Steam overlay immediatly crashes the game, must be disabled to launch.
Steam overlay sucks.
Works perfectly.
Started noticing slowdowns from Wrath onwords. I'm not exactly sure what's causing it but my guess is that too much is going on with so much diffrient enemies. (This could also just be a thing with the game on all systems, I don't know)

Runs perfectly, just run Proton Experimental and play it!

gamemoderun %command% -force-vulkan
Occasionally slows to a snail's pace (around 10 FPS), this is fixed by using -force-vulkan
Works smoothly without any bugs, crashes or freezes.
/opt/wine-discord-ipc-bridge/winediscordipcbridge-steam.sh mangohud %command%
Great game, works perfectly fine with Linux. For thoses who get performance issues, try using vulkan by adding launch args : -force-vulkan

Lite audo crackling at random times

gamemoderun %command%
Mouse input can be laggy and inprecise, fixed with launch options

Pre-Update the game was amazing on linux. Now it runs like shit. Even though i dont have the best computer, the game ran amazing pre-update.
Preformance can be 60-10 fps, when before the update preformance was 110-100 fps
basically native, no issues
Works like a charm, just install it and you can play it directly ! Same performance as Windows

The stutters make the game hard to process and unviable during critical moments of gameplay
Windowed mode works poorly on wayland
Using the saw, charing a piercing shot, or certain other alt fire actions significantly slow the game for about a second. Happens on every version of proton I've tried.

Windowed mode functions oddly on wayland. Fullscreen if fine.
On any official proton version, the game would slow to a crawl when using the sawed-on, charging a revolver shot, or similar alt fire actions. Switching to GE fixed the issue

Didn't have to tinker with anything
Game worked out of the box :D

No se si el juego es nativo y no esta marcado o es porque tengo wine instalado, pero solo lo ejecute, sin proton, y funciono. Anda a 60 fps con muy pocos bajones a 50 fps. ACLARO DE NUEVO, NO HACE FALTA PROTON.

Works perfect. No tinkering required.
in my 21 hours of gameplay, my game crashed only once after doing a kill.

ultrakilling time
More slowdown when large amounts of physics objects are present compared to running on Windows.
Ran out of the box with no issues
prime-run %command%

gamemoderun PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% /opt/wine-discord-ipc-bridge/winediscordipcbridge-steam.sh gamemoderun %command%
Apparently default ULTRAKILL on Steam doesn't support Discord RPC on Linux, so you need to wine-discord-ipc-bridge.
Works out of the Box
works out of the box

The game doesn't work well on wayland, turn off v-sync and enable fullscreen to avoid this issue on wayland.
Runs a bit better than Windows 10

runs better than windows
zero tinkering, zero problems, better performance. absolute win/win
Performs better than Windows considering the hardware

amazing game.

Works perfectly fine :3
Works perfectly

i couldnt get it to work with proton versions 6 and above