smooth experience overall, no tinkering required

Game has really bad stuttering the longer the game is open with newer proton versions. However, once switching to proton 7.0-6, the game ran at an extremely smooth 240fps. Zero frame dips or crashes were experienced during my playtime!

After playing 30min to 1h straight, the loading time between levels gets longer and longer. Also when a new level starts, there is a significant frame drops before the map is fully loaded. Perhaps there is a memory leak somewhere. I found the suggestion to switch to Proton 7 on Steam forums.

My default for non-Steam Play supported titles is Proton GE. I experienced pretty irritating stuttering. Switching to Proton 7.0-6 seems to have completely eliminated the problem.

The bug i am encountaring is game breaking, would have to restart the game every 5-10min, not able to finish a single run at one time.
After a few minutes of gameplay there is artifcat flickering on screen
Keyboard keys seem to get stuck after a while of gameplay

Good game, runs well after setting the correct proton version. Without it, the game will slow down each time you load a new zone.
Game will slowdown incredibly overtime if you do not use proton 7.0-6
Tried ProtonGe / UMU but only proton 7 resolved the issues.

Works fine, but level loading can be a bit annoying
During longer sessions the game tends to freeze for up to a few seconds after loading a new zone.
Just works

Highly recommend forcing proton 7.x, proton 8 and 9 have issues with increasingly long loading screens and lag spikes later in the game. Proton 7 doesn't have any of those issues and still runs the game without any noticable issues.

I was experiencing a lot of freezing/stuttering with newer versions of Proton. Switching to version 7.0-6 fixed everything.

UI is extremely small by default, go into settings and max out UI size and it's fine
You must set the game to compatibily mode and select Proton 7, newer versions may work but this is what did the trick for me. If you don't you will get severe lag when loading levels as you play the game. The issue will get worse the longer you play.
I was experiencing a lot of freezing/stuttering with newer versions of Proton. Version 7.0-6 fixed everything.

No major breaking issues with the game. Most issues are probably not unique to Linux.
Screen tear in widow and borderless window modes. Shimmering due to the wind motion when running in borderless mode. Switching to fullscreen resolves both.
Triggering fullscreen causes black screen game hang if changed to from borderless with 4k resolution configured. Have to switch to windowed, then switch to fullscreen, then configure resolution.
Triggering new zone causes brief freeze. Loading new zone takes longer than expected. Upon entering new zone, experience several seconds frozen before movement continues. Couple of slow downs in menus (specifically, the purple skill selection menus in the instance, but only some times).
Rare crash to desktop, no discernible cause.
Worth noting, running KDE6 Plasma via X11 (because Nvidia).
rare stuttering with experimental

cloud saves not yet implemented
UI scale and game scale needs to be fully maxed out. Otherwise 60fps with completely stable frametime graph.

Absolute gorgeous game, very few hiccups while playing it with Wine, did not try any besides the steam recommended one, game just launched
After some time open, it seems to spaz out a bit
Stutters: Game becomes a bit slowed down, issues and other slowness after a couple runs or time open, idk which

Very small text

Works out of the box with Proton
I am experiencing the occasional stutter, I am not sure if its related to Proton or if its just new game issues. Either way a very playable.