I was able to complete the game without any crashes or bugs; The game itself runs really poorly in some areas; However, I doubt this is related to proton.
Was able to play for a couple hours hosting a server for windows friends with zero issues. Game runs slightly poorly considering the hardware; However, from reports from friends on windows, this seems to be poor optimization with the game itself unrelated to proton.
Game would indefinitely load until sig-term'd
Was unable to get to the main menu on this one.
Attempted protons: Experimental, 8.0-3, 7.0-6, GE-proton7-55, and GE-proton8-13.
Gave it about 5 minutes to load on some attempts, sadly no luck!
As of the quality of death beta the native linux version runs great
Opting into the quality of death beta made no need to run through proton, native linux build runs great.
I was starting to get crashing on the native build whenever I would go to the next level, using the windows build with proton fixed crashing.
During prolonged play sessions I’ve had no issues maintaining a frame-rate above my monitors refresh-rate of 240hz, nor have I had any issues playing online for extended amounts of time. Game runs smooth and requires no tinkering!
The game will load into the Lobby, after that it hard crashes, taking steam with it
I was able to get to the lobby hub both in single player and multiplayer; However, upon starting the match, the game would crash, and take out steamvr and steam with it.
Changing graphics settings to all low or all high had no effect on this behavior sadly.
Tested proton versions: Experimental, 8.0-3, GE-Proton8-13, 7.0-6, GE-Proton7-55
Game requires more ram than 16 GBs
With further research from my previous report, logs pointed out that I was running out of memory loading the map for this game; After upgrading my memory, I was able to load into maps and play without issues!
Played on Proton 8.0-3.
Go game properties, go to beta tab, select legacy1.29.1_unity_ver2019.4.28f1
Was able to play wirelessly on quest 2 with ALVR 4k, 120hz. Game runs great with a FULL stack of mods; I used BeatSaberModManger by affederaffe on github. The mentioned mod manager has full linux support and makes installing all necessary mods super easy, just a couple clicks!
Runs a fair bit worse than on Windows
Performance was about 20% worse than on windows; but it's still playable.
The game doesn't run at the highest framerate naturally (which I assume would be the same on windows as well); However, with frame generation I was able to play at a smooth 240 fps most of the time! I didn't experience any bugs or crashes during my playtime.
Was able to play a couple runs on Linux with no issues. Played wirelessly with ALVR 4k, 120hz
Was able to complete the whole game without a single issue. The survival mode works fine as well.
Alt Tabbing too much can crash the game.
Game runs great, just don't alt tab too heavily.
Played the demo for about an hour, as well as the full game for a couple hours with no issues at all! Frame rate hovers around 100-150 on high settings with my hardware.
After downloading latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable use terminal command
protontricks -c 'wine ~/Downloads/VC_redist.x64.exe' 963930
From there, just click through the GUI installer and you should be good!
After installing latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable the game runs great; Works online with in game modded levels and modes! Played wirelessly on quest 2 with ALVR 4k, 120hz.
-novid -exec autoexec
Runs same as windows
As a long time counter strike player with over 5k hours on windows, I can confidently state this game runs much better on native linux as opposed to windows 10. The framerates are largely the same, however, there is noticeably less input lag and the microstutters that plague the windows client are completely gone. The only negitive is you will be unable to play 3rd party clients (I.E. ESEA/FACE-IT).
Game works out the box
Game runs great, with less micro stuttering than the windows client.
Other than audio desync, game works out of the box!
Audio falls out of sync after 10-20 minutes of gameplay, this can be fixed by changing the audio device in game to something else and changing it back; This issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-osx-linux/issues/3283
The audio desync workarounds are slightly annoying, but not game breaking. The rest of the game works and performs well.
Was able to play for several hours without any crashes or bugs; The game runs at a smooth 240 fps capped without any dips.
Played with windows friends with no issues.
Game input feels beyond smooth, runs without any issues while keeping above 240 fps in most situations.
After fully completing this game with all achievements and unlockables. Including the most recent at the time of writing “difficulty update”, I can confidently say there is no issues with this game under proton, even during long play sessions!
This game worked extremely well on my hardware as I played through the whole game without any crashing or bugs.
It is worth noting from mangohud reporting I was able to notice a slight vram memory leak, however even during long play sessions it never got close to my 24GBs of vram!
All levels ran extremely well except for the final level in which the frame rate would dip down to the 100s in some areas.
Playing the game for a prolonged period of time, I did not experience any bugs or crashes!
+set com_skipintrovideos 1 +set g_nightmare "1" +set g_roeNightmare "1" +set g_leNightmare "1" +set g_fov "120"
The launch options skip the splash screens, unlock nightmare difficulty for each of the different campaigns, and allow me to play at 120 FOV.
Played through the entire doom 3 campaign at a solid 240fps in one sitting with no issues!
I was able to play for a long play session without any issues; Frame rate seemed to sit around my 240 cap, only dipping down to 200-220 during heavy action sets in large open areas.
Was able to play for 3 hours without a single crash at a solid 240 fps with Ultra settings; This game runs extremely well on Linux!
Was able to play through the game on ultra settings with 240fps in most areas!
I had two crashes during a full playthough of the game, one on the secondary ship you visit, and another on the ending credits; Other than those two crashes the game ran quite well!
The launch option is only needed if you'd like to use DLSS with a Nvidia card; Otherwise the game works fine out of the box!
Game hard crashed my entire GPU driver once in an hour and a half of playing.
The game looks and runs beautifully holding a high 200 fps most of the time on max settings; However I did have one ring gfx timeout, likely a bug with mesa that will be patched eventually.
During the ring gfx timeout, it did take out my entire DE but then everything proceeded to soft recover.
Game runs great at a soild 240 fps capped, maxed settings. No crashes, the settings menu is a little buggy, but that is also the same on windows as well.
Standalone build of a Mod
Runs as smooth as native Slay the Spire.
After playing online for a few hours, I can confidently say this game is supported! Voice chat and online multiplayer work with zero issues.
Was able to complete the demo with zero issues; Game ran smooth the entire time.
No issues found here, game runs as smooth as butter; I did not try with raytracing, but without the game ran very well!
Very rare crashes on a start of a new level, 2 total in 8 hours.
Other than very rare crashes the game works well!
Was able to play with my windows friends for long periods of time. Voice recognition requires Cortana and does not work on Linux, so have at least one windows friend for talking to the Mejai! Although there's normally enough other evidence to where you can still figure out the Mejai without voice recognition.
Game works quite well, no crashing or strange issues. Framerate will get a little low at some points (80-100 fps) in areas with many things being rendered at once; However, I assume this is just overall optimization and not an issue with proton.
Game runs pretty smooth with zero crashes, there are some frame dips when things get hectic, but I imagine that would also be the case on windows.
Flickering textures on walls when viewed at certain angles.
Slight fps dips, but that may be the game as a whole.
Performance issues seem to be the game itself from what I've seen, flickering wall textures are the only issue on proton to my knowledge. Overall very playable, flickering only occurs at point blank range at certain angles.
Was able to play for a few hours with windows friends encountering no issues, voice recognition fully works as well!
Playing the new update on the public test branch, the game ran smooth with no issues at 240 fps capped. I was able to play online with windows friends for an extended period of time with no disconnects or issues. The voice recognition works flawlessly with the secondary option.
Runs amazing, no issues in long play sessions.
Was able to complete the entire demo without any bugs or crashes; Game ran at a smooth 240fps for the whole playthrough.
Game needs to be launched in borderless fullscreen or else it will not launch properly, which has a white outline; alt+enter can be used to do actual fullscreen, and then alt+enter again to go back to borderless fullscreen when you are done playing
With the launch option --use-d3d11 metioned above the game works for hours without crashing, the game is a bit buggy overall but that is unrelated to proton! Used proton hotfix as this was what steam launched this game with by default.
Both the live and beta build of the game run great with no crashing or oddities.
Was able to play the game for a few hours online with Windows friends; I did not experience any issues with online play or crashing.
Game runs as smooth as can be; Played a handful of longer runs without any issues or crashes!
Game has really bad stuttering the longer the game is open with newer proton versions. However, once switching to proton 7.0-6, the game ran at an extremely smooth 240fps. Zero frame dips or crashes were experienced during my playtime!
I played through both available level packs in the demo with no issues; Game ran great.
Completed the main game and most of the side content with zero issues; Game runs great!
As of Mesa 24.3.2 I was able to play for 10 hours without any issues nor crashes. The game runs okay, about 140-180 fps (depending on the area) at 1080p with mostly max settings.
Game would not launch for me unless I added -dx12 to launch options. With that launch option game ran same as windows.
Was able to play with Windows friends with in-game voicechat, both hosting or connecting to a friend's lobby without any issues!
Game works great out of the box
I played the base game for about 90 hours on windows, and about 120 for the G rank DLC on linux, I can say without any doubt the game runs same as windows.
Was able to 100% all achievements without a single crash or game breaking issue; The game's performance starts to tank after being open for an hour or so, but this is a known issue with the game itself, unrelated to proton.
Was able to play a few matches online with friends, I experienced no crashes or bugs during my playtime of a few hours. Performance was fine, 180-240 fps depending on the area.
After a large amount of playtime with my windows friends I will say this game runs amazing on linux, I typically get higher fps than my windows friends with similar hardware. Voice activation doesn't work, but the dev was kind enough to add a speech wheel (holding down an assigned keybind will open a menu where you can click on voice commands). I was able to play solo without any issues as well.
Was able to play this several hours with some friends on Windows with zero issues.
Game ran well at a solid 240 fps cap on max settings without any crashes or bugs!
Was able to play for several hours without any issues; Game runs flawlessly at 240 fps.
Was able to play for 2 hours straight without a single crash or any noticeable bugs!
I was able to launch and play the game with no issues. I played the demo for about 30 minutes, as well as the full build for another 30 at the time of writing.
After fully completing the game and playing all of the side modes, I can confidently say this game runs great on linux.
Had to turn the in game settings to low to fix the game just being a black screen; However, turning the graphic settings back to max manually did not reintroduce the issue.
Extremely bad stuttering!
The game will consistantly dip from 240 to 60 fps sporadically throughout gameplay, regardless of graphic settings; Playing longer did not smooth the frame rate at all!
Game ran great, no issues with cutscenes nor crashing. Was able to 100% the game without a single complication.
Runs great out of the box
Ran Smooth no Issues.
Enabling custom item filters works fine as well, runs great!
Was able to play all 5 tables at 240 fps at high settings without the use of dlss/fsr; Also all in game videos play at time of writing using the latest experimental!
Works out of the box
Played the game for an embarrassing 12 hours straight, no issues or crashes
Was able to play for a few hours without any crashes or bugs; At least for the demo, this is defintely a great experience!
Works out of the box
Hosted a server for windows friends, and joined their servers. No Issues.
Was able to play solo runs, and host/join games with windows friends.
Game seems to have a higher framerate on DX11 mode. Game runs fine, was able to play with windows friends for long play sessions.
Game has a VRAM memory leak with Nvidia hardware; On DX11 after a single mission FPS will dip from high 100s to low 30s; DX12 stutters extremely often and freezes for too long, with how quickly you can die, this makes the game unplayable on DX12.
After further testing I can definitely say it comes down to a VRAM memory leak: After a single mission nvtop shows my VRAM maxed. Checking proton logs it states "out of vram, falling back on system memory" after a single mission is played. If you want to play on Nvidia hardware, a game restart is required after EVERY mission.
Using DX12 the game is incredibly smooth using AMD hardware; Was able to play for a long session without any frame dips under my monitors refresh rate.
No difference from running on windows, works great.
Textures would completely disappear until a reload of a save.
After Chapter 10 crashes become EXTREMELY frequent, and while playing on professional it makes the game almost unbeatable as you do not get checkpoints.
I have tried many versions of GE and regular proton, no compatibility layer seems to fix the crashing for me. I was able to squeeze through the game on hardcore, but professional is a no go with this amount of crashing after chapter 10.
Other than some minor issues with VRR in certain areas, the game works very well; I was able to play through both the main game and separate ways without any crashes or bugs. Modding works quite well also, was able to play with BioRand and the Berserker mod without any issues. REFramework was also used to make the FOV wider.
I had issues with nvidia hardware in the past; However, running this game on an AMD GPU, the experience is much better. Other than some minor issues with VRR in certain areas, the game ran smooth and didn't crash a single time during my full playthrough of both the main campaign and separate ways. Modding also worked quite well, I was able to play the Beserker mod as well as some BioRand runs without any issues. REFramework was used to increase the FOV.
Runs the same as windows, if not better during more intensive scenes.
Using standard protons, the game would crash 100% of the time after splash screens.
However using GE-Proton I was able to play the game both hosting with windows users, or joining a windows hosted game session.
The game still crashes occasionally when joining a lobby, but that happens for my windows friends as well, likely being an issue with the game itself.
The game doesn't close after being quit and continues to lock cursor input, needing to be SIGTERM'd from a terminal.
The game itself is a little buggy, but seems to actually run smoother on linux over windows! Played for quite a few hours with friends on windows, they seemed to experience heavy freezing and frame stuttering on loading new areas, whereas the game only stuttered for a few seconds for me here and there loading new areas or not at all!
Was able to play a couple games of the Next Fest demo with no issues.
Frame Generation has some issues. Sometimes the framerate will be lower with frame gen enabled, or the game will freeze to a still image until frame gen is disabled. Once frame gen was disabled there was no bugs during my playtime.
The game runs okay, not great; But this is unrelated to proton, framerate hung around 100-150 depending on the area with frame generation off on mostly high settings. The game was very stable and didn't crash a single time during a 15 hour playthrough!
Frame rate started to dip the longer the game was open; Went from a smooth 240fps to 80-150 fps after an hour or so.
Was able to play through the entire demo content without any crashes; However, the longer the game was open the worse the preformance got.
Starting out the game had no issues holding 240fps, but after an hour or so it started dipping to double digits; I am unsure if this is related to proton or a resource leak of some sort with the game itself.
I played the windows version through proton over the native build as it runs much better; Was able to hold my monitors refresh rate of 240 without any issues. I haven't experienced any crashes or bugs, game runs very well!
Works well out of the box with the Native linux build!
Replayed the game with the "Hard-Boiled!" mutator added in patch 0.84 on the native Linux build.
Via proton the game was oddly capped to 60 fps (With Vsync off and disabling the frame cap via the in game menu), so I switched back to the native Linux build and was able play at 240fps while completing the entire game again with only a single crash!
Was able to host fine, and able connect to friends on windows
Game seriously runs great!
Was able to play for long periods of time without any issues in both the PVP and PVE modes with randoms and friends on windows
Completed the game with zero issues, all cutscenes play fine as well.
After 12 hours with no crashes with a high framerate, I can say this game runs great with no tinkering!
The first time a new effect is loaded there is a stutter, however, after that initial load it is completely smooth for the rest of the play session.
Needs to be launched in experimental, 6.3-8, OR on 7.0-3 with PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
As of 7.0-3 the game must be launched with launch command "PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%" OR in experimental/6.3-8 for the game to load past the main menu. Using one of 3 ways listed above the game will run with no issues.
Tinkering is no longer required for me to launch and play the game. Game runs great out of the box
I was able to play for a couple hours straight without any issues, Solid 60fps without any super sampling.
At the time of writing, Proton Hotfix is required to get past the title screen; Online play will disconnect/crash frequently, however this is an issue with the game itself unrelated to proton. Offline modes all work quite well, I have no doubt that once the online issues are resolved this game will be extremely enjoyable to play on Linux.
As of 2024-01-30 I was able to play online all day without a single disconnect. I can say with confidence the online now works flawlessly!
I have reviewed this game before but feel it was worth posting another after putting hundreds of hours into this game and purchasing a hitbox!
After a large amount of play time with a razer kitsune, I can say this game seems to work flawlessly. I've never had an issue with online play nor my hitbox being picked up. This game is as plug and play as it gets!
Proton hotfix was automatically selected for this game upon downloading; I was able to play for a little under 2 hours without any crashes or disconnects!
Game runs just as good as it did on windows, no issues here!
Was about to complete the entire game again with zero issues.
Was able to beat the game and play all of the side modes without any issues or crashes; The game ran at a smooth 240 capped most of the time; I can say without any doubt this one works really well!
Was able to play through the full demo with zero Issues.
Unable to get the game to launch, would completely crash steam for me!
Tried with multiple protons: Experimental, 8.0-3, 7.0-6, GE-proton7-55, and GE-proton8-13.
Regardless of the version used the game would completely crash, taking steamvr and steam with it.
Was able to play the game for hours without any issues!
After playing the game for a longer amount of time, with multiple updates to the game, I can say it works just fine!
As of the full release this game looks and runs great. I am able to hold 200-240 FPS on Ultra settings and haven't experienced a single crash!
I was able to complete the full demo with zero issues; Performance was a little low in some areas but overall the game ran in between 120-240 fps at max settings.
Was able to 100% the game and acquire all steam achievements without any crashes or bugs. The launch option allows the use of DLSS, of which I used on the quality setting.
Have not tried the native build, but the game works extremely well via proton; Solid 240 fps with max settings!
Works great out of the box
Same as windows, no issues after a moderately long play session.
Have played for quite a few runs, without any crashes or strange proton related issues!
Solid 3 hours of gameplay with no frame drops (game is a forced 60 cap) or crashes!
After pumping more time into the game, I have not encountered any issues. The game runs flawlessly.
Was able to do two long play sessions without any crashes or bugs; The game hovered around 200-240 fps most of the time on ultra settings! All 3 of the maps in early access seem to function without issues.
Was able to complete the whole game without a single crash or bug; The game is locked to 60 fps, however, enabling vsync allows you to play at higher framerates. The game isn't the most well optimized (150-240) fps, but it's good enough to be considered playable!
I was able to complete the entire game without any issues; Performance is a bit subpar, however I doubt this is related to proton. FPS is capped to 60, but this can be bypassed by enabling vsync. Game ran at about 150-240 FPS depending on the area.
Was able to play through the game twice without a single issue, game held well over 240 fps on max settings.