On Proton 9.0-4: Stable, no crashes, lots of battery drain.
45 FPS Cap
No crashes before/after FMV scenes as previously reported. Stable framerate at 720p when capped at 45FPS on OLED. Pretty heavy on battery, especially in early cutscene heavy chapters.
Runs well though heavy on battery
Setting the game to 720p fullscreen stretches the game vertically. Run the game in windowed mode to avoid issues.
Occasionally crashes after playing video cutscenes. This only happens every once in a while, and after the first chapter there are very few video cutscenes in the game. I'd recommend saving at every occasion you can in the beginning of the game so you don't have to replay too much.
The game sadly doesn't have Steam Cloud support but syncing the saves between PC and Steam Deck with Syncthing works just as well!
I'm using the Syncthing Decky plugin and I set it to sync compatdata/658260/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/KoeiTecmo/BLUE REFLECTION/SAVEDATA
Didn't try Xalia but it probably works for the launcher
Text is blurry since I needed to lower resolution to 540p with FSR for any reasonable performance
Controller doesn't work if you are trying to stream game via remote play
GE Shows cutscenes mostly fine now, but white screened for me twice (fix by restart) and black screened twice (had to switch to experimental to get passed, breaking cutscenes)
It works but is a bad experience on the deck, game is poorly optimized, save a lot in case the game freezes
Other than the movie cutscene crashes, the game runs well.
Fullscreen works fine. Windowed mode has white bars around the edges, even when forcing fullscreen in my window manager.
Sometimes the game crashes right after video cutscenes (like the transformation sequences). This doesn't always happen and restarting the game and replaying up until the crash worked fine for me.
I've read on forums that this might be fixed by switching to windowed mode, which I don't want to do because that sticks white bars around the edges of the screen. I think that in both the instances that the game did not crash after it played a video cutscene I alt-tabbed out to switch to a browser window on my other screen, so maybe that could help?
Cutscene audio don't work
The solution is to change the audio codec to PCM audio (with for example ffmpeg) as Aukust said. Follow his solution.
Second review after I finish the game.
It kept working normal, except that the more I played, the less cinematic were playing (they were replaced by this screen with colors rectangles and the "snowy old TV effect" on the bottom right.
Thanks to unlocking the cinematics in the main menu, I could do some tests :
Proton Experimental : Some cinematics play, something like until midgame then dont play anymore. Those that works looks lower resolution compared with the thumbnails.
Glorious Eggroll 8-16 : All cinematics should work, but none of them have sound even those who work with Experimental. Quality looks similar to Experimental.
Proton 8.0-4 : Same as Experimental.
So i'd recommend playing with GE or looking up the internet to watch the cinematics there but it's pretty inconvenient imo...
I have Proton Experimental by default. I simply launched the game and it worked flawlessly. The transformation cinematic looks low quality/resolution but I cant tell if it's because of Proton/Linux or not.
I completed the Chapter 2 (which actually is chapter 1...) in one go for now.
Blue Reflection has shown no major performance issues since Proton 8's release. Updating report to reflect the change in compatibility.
Initially from my previous report, you'd have search for Proton Experimental in Steam's search bar-->Update Bleeding Edges-->Set as compatibility layer for BR game in properties in order to have everything running. This made sure that audio would work with the cutscenes and well as resolved some minor issues with the intial launcher.
With Proton 8's release, improvements were also made to Blue Reflection's performance according to the initial release report. Switching from the Proton Experimental fix to Proton 8 showcased no major issues. Game was played during the first few major cutscense and boss fight. Cutscenes played normally with audio. No other known bugs have been noted at this point and time.
It's then as simple as going to "Properties"-->Compatibility-->Force the use of a specific Steam compatibility tool-->Proton 8.0.1 (at this point and time). Game should run without any issues afterwards.
Recommended to set game to Proton 8 for the best experience. Would not recommend game as is by default as previous issues still persist without the Proton Experimental fix or Proton 8.
Set to 40hz for less frame drops and better battery.
Very minor crackling in more performance demanding areas.
A model flickering for a second and jagged edges, could just be an issue with the port and not proton though.
Fullscreen will stretch the video to fill a space that is not 16:9, set to windowed mode (iirc it does it on default) for no distortion, just black bars.
Went into game's INI filed to turn off Depth of Field for increased performance.
Game has a launch window that you need to navigate using mouse control.
Disabling Depth of Field gives a noticable increase to performance. In my experince so far it can run at a mostly stable 40fps with very few 1-2 frame drops when setting the Steam Deck to run at 40hz. Current version of Proton Experimental is needed for FMVs to have audio. GE as of the time of writing does not have audio working.
Playable on SD as long as they tinkered with Proton Experimental. Haven't had any issues since applying audio fix.
Audio was borked until switching to Proton Experimental. Updating Proton to "Bleeding Edge" in Betas and then forcing Proton Experimental with the actual game itself restored FMVs to original state. No current issue with the performance.
Game is playable BUT requires some tinkering. Use Proton Experimental to run this game. The latest version of Proton-GE does work, but audio is completely borked for FMVs the fix. However, everything else seems to work perfectly fine. Easy fix as long as Proton Experimental is updated in Betas to "Bleeding Edge".
Most of it ran perfectly on the Steam Deck, might want to play with a controller on a Linux Desktop though.
sometimes I locked to 30 FPS occasionally when doing mundane stuff
I think if you set it to fullscreen it would be extremely laggy because it is not compatible with the Steam Deck's native resolution (windowed at 1280x720 ran perfectly fine 60 FPS, but fullscreen was at like 10-20 FPS)
In one of the later chapters (I believe chapter 9 or 10) I was unable to pass a certain cutscene as the game entered a bugged permanent loading screen once the cutscene finished. I tried loading from multiple previous saves but this didn't work either. To solve this, I switched to Proton Experimental which fails to load any cutscenes and it allowed me to continue with the game by effectively skipping that cutscene, after that portion I just saved and switched back to Proton GE.
Also, I did not really hear any audio for a majority of the cutscenes.
Proton GE seems to work best and will allow for a pretty enjoyable experience.
Game seems to work perfectly fine so far. Will play through the entire game and report back if I encounter any issues.
Audio in cutscenes won't play, however, it is fixable. Audio in-game is fine.
The solution is to change the audio codec to PCM audio (with for example ffmpeg).
I wrote a quick script to easily fix this automatically.
First, make sure that you have ffmpeg installed.
Next, open up the install directory for BLUE REFLECTION (in Steam, right-click on the game -> Manage -> Browse local files), go inside the directories DATA -> x64 -> Movie.
Create a file in there named "fix_videos.sh" (without the quotes) and copy and paste the following into the file:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for wmv_file in *.wmv
echo "Renaming $wmv_file to $new_filename"
mv "$wmv_file" "$new_filename"
ffmpeg -i "$new_filename" -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec copy "$wmv_file"
Open up a terminal in the Movie directory and run the following:
chmod +x fix_videos.sh
The script will backup the original files.
If you'd like to undo the audio fix for videos if you ran my script, you can run the following (or put it in a file and execute it):
for wmv_file in *.ORIGINAL
new_filename=$(echo "$wmv_file" | sed 's/\.ORIGINAL//')
echo "Undoing file renaming."
rm "$new_filename"
mv "$wmv_file" "$new_filename"
Cutscenes finally play, albeit with no audio. However, luckily the audio issue with cutscenes is fixable with tinkering.
Set to 40hz for smooth performance.
Launcher shows but is simple to handle.
Stuck at blank screen after in game opening video.
Stuck at blank screen after in game opening video.
Game crashes on stable proton.
Game crashes with most recent Proton.
After the initial dialogue when starting a new game, the game immidiately crashes.
FMV audio/music is missing, but ingame audio is working
proton experimental will not play FMV/cutscenes, steam proton 7 results in black screen after FMV/cutscene, need to use GE-proton to play
game will not work properlly without GE-proton
One video didn't show.
With standard Proton, game is unplayable.
But using Proton GE7-20 fixed the issues, and the game runs phréatique now. FMV and cutscenes are OK, good performance. During my playthough, I encounter one video that didn't show (a transformation, so not a big issue).
Switching to GE fixed issuses with FMV cutscenes.
First FMV was muted, then black screen. After that,
Without GE, the game crashes before the first FMV (after menus). With GE, got through a muted first FMV, then the game screen was black, though I could hear the audio of dialog advancement when I hit A. It's possible my mf-install did not go right, so I may keep tinkering with it.
Music does not play during cutscenes
Using the latest version of GloriousEggroll, I've had no issues playing the game. Cutscenes play normally, minus the sound.
Doesn't work on Steam Deck
It doesn't work on deck, can't continue after first dialogue. Tried several versions of proton including experimental and GE-Proton 7-15. I can't even understand the partial solutions hinted here since I'm just arriving to linux gaming with the Steam Deck.
enjoyable if you can get past the setup process. I'm planning on finishing the entire game will update if something else fucks up
had to make a new custom prefix, made a copy of proton in lutris's runners folder, installed mf-install on top, (on ubuntu) had to delete gstreamer and reinstall by hand to get the 32 and 64bits packages to make it all work
video cutscenes are skipped you can play them by hand in the game's folder. better than nothing...
Did the stuff but it still didn't run for me
Did what other reports say. Game still crashes after the dialogue at the start
When alt-tabbing and then opening up the BLUE REFLECTION window, the game would occasionally simply display a black screen.
Cutscenes do not play whatsoever, even after running the mf-install script. They're simply skipped. The mf-install script fixes the issue where the game crashes, but it doesn't play the cutscenes for me. Definitely not ideal by any means.
Try to run with proton-GE and 6.3 and it ran until the first cinematic where it tried to open it in a separated window and crashed, to make it run I followed the guide in report by Kiba Snowpaw (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheUbuntuGamer/discussions/0/3131667021984024214/) I didn't modify the document just ran << WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX="/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/658260/pfx" PROTON="/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/" ./mf-install.sh>> being cd into the cloned git repo (https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install), and created a dxvk.conf in '' ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/BLUE REFLECTION/ '' with the two commands shown in the other report, until now, it has been playable, remember to prime-run if you are a laptop user with nvidia
The tinkering needed is a bit out of the ordinary outside of that it should be playable, any further changes will be reported, mf git repo says it should be integrated into GE but I haven't have any luck, probably trying with a older version (the last change and comment to mf was apparently done around 2 years) of GE could make the process less confusing, I would recommend not erasing as I have seen reports of other Japanese games such as VN needing a similar treatment to run
I couldn't get past the first cutscene
I couldn't get past the first cutscene and it took me a long time to find out how to do what all the others on here said i should do since all guides on the internet sucks, so i made my own guide that should help a lot for noobs like me that don't know that much about Linux. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheUbuntuGamer/discussions/0/3131667021984024214/
The game crashes in out-of-the-box Proton (on launch in 5.13 or after a few lines of dialogue in 5.0), following the instructions provided by /dev/null make the game playable. I noticed no particular issues after that.
In the game's directory, create a dxvk.conf file and paste this: d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = True d3d11.constantBufferRangeCheck = True Use mf-install and make sure to install all gst plugins and libs, both 32 bit and 64 bit. After that, game will display cutscenes correctly.
Replicate the save directory on the /pfx folder (check pcgw for this matter)
Run the game with default proton so it creates the prefix. Install the winetricks package. Run on a terminal: WINEPREFIX="/yoursteamgamesdrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/658260/pfx" ./mf-install.sh Then, also run: WINEPREFIX="/yoursteamgamesdrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/658260/pfx" winetricks devenum quartz Also, just for peace of mind, get all the gst-plugins (ugly, bad, base, good), their libs and lib32 counterparts. Game will now display cutscenes. Further stability testing needs to be done.
If you have a Windows drive with your savegame, Be sure to copy your save from %USERPROFILE%\Documents\KoeiTecmo\BLUE REFLECTION\ to /steamapps/compatdata/658260/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/KoeiTecmo/BLUE REFLECTION/
Crashes after the first ~10 sentences.
"d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = True" made it crash with a blackscreen rather than whitescreen.
To fix the white screen create a dxvk.conf file containing d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = True
Missing FMV
An updated report after figuring out a fix for DXVK white screen. Game lunched with Lutris wine 5 runner.
Wine-5 Lutris runner skip the FMV that were causing a crash. So the game is playable.
With DXVK 1.5.2 the screen turn completely white sometime. It's better to turn off DXVK and play with wined3d. There was some pink artefact here and there but it's not looking that bad at first I thought it was part of the game.
Not sure it's required but I was expecting it to prevent FMV crash.
Some kind of Pink fog.
Main menu and settings works fine and you could even play beginning dialog, but then game crashes. I suspect it's because of cinematic intro.
Launcher works, but I can't open settings window. Game freezes at KOEI Tecmo logo
the launcher start but when i press play the game windows open and close instant