Installed corefonts
Text is completely absent, making menus unreadable. Many shaders/textures are also gone, looking grey or black.
Maps are completely unplayable, dipping to single digit frames while any notes are on-screen
I'd recommend to keep dual-booting Windows until this gets fixed

It's just works™ (on intel Arc too)
Apart from the game not cleanly closing, it works exactly as you would expect.

Had to recentre on load, but outside of that nothing wrong at all

Trying to install mode with BSManager.
save game was not transfered from my last install on windows. lost all the scores but it's not too bad
Stuggled a bit with ALVR but It was just a bit of Wiki reading (my bad) work great out of the box (no mod)
As for the tinkering, the game wont lauch with the mod installed with BS manager if lauched by steam. you have to lauch it from BSManger (won't show on the VR launcher due to rendering probleme with deskview and wayland for now) so you have to lauch it manually first and then get in the headset. Fortunatly ALVR is starting everything in order, if you take the time to connect the headset, and wait for steam vr to boot .. then launch the game throught BSManager. work great i still have some tinkering to do with the mod cause the song seem to play a bit faster with the mods (sadly i won't be able to update this post) but that the state right now so...
Runs Perfectly fine with a Quest 3 via ALVR
Runs almost perfectly

Required ALVR to properly recognize my Headset which didnt work out of the box but ALVR has a fairly good GUI to deal with most stuff. Esp. on Arch Linux ALVR installation is however super easy.
I was kinda blown away at how stable it ran once everything was set up. You wouldnt be able to tell the difference.
Occasional frame drops, not game related though. Played wirelessly with Quest 2 and ALVR.

Works pretty much out of the box on KDE/Wayland.
For full modding support I recommend switching the beta to "legacy1.37" and native bs-manager to manage the mods.
On first run SteamVR might have trouble auto-selecting the correct audio device.
Try manually selecting the HDMI output device and trying out different profiles.
Once you got the right one SteamVR will remember it and switch automatically on start/stop.

Works well with ALVR
Runs on a Quest 2 headset with no probems provided your PC and WiFi setup are good enough. ALVR can be a bit hard to configre (audio required some messing around in the settings) but overall it's not bad.

Had to install ALVR in desktop mode and pair to headset.
Most text was unreadable due to the very low resolution
The game is unplayable. It gats 30 FPS max in VR which causes motion sickness very quickly
It's possible to make this game run on the Steam Deck with VR using a Quest headset and ALVR, but the SD is not made for VR games. More of a fun fact than a viable way to play
Runs pretty great using ALVR to stream to a standalone VR headset.

ALVR mostly works out of the box once you have followed the instructions from their github. The game runs smoothly out of the box without mods. With mods the game can have some problems like constant studdering which can be solved with legacy reprojection in the steamvr video settings.

VR works well with this game if your headset works with Steam OS/Linux. Valve Index works, but not PSVR2 yet.
Last year VR was not working for me with the Valve Index.

Worked perfectly under WiVRn (OpenComposite). Probably better performance than I got on Windows
ALVR had audio issues, so WiVRn/OpenComposite is much recommended.

Game works perfectly! Steamvr and ALVR Does not.
Overall the game will run smothly in the versions of proton I have tried. Any issues I had with the experience where due to ALVR or Steamvr. Odd issue where the headset display with act as if tracking is bad after resetting prosition even though tracking is good however, this seems to be the case in all games so its either a ALVR problem or a Steamvr problem

AMD_VULKAN_ICD=amdvlk %command%
I would say it work very well. First, I must say I tried everything monado envsion etc. It was playable but whitout steamvr dasboard it was a deal breaker. So my actual setup currently is last version of Beat Saber, Steam vr in beta native, I have some mod, valve index at 144hz. And here is my big but after 6 hour of thinkering (pure madness) the only big issue I had with the game was the output on the vr headset it was two time the same picture with weird distorsion . The culprit changing the resolution per eye for something else then 124% or more then 100% in the per game setting.

Works perfect with WiVRn (set up via Envision, new dashboard also works)
When using WiVRn the desktop view may be a little warped & have triangles in the bottom corners, however enabling Smooth Camera fixes this.

Great! Everything works as if it was natively supported
The game work without any problems even with a mod manager

Easy to set up with Beat Saber Mod Manager, and supports mods no problem, runs perfectly fine even with Monado through Envision.
Monado has an issue where rumble is slightly delayed. I suggest using SteamVR where possible.

In game settings, resolution scale is set to 1.4 by default, which for some reason causes only the right eye display to show a skewed version of the game. Setting to 1.3 or lower resolves this.
Right eye skew

Worked fine after a reboot, no tinkering, just used ALVR w/ Quest 2
Game was crashing when launching at first, but after rebooting it launched fine, even the newest version

Double Vision on latest release
Running OG HTC Vive
To fix beat saber's double vision i've
- Disabled Advanced Supersample Filtering in SteamVR settings
- Switched to a legacy version via the betas tab (At least Beat Saber 1.34.2_legacy)
- enabled legacy reprojection inside video settings for specific applications

When using SteamVR both eyes showed the same view, setting up and using Envision fixed that issue. Does not apply to every Linux setup, for you it might work OOTB.

I use WiVRn/OpenComposite, bypassing SteamVR entirely.

Steam Beta
Sometimes with the Valve Index you can get in a state where you can't start the game from Steam Home. In that case games fail to start up and don't tell you they crashed.

Resolution scaling causes the right eye to display incorrectly. I had to close my right eye and go into the in-game settings to set the resolution scaling to 1.0x which it was not by default.
Using the ALVR v20.8.1 SteamVR driver and Oculus/Meta Quest 2

It pretty much just worked, aside from a few SteamVR bugs.
The game hangs when trying to quit/exit, and does not actually close. I have to kill the process for it to close.
HTC Vive 2016. Latest game version (v1.36.2). It runs very well, especially considering SteamVR doesn't seem to be working at all with Intel Arc GPUs on Windows. The only other annoying bug I have had to deal with is not being able to adjust volume from within VR, but that seems to be a SteamVR bug and isn't specific to Beat Saber. I had a few other hiccups trying to get SteamVR working in general on linux, but managed to get it working after a reboot.

basicaly the quest 3 need exeenteral software that seems to be a open xr plugin called monado that i am still installing
game great but softwre issue on the quest line of vr head sets made by the same company who made the game make it unpolayable with otu alot of tinkering

V1.29.1 works without any further tinkering. Latest Version works with the tinker steps below.
XR_RUNTIME_JSON=~/.local/share/envision/prefixes/9e656957-0591-44e2-aa8d-2da79973f081/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json PRESSURE_VESSEL_FILESYSTEMS_RW=/run/user/1000/monado_comp_ipc %command%

I had to use Envision ( https://lvra.gitlab.io/docs/fossvr/envision/ ), probably because I have Nvidia, but it's instllation is easy.
XR_RUNTIME_JSON=/home/hisamera/.local/share/envision/prefixes/f6745754-5571-4c33-acba-3436d54ffefc/share/openxr/1/openxr_monado.json PRESSURE_VESSEL_FILESYSTEMS_RW=/run/user/1000/monado_comp_ipc %command%
The launch command will be different for everyone using this method (just watch the video on that site, and you will understand everything super quickly) But as it is literally copy and paste, this won't be problematic as far as tinkering goes.

Switched game to use legacy version 1.29.1, and it worked fine on GEProton 9-2, including using mods. Did not work using the latest version, crashed repeatedly.

If you manage to get VR working on Linux, you will get this game running too. (Vive Pro 2)
XR_RUNTIME_JSON=/home/joni/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/steamxr_linux64.json %command%
Proton 8.0-5
I use Vive Pro2 with the SteamVR driver described here: https://github.com/santeri3700/vive-pro-2-on-linux First I had some issues with the game crashing immediately after launch, but I tried the following and it finally worked.
- "enableLinuxVulkanAsync" in /home/joni/.steam/steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings:
"steamvr" : {
"enableLinuxVulkanAsync" : false,
"installID" : "12712915179473042472",
"lastVersionNotice" : "2.4.4",
"lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1711388652",
"preferredRefreshRate" : 120,
"showAdvancedSettings" : true,
"showMirrorView" : false,
"showPerfGraph" : true,
"supersampleManualOverride" : true,
"supersampleScale" : 1.4999999999999998
- (Not sure if this helped, or even did anything:) start SteamVR => Burger menu => "Display VR View" => Burger menu in new window => "Open Debug Commands" => try around with "async_mode_toggle" and pressing shift + a and see if it launches properly then
- Use Beta "legacy1.29.1_unity..."
The starting options are needed for the Vive pro 2 driver, not sure if you need it too if you have a different headset.
I'm playing on KDE X11. Game works great with no issues.

*IF* you can get it to start with VR it works perfectly. But it will take alot of troubleshooting and experimenting until it does.
Tried different proton versions, steamvr and beat saber betas.
It worked with normal steamvr (vulkan async disabled) and beat saber beta 1.29.
It took alot of troubleshooting and experimenting to get it to work. Nvidia drivers probably made it worse.
At first it didn't start at all or just froze immediately. Took about 2-3 hours until i got it to work.

refuses to boot
I have tried all that has been listed on protondb and still i am unable to get this game to boot. this doesnt suprise me as on windows i have trouble running the damn game.

Starts and freezes immediately
I use the game with the latest ALVR version 20.6.1 . After the game starts, the image freezes immediately and the game stops responding. After that SteamVR also crashes. So the error could also be due to SteamVR. However, everything works fine with other games.

Works well, basically perfectly even with Mods
Audio sounded like on cheap headphones, but that could be better when using a less custom audio solution. So take this with a spoon of salt.
I played custom Songs, with basically all the mods i could install with the Linux Modmanager, and it worked flawlessly besides the minor thing about the audio, which could be specific to my setup anyways.