Works after thorough tinkering, install the packages listed and play. If you can run vulkan it's runnable, older pcs may not run.
PROTON_LOG=1 gamemoderun %command%
Right click on the game, then hit Manage, then Browse Local Files, then open up a terminal inside the folder (right-clicking may show that option), then run the command below WINEPREFIX="$PWD/../../compatdata/434570/pfx" winetricks dotnet40 xna40
Fullscreen windowed didn't align well, may be a Wayland problem though
Installing the wine-mono
package may be of use too, and using ProtonGE is recommended as it has specific fixes for the game, altough not necessary; Works great after tinkering!
Install dotnet40
and xna40
with help of protontricks 434570 --gui
go into the game files folder and execute this in terminal:
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx/ winetricks dotnet40

Out-of-the-box opens up but doesnt enter the game, after tinkering doesn't even open
Tried to install dotnet40 and xna40, however dotnet40 was "already installed" somehow
I used the tinkers down below correcly, but installing them made the game not run, as with putting any kind of launch options.

Requires dotnet40 and xna40. Steam seems to autoinstall dotnet40 on first launch, but I had to install xna40 manually.
Works great. Hilarious game.

WINEPREFIX="$PWD/../../compatdata/434570/pfx" winetricks dotnet40
Browse the local files of Blood and Bacon -> Open a Terminal in the directory and execute the following (make sure you have winetricks
installed). This will download the necessary dotnet40 dependency Blood and Bacon lacks out-of-the-box, fixing the crashing on character select.
I had weird artifacting in fullscreen mode when the resolution was below native resolution. This can be fixed by either setting the resolution to your native screen resolution or running in Windowed mode (F10). If you see it, you'll know.
Out-of-the-box, Blood and Bacon will crash after selecting a character as it lacks the dotnet40 dependency. Once the dependency is properly installed (either using the winetricks command above or something like protontricks) the experience is quite seamless.

WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx/ winetricks dotnet40
If you want to play, you have to install dotnet40 by using winetricks (or protontricks), otherwise the game crashes after selecting a character. After installing it, the game works fine.

I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to get winetricks to work and or why protontricks wasn't working as a beginner to linux.
I didn't really notice any problems when playing with friends
if you aren't as stubbern as I am you can give it a try. one thing I should add if your on steam deck and you go off of the guide and pacman gives you trouble about a key ring I think this is the post that helped me with that https://www.reddit.com/r/ManjaroLinux/comments/zly3pc/error_required_key_missing_from_keyring/ I also heard around lutris comes built in with wine tricks so if you know your way around lutris I would reccomend giving that a try.

Game crashes after selecting a character
WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000"
protontricks 434570 dotnet40

There's probably ways around it but I'm not too interested in tinkering around with this game right now. Either way, its "unsupported" rating is fitting for the moment. I do believe the developer has states that he has plans to implement Steam Deck support in a future update, but for the time being the game is unplayable on default settings.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
protontricks 434570 dotnet40
When you mess with the game's window a bit on Hyprland, sometimes window is buggy or completely disappears. But changing the resolution to 1920x1080 make it happen more rarely.

Tried both normal, recommended, and ge. Tried versions 7-55, 7-50, steam experimental, 8-3, and 8-6 all crashed trying to boot
Wish it worked but not functional at all
After testing with Proton versions that include a registry fix for Wine bug #15670, 4.11-3 thru expiremental, I settled on 8.0.2. After following a guide from pulchr on Steam I got the game to run without any noticible issues.
Does not work. Protontricks does not work either
protontricks 434570 dotnet40
"protontricks 434570" dotnet40 has error: 0264:err:msi:extract_cabinet FDICopy failed 0264:err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Failed to extract cabinet: L"netfx_core.mzz" 0264:err:msi:execute_script Execution of script 0 halted; action L"InstallFiles" returned 1603 0264:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1603 0264:fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction msidbCustomActionTypeTSAware not handled 0264:fixme:msi:ACTION_CustomAction msidbCustomActionTypeTSAware not handled
Works as expected
it crashed after selecting the character. used protontricks + winetricks to make it work as mentioned by other reports
Switch to GE-Proton7-31 and run the game once (it won't launch, but this version of Proton is the only one that let me install dotnet40 with "protontricks 434570 dotnet40"). Switch to Proton Experimental and the game should now work.
Game crashes after slecting a character.
I could install and run the game with no problems, but after trying to play a single player game and selecting a character "DAY 1" flashed on screen for a second and then the game crashed. I tried using different characters and the same thing happens every time. Not really worth the effort of messing around with the game to get it to not crash.

protontricks 434570 dotnet40
After installing Blood and Bacon, I launched the game for it to subsequently crash. Following that initial launch, I changed the compatibility tool for Blood and Bacon to GE-Proton7-24 (acquired from ProtonUp-QT), opened a terminal, and executed the protontricks command at the top of this report; once that finished, the game would launch and play as expected.
Using protontricks 434570 dotnet40
to install .NET40 along with WINEPREFIX="[path/to/steamapps]/compatdata/434570/pfx" wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000"
was needed.
Applying the previously mentioned fixes along with using GEProton made the game finally work. Using GEProton on its own didn't work, and using the .NET40 + regedit fix didn't work, but using both methods worked nicely.
Had to remove Mono and install .NET 4.0.
The game does not work with the version of Mono provided by default, so the easiest solution is to install .NET 4.0 in its place, I personally used winetricks as I had the game installed on a secondary drive and couldn't get protontricks to work with it. The command is as follows:
WINEPREFIX="[PATH TO STEAMLIBRARY]/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx/" winetricks dotnet40
If that doesn't work, you need more guidence or would just prefer to use manual method, I wrote a more in-depth guide in the Steam "Discussions" section for the game titled "Getting Blood and Bacon running under Proton/Linux/SteamOS".
Tried the protontrick commands posted here, didn't work.
No funciona
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
Probé con protontricks "434570 dotnet40" desde la terminalcomo aconsejaron, sin embargo la inatalación falla, por lo que no ha resultado posible la mejora
- Fallos en instalación del protontricks recomendado.
- gamemoderun %command% ha sido otra de las alternativas.
- En definitiva actualmente la opción de dotnet40 no funciona
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
WINE=$(which wine) protontricks 434570 dotnet40 This command will install dotnet40 using your system installed wine version. It will throw an error when you boot up the game but once you close that the game run smoothly.
Without tinkering the game will crash anytime you start a day, so make sure to the the protontricks fix mentioned.

Had no problems like the ones a few monts ago. Now it just works fine with the current proton(7.0-1)
Gets stuck on the "day #" screen
You still need protontricks to get the game running. Use the command "protontricks 434570 dotnet40", and then the game works great
Stuck on 'Day 31' screen.
The only way I could get it to work was installing dotnet40 using system wine instead of proton's version of wine. My system's wine version is 6.23. WINE=$(which wine) protontricks 434570 dotnet40
. Launching the game throws errors that can be ignored.

Doesn't Work
I also tried it with dotnet 40 and the launch options, didn't help.
Game freezes when you try to start a game.
Install dotnet40: protontricks 434570 dotnet40
Install dotnet40: protontricks 434570 dotnet40
The game crashes if you do not have dotnet40 installed. Fix for this is mentioned above.
The intro video and credits video do not play. Possibly due to missing some libraries for playing WMV videos.
Blood and Bacon BuildID: 4927216 (version 1.12)
the game runs well, especially after you run the tweaks with protontricks. the audio is just a little bit crackly, thats all.
i used the protontricks 434570 dotnet40
command after launching the game atleast once.
audio is a bit crackly, but overall the game sounds pretty good.
Only needed to run 'protontricks 434570 dotnet40' . Online Co-op works too.
Game freezes when you click play and the 'Day 1' screen shows up. Did not try any tinkering.

protontricks 434570 dotnet40
Using the instructions from the previous users:
Step 1: install or reinstall Blood and Bacon
Step 2: in your terminal paste " protontricks 434570 dotnet40 " and run through the installer
Step 3: in your terminal, point your WINEPREFIX to your installed Blood and Bacon proton prefix and add the registry fix; for example: WINEPREFIX='home/user_name/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/434570/pfx' wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000"
Step 4: Launch the game and ignore any rundll errors. The game should work now.