Dev recently fixed the menu bugs. Game runs out of the box.

Works satisfactorially
The same issue as many others: Reflections are glitched.
Frankly, I still don't understand why Hyperstrange can't be fucked to just add native Linux support. It's a rather simple Unity game; it's technically in the POSTAL series, which has historically had good Linux support; and the biggest point of all is that it already has controller support, which would make it perfect Steam Deck material if even one single guy would just put it in the work to export and half-heartedly maintain a Linux port like Running With Scissors already does for their POSTAL games. Or at least make sure running the game under Proton doesn't have glitchy-glaring flaws.
Отражения от окон и стекол не работали.
Кроме неработающих отражений багов не встретил и прошел игру.

Plays well, but windows have artifacts. If there are going to be more in the game it would get annoying.
Tried several proton versions, reinstall, still have artifacts sadly. Forcing D12 made the game crash before loading the main menu.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%
Mirror reflections seem to be broken.
Videos don't work without Proton-GE.

Reflections glitched. Using -Force-d3d12 helps a little
Game crashed when alt+tab

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json %command%
Windows reflection texture is broken
Simillar bug to the The Talos Principle 2 - the game would crash upon trying to launch a level (menu and cutscenes worked properly). The fix requires to download radeon-vulkan package and then use the command to change from AMDVLK to RADV daemon. -force-d3d12 crashes the game completely, so far only encountered the window reflection glitch.
Awesome game works out of the box
Reflections are messed up, using -force-d3d12 made it worse in my case

Works fine out of the box but have weird windows rendering. Add -Force-d3d12
to fix
Use Launch Option "-force-d3d12" and use proton experimental so the windows are displayed correctly
Use Launch Option "-force-d3d12" and use proton experimental so the windows are displayed correctly
Reflections seem to be messed up.
Game ran great, no issues with cutscenes nor crashing. Was able to 100% the game without a single complication.

Screen tearing that's not present in other games.
Whole GNOME Wayland session has crashed multiple times after either toggling fullscreen mode or pressing Alt+F4 while the game is fullscreen.
I have the GOG version added to Steam. Intro video would only show SMPTE color bars even though people report it's fixed in Proton Experimental. It plays correctly with Proton-GE.
The newest Proton Experimental (bleeding edge) supports cutscenes too, so now the game runs perfectly.
Mixed input (gamepad + right trackpad as mouse) had issue (stuttering when looking around). Switched to full KB + M controls. The game plays fine with the default control though, aiming could be better using mouse.
Out of the box, the game plays fine but the videos had issues. Had to switch to proton experimental as the latest updates fixed video playback. Solid performance, constant 60fps.
Funziona bene, Proton Experimental ha risolto il problema con la visualizzazione dei video
Il gioco funziona benissimo nella versione standard di Proton, ad eccezione per un glitch nei video. Il problema è stato risolto nell'ultima release di Proton Experimental.
The game works well even on standard proton, unless for the videos. This was fixed in last Proton Experimental build
Glitched video files (cutscenes, tutorial clips)
I would rate this game PLAYABLE in its current state on Deck.
Videos broken on new versions of Proton.
In-game videos do not play. Reverting to older versions of proton fix videos but cause slow performance.
It is pretty bad that videos do not work on newer versions of proton, but everything else works flawlessly. I did have an issue with saves once, but I heard that is an issue with the game and not proton.
gamemoderun %command%
In-game videos don't show (only audio plays)
Game hangs on alt-tabbing after a few times.
Sometimes save games are wiped clean.This is not Proton bug but the games bug.
Some slowdowns, and no way of reducing the picture quality.
With minor performance problems, alt-tab hanging the game, and save files wiping, can consider this as playable under Linux.
The Cutscenes are pretty much unviewable. It's essentially that bright colors streak effect. But the actual game runs and plays.
Other than not being able to see the cutscenes. The game runs fine otherwise. It has controller support so default controls worked just fine.
Using Valve's Steam Deck rating criteria, I would give this the "Playable" verdict with the cutscene issue I listed above.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json %command%
video clips are very colorful stripes
Aside from the graphical glitch, runs butter smooth and distraction-free.
Tutorial journal entry graphics and intro to first level movie seem messed up, can't tell if that's a me problem or something with how the game processes this particular file
In game videos have severe artifacting and arent really watchable
Did not work just running without changing proton version at this time.

(Demo) Ran just as good as Windows
I ran through the entire demo on both Windows 10 and Linux Mint (using the latest proton experimental build) and the game performed the same. The only glitch I experienced was that the intro video did not play, other than that everything was great.

Demo works fine out of the box.
Random FPS drops but that might just be the demo.
The game runs pretty well on Linux, even tho this is just a Demo.
the demo runs good

6.18-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton-6.18-GE-2 (Glorious Eggroll)

When booting up a level, the game crashes.
And yes i tried it on other versions of Proton, where the level and audio would load... But i noclipped for some reason.
Tested it on a pre-release development build. I feel confident myself already stating that the game run well out of the box.
Video doesn’t work, but that something that can be fixed with the MF fixes.