Borderless has white lines
Plays fine for me without any modification, but YMMV.

gamemoderun %command% --use-d3d11 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
Some things jitter around, some textures are pixelated or blurry from time to time, and enemies occasionally have bugged (ha) geometry
Borderless fullscreen has a 1px white border

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=8 LD_PRELOAD="" PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -r 60 -e -f -- %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan --force-grab-cursor
Sometimes, when you Alt+Tab and then refocus the game, it becomes really stuttery. You might want to Alt+Tab a few times until it fixes itself, that usually works. Also, there's the white border in borderless mode, but I think it's the same on Windows.
1px border on screen

small update: gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -W 1921 -H 1081 -F fsr -f -- %command% will remove the 1:1 pixel border from the game
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 DXVK_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=0 gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -W 1921 -H 1081 -F fsr -f -- %command%
gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -W 1921 -H 1081 -F fsr -f -- %command%
"gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -W 1921 -H 1081 -F fsr -f -- %command%" solves the border problem with borderless fullscreen

1:1 pixels on the borders of the game if running in borderless
I had crashing after about 2-3 minutes starting up. I ended up disabling the XMP profile and lowering my RAM clock rate from 6000 MHz to 4800 MHz in the BIOS. Avoid overclocking your RAM for this game. Now it works like a charm!

mangohud %command%
It doesn't start on fullscreen by default, need to enable it manually.
If ASYNC option is enabled the input gets laggy after two missions and worse while in it.
Performance-wise Helldivers 2 runs slighty worse on linux than windows, have to keep it most of the graphics on low.
If ASYNC option is enabled the game will drop FPS after some time playing.

White border in borderless screen
Noticed RAM is used a bit more

mangohud %command%
There is a white border in windowed fullscreen mode. In default fullscreen mode everything is fine
Game works flawlessly without gamescope. i tried to use gamescope on wayland with SDL backend and X11 synchronous to avoid default fullscreen mode behavior but game randomly freezes at esc menu.

Le jeu fonctionne génralement très bien. (Sauf quand ce sont les développeurs qui font du caca, ce qui est arrivé dans le passé. J'ai joué 444 heures / j'ai atteinds le niveau 112).

Works pretty well, but could be better (also, better performance on CPU bottlenecked systems).
There appear to be some missing textures (some weapon magazines, tip of artillery shells).
Bordelless fullscreen was overriden by the task bar. Fullscreen had issues alt tabing.
Apart from the issues presented, the performance boost is welcome for CPU bottlenecked systems.
The first time I run the game it was slow(15/10FPS), after restarting it never happened again.

I played the game on windows alot and it runs exactly the same except for a small performance increase and pretty much no stuttering, i noticed a specific visual bug with the text when you lose connection and or the game you're trying to join is full the text is misaligned but it could just be a problem with the game, would highly recommend giving this game a try on Linux

Great game and works well for me in Linux Mint 22.1. Might take some tinkering to get it working right but nothing too extensive.
Only runs in fullscreen windowed mode, with the 1 pixel white border. Otherwise, no issues.
Mouse will leave the game window at times and leave me confused as to why my character is no longer responding. Quickly corrected by clicking back into the game most of the time.
Had some initial problems that I think were related to older video drivers. The game would start stuttering when the computer uptime got past a few days. Since the driver version listed in my current computer config, the issue seems to have been resolved.
With current drivers and the OS updated as well as everything else, the game has been running with minimal issues. Biggest annoyance is the mouse cursor leaving the game window sometimes.

Works better on Linux than windows, at least for my hardware. When I play on windows I crash frequently, on Linux I have not had this issue.
1 pixel white border, known issue and not noticable while playing tbh

Set graphics settings to Performance. Runs really well.

PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=50 gamemoderun %command% --use-d3d11 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
choppy audio unless add delay
stutters occasionally

- had to add
in my case
- after a while (~1h) my mouse movement to look around would stutter. Had to add
- performance was a bit off. Had to add

As of this review https://www.protondb.com/app/553850#oxqTZJNqRi , tinkering with the wine registry to prevent mouse cursor escaping the game window.
Sometimes the enemies have strecthed out polygons.
Mouse cursor escaping the game window on borderless fullscreen. I'm using 2 monitors so it's obvious and annoying.
Proton GE already has the proton fix for the window problem but need to wait for a new release, as of this writing.
Works great
This tinker:%command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan=black screen after license agreement-no tinkering works fine

OBS_VKCAPTURE=1 DXVK_HDR=1 MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun gamescope --hdr-enabled --adaptive-sync -W 2840 -H 2160 -w 3840 -h 2160 -f -e -r 240 -- %command%
I have had issues with black screen on fullscreen and odd single pixel wide borders in borderless fullscreen.
Stuttering after some time playing, very annoying and noticable
This game got so many, but I don't know if they are Linux issues or not.
I generally find the game enjoyable, despite the technical issues the game faces.

Borderless Fullscreen has a white border, fullscreen works normally
No tinkering done and the game works as it did on windows

game-performance %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan
Changed to protonGE 9-25
The game can get stuck in black screen if you use fullscreen / theres a subtle white border in borderless fullscreen
No annoying problems except for the cachyOS proton version, had to change do protonGE 9-25 to be able to play online. Performanc wise its awesome :)
game-performance mangohud %command%
Runs perfectly fine for me.

Had no major issues that ruined gameplay, performance was equivalent within margin of error to Windows on the same machine.
gamemoderun %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
Random blackouts of some audio tracks, not the entire game (probably a file that wasn't loaded in time?). Happens very infrequently and they last no longer than three seconds.
Small 1px white border, noticable but was distracting (to me) in game.
GPU is a 6700 XT, Steam reports it as Mesa llvmpipe

HD2 runs pretty well, however the game's issues with perfomance is excaserbated somewhat on Linux, getting 70-90fps on a 4090 in cities.
MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -r 120 -f -- %command% -- -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan
Without using gamescope, you get a ugly border in borderless mode. Running fullscreen mode gets rid of it, but it means the game often soft-hangs when you alt tab back, especially if you're dropping down to a new map.
Performance in city maps is abysmal. Although, this is a game problem, not nessessarily Linux. I have noticed despite being on a 4090 the game does indeed struggle, and quite honestly I'm 100% pointing the finger at the game's engine. The CPU often sits at 60-70% and the GPU at 50-60%.
Lag spikes are commonplace. People have suggested to use WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY
flag, for me it actually made it worse in heavy "main thread" scenarios which the city maps absolutely make it worse, I lose 10-20fps if I use the flag.
Soft-locks / black screen of death requiring to go into steam and terminating the game if you alt tab. Gamescope fixes this mostly, I think, as it forces full screen mode.
Overall, the game performs well and is an enjoyable experience. However the game's performance problems are multiplied within Linux, but suffice to say it is happening in BOTH winblows and CachyOS / Linux. This is not a Linux issue directly. There are issues with windowing, which gamescope mostly fixes.
Overall, title runs great, in exception for very large chaotic fights, which is solely on the game, not Linux.

The performance is great, but there are frequent issues with launching the game and running it in fullscreen
game-performance %command%
Alt-tabbing out of fullscreen has a high chance of causing a black screen when tabbing back in, that remains until the game is restarted. The borderless fullscreen mode also has a white border around the window.
When launching the game via Steam, the game sometimes only shows a black screen, forcing me to manually close it and start it again. The same happens occasionally when tabbing out of fullscreen.
Matchmaking doesn't work at all on Proton versions other than Experimental.
After every start heavy graphical glitches, enabling and disabling vsync fixes all issues until next game restart.

no complaints here
had one (1) crash

Works great out of the box
Window Bounds sometimes don't work properply if not in Fullscreen and Mouse moves out of Game making the game lose focus. Fortunatly if played in Fullscreen this does not happen

Borderless windowed results in a white border at the edge of the screen. Fullscreen and windowed works fine
Works out of box
radv_force_pstate_peak_gfx11_dgpu=false %command% --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --force-grab-cursor

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=8 WINEDEBUG=-all %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES --use-d3d11 -force-vulkan
Out of the box you may encounter some ugly stutters here and there, but it's fixed by using WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY as many reports already stated.
Helldivers 2 is a bad optimized game in general, so I won't take into account low frame rate issues. As far as it goes, the game runs as well as on Windows, or even better since I noticed that the stuttering in here is almost non-existant.

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=8 WINEDEBUG=-all %command% --use-d3d11
Lag spikes
Game run with awful lag spikes until I tried what one of the commentors said to restrict core usage, and let me tell you that the lag spikes are pretty much gone. PLEASE use WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY, you'll not regret it.