Ran perfectly.
I ran this using the latest proton experimental build and was able to go through the game and even earn all the achievements without any issues.
Native works perfectly.
I didn't try 100%'ing the game and I'm probably not going to, but as far as playing the game from start to end I had absolutely no problems with the game.
Removed motion blur with
Game crashed on me 3 times during the first 2 hours of gameplay, did not happen after and everything was smooth sailing.
After the last crash I had in the game everything ran like butter, Idk if it was due to shaders or something, but was able to get longer sessions after putting some time in. I only used the VectorBlur.obj in the link above to only get rid of camera motion blur.
Added back in the DLC content by going to /steamapps/common/Alice Madness Returns/AliceGame/Config/DefaultEngine find GIsSpecialPCEdition=FALSE, replace FALSE with TRUE. Then we gotta bump up the FPS to 60, for this in the same ini find MinSmoothedFrameRate=21.000000 and MaxSmoothedFrameRate=30.000000 and change the Min to 30 and Max to 60 (you could probably set both to 60). Enabling Ambient Occlusion by finding "TEXTUREGROUP" and changing AmbientOcclusion=False to True. If you want to play the first Alice game make sure to change lice1Path=......\Alice1.bin to Alice1Path=....\Alice1.bin . I will leave a link here to the steam guide I followed (this also has a link for American McGee's Alice) If you have a problem with the Umbrella not working like I did you can follow this guide here (steamapps/compatdata/19680/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser)
Played through the entire game and everything was fine. You could play the game out of the box, but you might not enjoy the 20-30 frames so configuring is pretty much a must unless you're comfortable at those frames. Also some users like myself have experienced an umbrella bug where it doesn't activate, again can be fixed. Also if you of course want the DLC skins you gotta edit the config ini as well. So overall just kind of a bad PC port, but it does work flawlessly after tweaking. Dualsense, Dualshock 4, and Steam Controller all work, would honestly recommend a controller with 2 physical analog sticks as m/kb or even the SC right pad don't feel great with this game.
Played perfectly.
Could not get the native linux version to start so I had to switch over to experimental, after this the game ran and it ran perfectly.
Perfect besides tutorial videos not working.
I am running the latest open beta for the game and everything seems to run perfectly. No issues besides the tutorial videos not working and well on this version of the game they're outdated so it doesn't really matter. Dualsense over steam input worked perfectly as well.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Game will occasionly stutter when going to new locations/transitioning into new scenes. Launch option gets rid of most of it. Episode 5 was clear of this issue.
Runs perfect.
Dualsense was working, but would have Beeny run left and buttons were mapped incorrectly. Enabling Steam input fixes this issue, might just be a Dualsense thing.
Credits to karafa as this is much needed to fix French default audio and fixes broken SettingsApplication.exe.
Go to "/home/linux/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/15130/pfx/system.reg" open that up and find "Software\Wow6432Node\Wow6432Node\Ubisoft" remove the last 'Wow6432Node\' so that it becomes "Software\Wow6432Node\Ubisoft".
Then we will go to "/home/linux/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/15130/pfx/user.reg" again open that up hit CTRL+F and type in 'Mode' you can then replace that highlighted selection with "NoBands"=dword:00000001" Then you can open up settings and mess around with that.
Audio was out of sync, and still is for a slight second at the start of the game. Don't know if doing what karafa does fixes it, but I also tried install dsound.dll with Protontricks. Go to "/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/15130/pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64" and replace it with this dll here Might be unnecessary though so I'd suggest launching the game first and then doing this if audio is out of sync. Thanks Franco and mattmacks.
The game does technically run without doing any tweaks, but cannot configure settings so resolution is locked, and the audio is in french and out of sync, so I guess if that doesn't matter give it a shot haha. I did a few things that other people have suggested, but I also installed 2 other mods, gives some effects and will fix low fps and also this will make the game's resolution feel more native instead of stretched, get rid of the default 'SettingsApplication.exe' and rename the 'BGEResolutionSettings.exe' to the exe before. Also if installing these two, the d3d9.dll from the ENB you'll need to rename to 'd3d9_proxy.dll' I have not played a whole lot of the game so if needed I will update this report, but everything should be good to go.
Runs perfect.
Does not automatically go into game, have to either ALT+TAB or click on the icon on my taskbar to pop up the game.
Ran through both arcade and story and didn't experience any issues.
Ran from beginning to end without any issues.
The game on first boot will glitch, because it uses 1 program to load everything before opening the main game, might be like this on Windows as well. After this the windows themselves act fine.
(Demo) Runs perfect out of the box.
Only thing I would recommend is to turn off V-Sync, game was getting screen tearing when this was on and slower performance, turning it off fixes both of these things.
Pretty much perfect.
Some light flickering was happening in the beginning of the game with the light beams, but other than this textures in the cave were safe from this.
Game immediately crashed with proton experimental, didn't even get into the game, but as soon as I switched to version 5.13-6 everything has ran perfect.
Restored missing files from the retail release and installed a widescreen fix.
The vanilla game will work the same as it should on Windows, but the problem is it's obviously missing files and poor optimization which result in audio being missing, some graphical bugs, and might even present crashing. It's playable, but not ideal. Using this here you can restore said files which does fix everything and also let's you play in widescreen.
Game played perfectly.
I was able to play through the main game and gather some collectibles and in my entire time of playing I had absolutely no issues, it ran as if it was Native. Dualsense and Steam Controller worked for me as well.
Worked perfectly when launching the game a second time.
On first launch audio in cutscenes were out of sync, however launching the game a second time fixed this.
When using ALT+TAB the game becomes unresponsive.
When I initially launched the game I could not fiddle around with some of the settings like you'd normally be able to, like for instance I wanted to cap my FPS to 60 but the game had it locked to 37, and the audio was out of sync, but after launching the game a second time I was able to change the settings and the audio worked perfectly. Was able to play through all 3 games with 60fps no issues at all and my Steam controller worked perfectly.
Works nearly pefect on Proton Experimental.
Game does not shut down when you quit, I had to ALT+TAB and quit the game from Steam.
The game works pretty much perfectly besides the logo intro splash screens not working and needing to ALT+TAB to Steam to quit the game. Game runs perfect and my Dualshock 4 worked perfectly.
Like stated above I could not get the game to actually start with the current build of Proton, maybe another official branch can get the game working, I don't know as I only tested with Glorious Eggroll. Everything seems to run perfect so far.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Will not be able to ALT+TAB out of game without launch prompts.
The game runs fine out of the box, some stuttering here and there, but that went away after enabling Async. Oh also ALT+TAB doesn't work without the launch prompts, so do that if needed. Other than these 2 little issues the games runs as it should.
Used Definitive Movement Overhaul mod
The game itself running Proton works pretty much perfectly, I haven't tested the Native version so I don't know if that works. Only thing I did was add the 'Definitive Movement Overhaul' mod ( since the game itself is kinda sluggish.
Works perfectly (Proton)
Just like the first game I did not try the native Linux version, but using Proton everything ran perfectly. I was using the 'Vanilla Plus' mod, but the Riptide version got removed so I cannot link it here.
Runs perfectly without any tweaks.
I've played the game for a little bit over 11 hours (as of this report), I have had multiple windows open, and everything has ran as it should without any sort of bugs. Peformance is comparable with Windows as well, albeit on Linux everything was defaulted to Ultra where Windows defaulted to low so I haven't compared too much. I will report any changes if needed, but as of now the game runs perfectly.
Runs perfectly out of the box.
I have a little over 8 hours put into the game so far and haven't experienced any sort of issues, everything runs perfectly. I will update if needed, but as of now everything runs perfectly.
Works great out of the box.
The game froze once about 5 hours into the game, but did not happen after that. 100%'d without any issues. Would say it's pretty much perfect.
This has nothing to do with Linux, the Steam version just stays in windowed mode.
The game does run perfectly out of the box without any tweaking, but doing a couple of tweaks makes the experience a tiny bit better. | If you want to run the game at your current resolution, you can go download a cracked/patched exe for the game and replace the default Steam ones, you can then open up the 'Launcher.exe' in a hex editor, use CTRL+F to find '1280x1024' and change it to whatever resolution you want. | The Steam version stays locked in windowed mode, so what I did was download an extension named 'Cinnamon Maximus' to allow me to enable borderless windows, due to the amount of variety in Linux you could have something out of the box to allow this or you could probably find a different extension. Oh an hide your panel. | This one isn't really a fix, but I grabbed the Xbox FMVs and replaced the default ones. You can find them (alongside some other fixes you might need) here:'s_Chicken_Little
Perfect out of the box.
Played through the entire game with my Steam controller and did not encounter a single issue, the game ran as perfectly as it should've.
Works perfectly.
Dualshock 4 worked fine as well.
Game itself worked flawlessly.
Only thing that didn't work was a logo splash screen, other than that everything else ran as it should.
It works, but it ain't perfect.
Alt-Tabbing out of game and returning will show black screen, but hitting Alt-Tab again will recover the screen.
During 'Nightmare' sometimes the game will become stuttery and pretty much unplayable. However this doesn't happen all the time. Starting from 'Nightmare' in the main menu didn't see this happen. But if it does happen to anyone just use the console using F1 to just skip the level.
Most of the game works perfectly fine, you can run through levels 1 and 3 without any issues, however the second level 'Nightmare' can make the game unplayable. What I did was play through it from the 'Nightmare' selection in the menu and I didn't see this happen at all during that, so I would probably recommend quitting once you get to that point and just launch it through the menu, if this doesn't help you could just open the console by using F1 and entering some cheats rushing to the meat factory section to get to the elevator or just skip the level entirely.
In /FallGuys/FallGuys_client.ini, change the first line to TargetApplicationPath=FallGuys_client_game.exe
Copy /FallGuys/EasyAntiCheat/ to /FallGuys/FallGuys_client_game_Data/Plugins/x86_64/
Just worked
I had followed this guide here but I did a couple things differently. I followed the first couple of steps as normal except for Proton, I couldn't get the game running using other Proton GE so I installed Wine-GE-Proton-7-25. Go into Heroic setting then advanced and download the EOS overlay, go into your library click on Fall Guys, tools, then click on 'enable eos overlay', go into game settings on the left tab go into 'Wine Extensions' and click the box next to 'Auto Install/Update DXVK on Prefix' and also click on the box next to 'EasyAntiCheat Runtime' and everything should work. Picked up my Dualshock 4 and everything, overall with the hour I played everything has run as intended and on par with Windows performance.
Everything works pretty much as it should, the only thing I noticed that didn't work properly was the background of the enemy introduction scenes, but it doesn't really ruin it since you can still read the text and see the enemy visibly, I played on GE so I saw the animations but pink, in Experimental it was just a pink square behind. Ran the same as Windows.
Works perfectly.
The game for me did start up in Spanish and I'm not sure if this is Linux or just the game doing this by default, but if anyone wants to put it in English go from the menu Opciones, Juego, you'll now see Espanol on the top just move that over to get Ingles, then hit Si. Boom now it's in English. Steam controller and Dualsense both worked great.
Forgot to report back in March when I completed the game, but everything ran as it should and was able to get all achievements. Doubt 5 months has made a difference since Frog Detective 2 runs good as well.
Perfect. No issues.
Just like the first game everything ran perfect and was able to get all achievements without any issues.
Used ReVC
I am not certain about the vanilla game at all, but I assume that should work fine as I've tried GTA III vanilla and that worked fine out the box. I ended up using ReVC to play through Vice City and that worked perfectly all the way through the game.
It works. Same issues with Windows.
Also happens on Windows so it's not a Linux issue, but every now and then game will drop frames and become laggy.
Don't pause at the boss, the game has a chance of becoming unresponsive, but will mostly just become laggy for a second.
GOG version ran perfectly over Proton.
I played through the game using the DRM-free (GOG) version of the game over Proton and everything ran as it should, also played a demo way back that worked so the normal Steam version should run just as well.
Have nothing to really say as everything worked flawlessly, my dualshock 4 worked as well. Should just work regardless of Steam, Lutris, Heroic, etc.
Everything worked perfectly.
Musical part did work me unlike the one report stated. Dualshock 4 worked as well.
The game works fine.
some crackling, but nothing too bad.
Everything seems to run fine. Only issues I noticed are that the pause menu doesn't work so you will need to ALT+TAB to quit the game from Steam or something else and the audio has some crackling.
Demo ran perfectly out of the box.
Ran through the entire Demo World with my Dualsense and had no issues whatsoever. Can assume the full game will be similar.
Performance is great, only plays in windowed mode.
Stays in windowed mode even in "fullscreen" mode.
The performance of the game is great, didn't experience any glitches, music/cutscenes are available, and my steam controller just worked. The only real issue here is that it stays in windowed mode no matter what, so while it works and plays great you'll just have to take that into account.
Used the tool here:
The game itself runs flawlessly out of the box, if you want to run through the game in 4:3 and have the default FOV everything is great. I however wanted to play in widescreen and change my FOV so I just downloaded the resolution tool here: and was able to change everything.
Game worked perfectly fine out of the box.
I got all the achievements as well without any issues. I did have 1 crash from game maker, but ran fine after.
Seems to run perfectly ootb.
Played from start to finish without experiencing any issues. Steam Controller worked fine.
I am running the Epic version of the game that I had installed via Heroic, but instead of launching it from Heroic I just took the DRM free version that's included and added that as a non-steam title. If you would like to do that you can find it wherever you have Kao installed so for me it's in Games/Heroic/KaotheKangarooZHs8t/KaoDRMFree/Binaries/Win64/Kao-Win64-Shipping.exe and just add the exe there and just enable Proton and it should just work without any issues. The Steam version should run fine, I played the demo a while back on Linux and it ran fine then.
**DEMO** Works great out of the box.
Some slight stutters happen for a couple seconds when cutscenes first play, but go away after. Perfect aside from this.
Pretty much perfect.
Slight stutters at points, I think it's just when loading areas like the port for example, because they don't happen again after the first initial stutter.
Everything about the game works, had no real issues besides a stutter or 2 when loading the port or sometimes an area of a level, but they do go away so it's not anything bad. My Steam Controller worked perfectly without any issues.
The picture showcased in the main menu turns into a glitchy pink sometimes, doesn't affect actual game in any way.
Ran through a couple of days in the game and everything ran perfect, aside from what I said in the main menu. The game's FPS was actually more consistant for me on Linux in this game than Windows which is pretty cool, Dualsense and Steam Controller worked fine.
Played perfectly
Played through the game all the way to the end without any issues.
Game plays perfectly, experienced no issues whatsoever. Dualshock 4 also picked up and played perfectly. The game will pop open a browser for you to link the game with your Epic account and after doing this the game was unresponsive, but after relaunching it booted as it should.
I was able to run through the game and 100% everything without experiencing a single issue. I tested both my Dualsense and Steam Controller and both worked flawlessly.
Was pretty much perfect besides controllers not working.
I tried playing this game with my Dualsense and my PDP Xbox controller and had issues. My Dualsense would connect, but I would be spinning in circles and buttons were mapped opposite O=enter X=back, making it pretty much unusable. My PDP controller flatout wasn't recognized by the game. Steam controller works, but I ultimately just played with KB+M, controls great though so no lost no foul.
The game itself ran fantastic, was getting way above 60fps and had no stutters, crashing, or anything. Was very smooth. Only issue I had was the controller stuff I talked about above, but it should just work for most everyone else. Some smoke/dust textures pop in and out, but tbh I don't know if it's Linux/Proton issue or if it's a game issue, not anything that ruins gameplay at all, but just a note. Overall a fantastic experience.
Pretty much perfect.
Turning PhysX on made the game chug hard.
I played through the main story without any real issues, there would be an occasional stutter here and there, but would only happen when driving or during camera changes in the pre-rendered cutscenes, didn't ruin the experience at all since it only happened for a second and would go away. Do not turn on PhysX though, the game went from playable to unplayable in an instant, turning this off still allowed me to play with everything maxed out with 60+ fps. DLCs seem to work, haven't beat them yet, but I assume they'll work just like the main game. Steam controller works fine.
In my experience Proton Experimental was better than native.
With the native version I had issues with my controller being picked up and just not working again even after relaunching the game and an issue where the game wouldn't load or would just take a long time to load the next scene, however switching to Proton Experimental fixed those issues and the game ran perfectly, so if you run into any issues just switch.
gamemoderun %command%
I had a problem where ALT+TAB out of a window multiple times would glitch the game out and show it in a very small window. I only did this once so I don't know if it would be a consistent issue.
Dualsense would not be picked up until I had to reenable Steam Input. Now Steam says the Dualsense is only supported via USB, but I had Steam Input on by default so it should have just worked out of the box anyway.
There were 2 parts of the games where I would get constant crashes.
First set of crashes would happen on the first chapter when Star-Lord and Rocket would enter the mining ship, would crash immediately as the cutscene started. Even hitting continue from the main menu would crash the game, I fixed this by verifying the integrity of the files.
Second set of crashes would happen on Chapter 8 where you would reject the choice, as soon as you would hit reject the game just crashes. I fixed this by running the game under normal fullscreen as I had it in exclusive before.
Now these issues are apparent on both Windows and Linux, just you either have a buttery smooth time with the game or you have some crashes and glitches to sort out first. I think by running the game in under windowed or just fullscreen might fix some of these issues. Now the game ran perfectly fine after fixing the chapter 8 crash so I was able to 100% the game.
Everything is pefect besides controller inputs.
I tried both my Dualshock 4 and Steam Controller and they will not work. They do work if I tie M/KB inputs to them, but trying to use the normal Steam Input/360 controls do nothing.
I was able to run the game with 60+ fps without any issues whatsoever when it comes to gameplay, however as noted above there are some input issues.
Runs perfectly out of the box.
Only thing to note is that the game does stutter when loading into different parts of levels, main game works perfectly.
EA App sucks, works perfectly fine once you fix.
The EA App constantly has issues where I have to use Protontricks and manually repair it. Happened every other launch.
Like stated above the EA App makes playing Catalyst a pain, constantly has issues and is needed just to even open up the game. If you can get passed this the game runs fine and has no issues besides EA and their servers.
No issues, played perfect.
If anyone was wondering, no performance issues with the car segment.
Proton is perfect, don't use Native.
(NATIVE will cause crashing when turning on VSYNC. Proton is safe from this issue.)
Proton-6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Without GloriousEggroll memories will not work
Using the normal proton builds will have the game running fine, but memories will not work so you might have a lack of understanding for what's going on story wise, however once you install gloriouseggroll (I used 6.1-GE-2, since another user said this version worked) and the memories did work so definitely use gloriouseggroll for this game.
Was able to run through the game multiple times and grab all of the achievements without any issues.
Works perfectly out of the box.
I only really played with my keyboard, controllers do work but some update messed up the controls so you have to set up the analog stick as a dpad in order to fix that.
Ran the same as Windows. Great out of the box experience.
Dualshock 4 was detected, but wouldn't work until turning on Playstation Configuration Support.
I used the latest proton experimental build and the game launched and ran the same for me as it did on Windows. I only had an issue with my DS4 controller, but once fixed it was a great experience.
(Demo) Ran just as good as Windows
I ran through the entire demo on both Windows 10 and Linux Mint (using the latest proton experimental build) and the game performed the same. The only glitch I experienced was that the intro video did not play, other than that everything was great.
Used this to replace game's audio with lowered volume files
As one of the reports noted below playing with the keyboard holding forward with S will cause you to keep going forward for a second, playing with a gamepad does not have this issue.
Everything runs as it should so you don't really need to mess with anything however, I would recommend the audio files as the game's audio is pretty loud out of the box. Oh also probably use a gamepad, just hit ESC when in game, go over to "options" then "joystick" and you can set up the controls there.
Everything works perfectly out of the box.
Did not try the multiplayer, but I did play an hour of medal mode and blitz mode and everything was perfect. Same performance I'd get on Windows as well.
Native and Proton play the same, both being perfect. Same as Windows.
Only real problem the native version has is that the last achievement would not unlock until switching over to Proton. Other than this both performed the same and on par with Windows. Oh for anyone playing with VSYNC on might wanna turn it off as the game runs worse with option turned on, for both Windows and Linux.
**DEMO** Worked perfectly.
Played through the entire demo and everything ran exactly as it should. Dualsense worked perfectly too.
On par with Windows.
Game works like it was native, about the same performance when I ran it on Windows, bugs included.
In the configuration file in Postal III\p3\cfg\ I opened the 'autoexec.cfg' file and added physx_enabled 0 r_threaded_particles 1 r_threaded_renderables 1 snd_mix_async 1 right to the end of the file.
The game ran fine until I got to the part where I had to break the lab animals out, would freeze every 30 minutes or so. The configuration additions helped fix this.
Without adding the lines above the game ran great until about halfway through the story and would constantly freeze at around 30 minutes in sessions, after however the game wouldn't crash at all allowing me to continue, this is a common thing so it's not a Linux vs Windows problem but a bad PC release problem.
Works perfectly.
When I went to go into fullscreen it didn't automatically go to the game so I had manually click on the icon in my taskbar. Works perfectly fine other than this.
Perfect after turning off Steam overlay.
The game would crash at the main menu no matter what version of Proton or GE that I used, I decided to finally try turning off the Steam overlay to see if I could get passed this and voila it finally worked and I was able to play the game all the way to the end without any issues.
Works perfectly out of the box.
Was able to snag all achievements without any issues and play through the entirety of the game without issues. Runs perfect.
Works perfectly
I also did play this on Windows and I did get better performance on Linux, but that was also the UWP (Gamepass) version of the game so I have no clue whether or not that's mainly a Steam vs Microsoft Store or if it truly was better based on just pure performance. Game itself ran perfectly out of the box and I was able to snag everything 100%.
gamemoderun %command%
Using literally any other version of Proton or GloriusEggroll that I tried would cause Tyrak Square to crash, randomly, but everytime. This version of Proton used has worked to get passed this.
If you use the proton version I listed the game runs perfectly, like I said any other version causes constant crashes when visting Tyrak Square making the game unbeatable.
Was able to play through the game 4 times without any issues, I even managed to grab all the achivements as well.
Ran without any issues.
Was able to play through the entirety of Rogue Warrior using the latest proton experimental build without any issues at all. All the dialogue, cutscenes, and even intro logos worked. Did not try the multiplayer at all, but the single player ran perfectly.
Game itself runs perfectly without the Steam overlay.
Using the steam overlay caused the game to freeze and become unresponsive.
With normal proton or even experimental the transition videos don't work, it doesn't ruin the experience or anything and the games runs great. If you want the transition videos just getting GE will fix it.
This is most likely the game itself as others including on Windows say the game is a little buggy. But only experienced issues on the first 2 Starkiller missions where relfections of corridors were black and lava having weird flickering.
When you switch windows game will go to black and become unresponsive.
I played through the main game and encountered a couple bugs, but that was probably just the game itself because even on Windows you're gonna experience bugs, but I didn't notice any performance issues or anything that would make it a Linux issue. I used the 60fps patch you can find here ( I also configured my game through the config file istead of the launcher, but others are saying that works now.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Some textures will flicker and some fog textures will clip and become squared towards the end of the game.
Game runs okay, but has significant perfomance issues due to the EA App, if you are able to get the EA App to crash and then close it the game will run significantly better as if you were playing on Windows, this or run the alt "SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe as non-steam game. Only issue will be achievements won't work.
Like stated above playing without the EA App will make the game run so much better so I would recommend this.... if you don't wanna get the achievements, the achievements are the only downside to running it this way since they're tied to the EA App. Either performance or achievements. Glorious Eggroll vs default Proton versions make no real difference except GE will crash the EA App on start up, with multiple versions I tried, you can get it back if you just quit the game and reboot it. Dualsense and Steam Controller work great.
The game itself runs perfectly, but ''Extra Content" videos didn't work.
The game itself runs perfectly fine if you just wanna run it out the box in it's original settings, but I downloaded copied all the files to \Steam\SteamApps\common\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\System excluding CT.exe, we will replace the LaunchRC.exe with CT.exe, this will just give us a few more options ingame. Extra content did not work in the newest Proton, albeit you could probably get them working with GE if needed.
60FPS patch ( and restored wet clothing (
Audio in pre-rendered cutscenes crackles and rings.
One door in Timira City flickered.
Game does stutter, not noticeable during combat. Launch option above makes the game much more consistant.
The game works, it has some issues, but if you can get passed it, it can be completed. I linked the 60fps patch and wet clothes restoration mod I used above. Oh Steam Controller and Dualshock 4 work flawlessly.
Native is mostly perfect
You cannot reach the servers to access replays, but achievements still unlocked for me.
Others have complained about not being able to unlock achievements relating to the servers like "Spread the system", even though I also could not reach the servers I was still able to obtain these achievements. If this is happening to you switch to Proton. Other than that Native was flawless.
Perfect ootb experience.
Played all the way through the game and experienced no issues whatsoever.
Main Menu is missing the textures, but everything works ingame.
Installed UnityModManager ( using Mono (
The game runs great on proton, it's pretty much on par with Windows. Dualshock 4 worked perfectly as well. For the mods you have to use symlinks or copy the game to a different location and install mods there, then copying that over to the main folder. I used the Boned Ollie (, Late Flips (, DeckFX (, XL Graphics (, SoundMod ( w/ VX Soundmod (, and XXLmod ( and they all just work without any issues.
Plays perfectly.
Only on the Unreal Engine logo splash. Main game works fine.
Trying to switch to other programs like with ALT+TAB would just keep me stuck in the game.
The game plays pefectly, I have not encountered any sort of bugs or glitches that would've ruined the experience. Game works flawlessly with the Dualsense and Steam Controller.
Runs perfectly ootb.
Dualshock 4 worked perfectly as well.
Proton is way better than native.
When launching the game I was still staring at a screen showing Steam, had to Alt+Tab into the game. Happened every launch, but not too big of a deal.
I had some issues with the native version, such as the game having trouble launching, freezing at launch, crashed a couple of times, and I had some stuttering when I would transition from cutscene to game, but when I could actually get into game the performance was actually good.
When I switched to Proton Experimental all my problems went away, game started immediately, had none of those stutters, performance was just as good, and my game only crashed once. So if you have any issues like I did, then switching to proton may get rid of em.
Without the launch option provided the audio in some cutscenes will desync.
The game runs almost perfect out of the box, the gameplay itself doesn't have any issues, but some cutscenes audio will fall out of sync, fixing this is as easy as putting in the launch commands that everyone has provided. After that the game runs perfectly. Dualshock 4 and Steam Controller worked without any issues.
I 100% the entire game without noticing any issues, the game just worked. DualSense and Steam Controller worked as well.
**DEMO** Ran perfectly.
Ran through the whole demo and everything ran as it should, no issues whatsoever. Dualsense worked perfectly as well.
Pretty much perfect
Besides some slight stuttering when loading into new scenes the game runs perfectly.
Perfect out of the box.
Was able to run through the game 100% without any issues. Dualsense worked perfectly as well.
Works perfectly.
Everything works with this game without any issues using the latest proton experimental build. My Steam Controller worked fine, albeit the game itself didn't have any controller prompts and has sluggish menu controls so you might not notice anything until looking closely, I'd recommend just using your mouse when interacting with the menus.
Everything worked flawlessly out of the box.
Dualsense over Steam Input worked perfectly too.
Runs perfectly as if it were Native.
Multiplayer was perfect, no issues.
I had a few issues with the native version of the game like my mouse not being picked up in-game and performance not being great even on the lowest settings. Switching over to proton experimental however got rid of the issues I had and even allowed me to play on max settings while getting a consistent 75fps, and my mouse even worked in-game. So if you do have any issues with the native version just try proton. I played with a Dualshock 4 and a Steam Controller and both worked without any issues.
Works pretty much perfectly
Everything here runs pretty much perfectly without any real issues. The game for me with the transition cutscenes did stutter, but only for a second and resumed normally, I did not experience any freezing like others did.
Worked perfectly out of the box.
Ran through the game once without any issues, went back to a couple chapters to get the rest of the fable entries and didn't have any issues with that either. Telltale games have been real solid.
*Demo* Ran perfectly out of the box.
Dualsense over Steam Input worked perfect as well.
Perfect out of the box.
Did not notice any input lag like others have said, no freezing, nothing to complain about. Dualsense worked good, you might just have to remap some of the controls ingame.
Only issue I had was the ending kinda glitched out on me, but I don't think it's Linux or Proton's fault as the game can be glitchy in other areas.
It's a Unity title so everything ran perfectly like it should. I was able to run through and 100% everything without any issues. Dualsense worked great using Steam Input (didn't try it without)
The game runs fine with normal Proton, but the intro logo splash and in-game tutorial videos don't play. Using Glorious Eggroll fixes this and makes the demo run perfectly.
100% with no issues
I was able to run through the main game and the 'Staff Only' DLC and attain every single ending and achievement without any issue. Tentacle ending glitch that others have encountered wasn't a thing here.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="D3D8,dinput8,msacm32,msvfw32=n,b" %command%
The game runs perfectly fine if you don't wanna tweak anything, however if you wanted widescreen, the DLC missions, different/better textures, you should tweak/modify regardless of Windows or Linux. I used this guide here and without the launch option above game stayed in 4:3.
Ran perfectly
Game ran perfectly with the latest proton experimental build. Was even able to 100% the game with my Steam Controller.
Ran the same as Windows.
The game ran perfectly out of the box, ran through the story with my steam controller and everything just worked. Played a little bit of the toy box mode as well without any issues.
Worked peferctly with proton experimental.
Native version is fine, just decided to try with proton and both versions run fine. Dualshock 4 worked.
Ran pretty much perfectly.
Changing resolutions will not launch correctly until ALT+TAB out and back into the game.
Only real issue I had was stated above, besides this the game ran as it should. Dualsense worked as well.
Ran perfect.
Dualshock 4 worked fine as well. Was able to unlock both achievements, the one was glitchy, but that had nothing to do with Linux, it's just glitchy in general.
Game runs pefect. No issues whatsoever.
Dualsense over Steam Input works perfect as well.
Nearly perfect using Native.
Some textures during the main story boss fight and 2 extra episodes will tend to flicker.
Performance is great no issues there. Most of the time the textures are great, but like I said above some textures during/after the main boss will flicker, doesn't hurt the game at all, but is noticeable.
Plays like it was native
Was able to run through and 100% the game without any issues. Dualsense worked without Steam Input as well.
Runs perfectly.
It's a Unity game so it's not surprising, but the game feels like it was native.
The demo ran pretty much perfectly.
Only issue I saw was no matter what resolution you pick the game will think I'm running it in 720p even though other resolutions set are correct. Just a lil bug, but nothing wrong with the actual game, that part ran perfectly.
Absolutely perfect out of the box.
You do have to enable controller support in game through the settings before, but absolutely perfect.