at 1000 mhz
Most during heavy traffic and outside cutscenes with open background scenery
Only during intro cutscenes; skipping the first three to get to the late title card bypassed the crash
I personally kept my battery settings at default, so that of course is optional with all my settings set either on or at high with x16 AF and all the sliders set at 50. Here is other information or steps Gizzburt wrote in their post: This guide aims to help install the game without ENB in order to gain performance, battery life and stability. This guide will require the use of ProtonTricks and ProtonUpQT that are available in the Discover and the resources found in the Redist folder, located in the setup folder. (Having torrented it, I was able to get the files needed on Microsoft's website.)
- Add LaunchGTAIV.exe as a non-Steam game.
- Choose either Proton GE or Experimental for compatibility.
- Launch the executable through Steam to generate the compatibility layer; the game should crash when attempting to boot.
- Select the non-Steam game with ProtonTricks.
- Choose "Select the default wineprefix", hit OK and repeat with "Run explorer."
- Use the file browser window that popped up to navigate to the Redist folder (ex. Gizzburt's computer > (Z:) > Home > Deck) and double click to setup vcredist_x86.exe; repeat with the DirectX Web setup.exe.
- Navigate to the games files location to move to trash (or backup) the d3d9.dll file.
- Navigate to data_launch/enb/del_enb/ and copy:
- gtaRainRender.xml
- gtaStormRender.xml
- visualsettings.dat to overwrite in the common/data/ folder,
- timecycl.dat and all four timecyclemodifiers.dat files to overwrite in the pc/data folder, and
- fx_rain.wtd
- lightsoccluders.wtd
- skydome.wtd
- stipple.wtd to overwrite in the pc/textures folder.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
I highly recommended to use Fusion Fix and Various Fixes to get better performance and fix timings bugs.

Perfect if you don't count the 2 minors issues
1 artefact in one of your house in the big building. And don't play with more than 60hz, it can break cinematics at the end with a big zoom and crash

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Some audio glitches related to the "Independence FM" station, dunno if that's just because of the game or if it's related to Proton usage
Game had issues with alt-tabbing while in fullscreen mode, had to force it to restart in order to get it into windowed mode
Launching it from steam without tinkering left the game unable to start entirely. It would pop up with the "Windows 7 and Windows 8 are no longer supported" message, meaning I had to manually change the version of "Windows" the prefix was using. After that it started up just fine. Works great with FusionFix

winecfg -> set Windows version to Win10
Game works with tweaks

Game runs perfectly, no changes needed
Skip Vulkan shaders if you get the option, makes it more likely to start properly
Works out of the box and without any performance tweaks

The Game run and I had no major problems with this game. Just the helicopter bug at the end. Problem is not proton, it's the game himself.
Latency at many moments - Ex : When I buy a sandwich (ex : Burger Shot), that make a moment to pass the order. Not a real problem for game.
I have play a lot of hours, I'm in the end. I have the helicopter bug at the last mission, I don't know how to fix this.
Install & Run, OK. Little instabilities at certain moments but with not really impact. We can go to the last mission without any major problem Experience is waste because helicopter bug at the end.
works great

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" WINEALSACTL=1 %command%
use wine's alsa backend, WINEALSACTL=1 %command%
use wine's alsa backend (WINEALSACTL=1 %command%) on steam, make sure to remove PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 before using it, for lutris put WINEALSACTL=1 on Environment variables and disable "Reduce PulseAudio latence", also install some mods to fix some stuffs https://github.com/valentyn-l/GTAIV.EFLC.Various.Fixes https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix

protontricks 12210 win11
After the latest update RGSC reports that it fails to start GTA IV.
This helps me to run GTA IV: protontricks 12210 win11
If it did not helped, remove compatdata/12210 folder and execute command again.

Rockstar Games Launcher doesn't start
When trying to launch the game, it pops up a message saying that it wasn't able to launch and the only options are "Ok" and "Help", the latter doing nothing. Pretty weird since it worked OOTB on my dekstop with Fedora 41. No clue what causes this.

Worked Fine out of the box
I played until i killed Vlad and didn't encounter any issues.

Game comes back with Error
Error info: Windows 7 and 8 support has oficially ended... Also tried multiple different proton versions (Valves, GE-Custom...) same error!

Stupid rockstar games launcher doesn't even let me get into the game
All it does is say: Gta iv quited unexpectedly, and doesn't let me open the game. I tried Proton GE and Winetricks but it didn't work at all. Shame as I never got to finish the game

Failed to start
RGSC reports that it fails to start GTA. No any errors ocured in terminal.

Without any mods the game already ran better than on Windows, with a few bug fix and performance mods it will work great.

Запустилась прямо из коробки без каких либо проблем. Игра идёт как положено. И пожалуй лучше чем на винде.
Долго компилировались шейдеры ( минут 40) решил дождаться завершения процесса, пропускать не стал.

Locked to 40FPS

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% -availablevidmem 6114
Patched with FusionFix to remove mouse jitter

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
use wine's alsa backend
Need to use fusionfix, along with installing the variousfixes mods too. does what it says and restores many console visuals that can either look better (mostly better because of this pc port being sleazy) or worse depending on taste. variousfixes: https://github.com/valentyn-l/GTAIV.EFLC.Various.Fixes fusionfix: https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix install variousfixes by dropping the downloaded zips contents inside. FusionFix goes in the GTAIV directory root
You have to manually set Windows 10 in protontricks, otherwise Rockstar Games Launcher won't start.
In the CLI type "protontricks winecfg 12210" (12210 is GTA IV's APPID) in order to open winecfg for GTA IV and manually select Windows 10 in the dropdown while Default settings is selected.

Rockstar Games Launcher borked compatiblity
Launch with proton 8.0-5 and install fusionfix, sign into social club when prompted.
Rockstar Launcher returns error after waiting "game is already running" with no game window being displayed.

10w TDP
Works great OOTB you can play this game start to finish as installed however installing DXVK does help. Limited TDP to 10W with DXVK results in 2hours+ run time. Very enjoyable.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Minor flickering on some distant textures
On my system, I wasn't able to install the Rockstar Launcher, as no buttons would register clicks. Switching to Proton 8.0-5 resolved this, and after installing the launcher I was able to switch back to Proton Experimental.

With the issues I have I cannot believen even my self that i had came sor far, but bugs that are making missions impossible are justannoying
Mission decomition and few other are impossible to finish on linux :(
In typical Rockstar fassion gta on linux has some major problems

Changed windows version to Windows 10
No mods, just changed Windows version using protontricks, this might work different on Nvidia.

Error when launching game
Whenever I try and launch GTA IV from Steam, it shows an error from the Rockstar launcher that says "Support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 has ended.". I don't know what could be going wrong with this, as I have no issues launching GTA V from Steam.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% -availablevidmem 12288 -nomemrestrict -norestrictions -reserve 1024 -forcer2vb -forcehighqualitymirrors -fullspecaudio -frameLimit 1 -managed -reservedapp 0
Anisotropic filtering was not working properly. This can be fixed by installing the "GTA4 DXVK" mod.
The game works great. But for a better experience i would recomend installing the mods: "FusionFix", "Radio Restoration (with split radio)" and "Gta 4 DXVK".