Performance akin to Windows, if not better. I have played The Finals since season 1, and have approx. 300 hours at the time of writing. Switched to Fedora Linux around 150 hours of playtime. No noticeable differences.
I use CachyOS kernel with Fedora to squeeze a little more performance out of my machine. Not strictly necessary though. I have issues with my PS5 controller (bluetooth) when using Proton-CachyOS-9.0, so stick with Proton Experimenal.
Recently (mid-season 5), the game broke on Linux. The developers quickly fixed the issue though, to be fair. Switching to Proton Hotfix worked in the meantime. No issues playing season 6 on day 1. Highly recommend!

env --unset=SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command%
Works flawlessly, even better than native CSGO2. Awesome game. Interesting alternative to PUBG (which doesnt work neither native nor with proton).

great game it works out of the box right way

Fullscreen was not acting too good on Fluxbox
Mouse sensitivty only changes in the slightest
With no AA: ~70-60 fps, With TUAA: ~60-50 fps
Occasionally freezes up and crashes after a couple of minutes, forcing me to forcefully exit from the game

Ran flawlessly, felt just like the windows version

gamemoderun __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_SKIP_CLEANUP=1 %command%
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf add "vm.max_map_count=2147483642" at bottom and save restart pc problem solved
use Proton Hotfix and if you are on nvidia use __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_SKIP_CLEANUP=1 %command% to get rid of long 'precompiling shader pipelines' at start

gamemoderun %command%
holds high frames, can record too, not been an issue for me

gamemoderun %command%

Can't play
gamemoderun mangohud %command% -dx11
Very long in 0-1 FPS loaded some Pipelines shaders, already somewhere around 70% loaded after a long time and then the game crashes without errors

runs awesome with proton-cachyos and well with proton experimental.

Thanks to @itzHanouzz - force proton experimental for the game itself, and set it to bleeding edge in the betas for proton experimental

Works perfectly though sometimes developers break compatibility with updates
Ensuring that Proton Hotfix is used can help with that

Atualização de hoje quebrou o jogo de novo.
O jogo nem abre após clicar em iniciar.

Experimental doesnt work but hotfix is perfect.

Proton experimental doesnt work play on proton hotfix and its perfect.

Game errors out after launching EAC
mangohud %command%
The program encountered C00000022 at 153CBE8

gamemoderun %command%
Using Proton Hotfix worked for a few hours straight with little noticeable difference.

Update 5.12 works now
Was broken for a day after update, works perfectly like before now.

Game runs quite good
Sometimes you need to vait on valve to patch hotfix and then it works again

After many updates the only line that got the game to launch passed an error was env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command%
env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER %command%
Add any other necessary commands before this one or changes after the command.

drops to 30 fps after the latest update, but it does run. No crashes, just bad fps. Nothing I do seems to help.
I've been using proton Hotfix or Experimental, but I have gotten this game to run out of box... sometimes.

Crashes immediately after starting. Black screen & error message.
Stopped working for a little after the latest update, they fixed it and it now works again

Runs pretty well considering my old hardware. Can't tell if the game would run better on windows since I haven't used windows in a long time
Keep in mind that the game often won't launch after an update - mainly due to EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) changes/updates, but as far as I've seen the devs usually fix it on the next day.

GitHub repo ValveSoftware/Proton - issue #7317: Linux compatibility for THE FINALS has now been fixed. An update for Proton Experimental Bleeding Edge was released. You should go into properties for Proton Experimental, then go into Betas, and choose the "bleeding-edge" option. Then wait for it to update. Then, apply Proton Experimental to THE FINALS. Afterwards, you should be okay.

Runs pretty well, graphically intensive game so at higher res you'll prolly need FSR to get triple digit frames but I think most won't mind.
Worked on GE-Proton9-25 until latest update borked it, switching back to bleeding-edge Experimental fixed it.
Side-note: Feels like switching to bleeding-edge Experimental has been the fix for recent borks updates for a while.
Experimental bleeding-edge recommended

Update 5.12 breaks it again
Tried several different proton version. Game is borked again

One of the few anticheat games that work on linux that fluctuates from broken to working every once in a while, more coordination needed.
Game is unstable even on windows, but this is a symptom of bad optimization rather than a symptom of proton/linux.
Anticheat sometimes breaks after a new update, but is usually fixed soon after.
If the game doesnt work the first time you try, wait a day or so until the issue is resolved. Using Proton-GE is a personal preference. If you are impatient it should work using latest proton experimental bleeding edge branch, or proton hotfix when the proton contributors figure out a fix.

Crash after anticheat win
Update broken the game Crash after anticheat screen
tried Proton-GE, experimental and hotfix
Error: The program encountered C00000022 at 014C6D71 during initialization no message.
Crashes an splash screen with error "the programm encountered c000002"

Not working after update 5.12
LD_PRELOAD="" PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 SDL_VIDEODRIVER='windows' gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Won't launch. Get the error "The program encountered C0000022 at address 014C6D71 during initialization".

Latest update borked the game for me
As of update 5.12, the game crashes after Easy Anti-Cheat loads. It returns the following error: The program encountered C0000022 at 014C6D71 during initialization. No message.

March 5, 2025, Update 5.12.0 doesn't work
Almost every update breaks The Finals on Linux, so we have to wait 3--7 days to get it fixed.

New update broke it again.
Tried Hotfix, Experimental and GE 9.25 all didn't work. It crashes at the EAC screen.

If it wasn't for the input lag, it would be running great.

the game runs great on linux with proton experimental, but I saw a slight performance boost when using CachyOS proton.
No issues booting and playing the game.

Will only launch with experimental. Steam might occasionally crash but that won't hinder gameplay other than forced alt-tabbing. Especially using the Steam overlay might trigger a Steam-crash.

mangohud %command% -dx12
Finals Settings: Borderless Fullscreen (2560 x 1600), Vsync: Off, 60 Locked, Upscaled Res 1280 x 800, TAUU, Manual, Render Res 90%, FOV 80, All Low & Disabled,
HHD Setting: TDP 20W + Boost, CPU Auto, GPU Max 2000mhz,
Bios Settings: Graphics Auto, CPU 6, Ram Speed 6400,