Occasional full pause of game after about an hour. Need to take focus from the window and then return it to fix.

Works great, perfectly fine.

Unplayable on fresh Mint install
Constant frame drops and heavy intermittent stuttering
mangohud game-performance %command%
~20 fps gain over Windows. Works out of the box.

When I launched the game, it was quite loud as games tend to be, so I alt tabbed to mute the game from my system sounds. Doing this froze the program for a solid 2 minutes. I let it cook to see what would happen and it did eventually unstuck itself. I was then able to access the settings and lower the volume to my preferences.
I have a low amount of time on the game, admittedly, but that time was, other than my issue at startup, flawless. so far.
99% of memory utilisation after start of game

random crackling sometimes, not too frequently
Amazing game that works on linux flawlessly. 10/10.
Works out of box.

works good with proton

Game runs much better on Windows native than with Proton, problem does not appear to be graphics related as turning down graphics did not help as much as expected.
It could just be that my hardware is insufficient, but considering it runs fine on my Windows install, I'm guessing Proton plays a significant part.

I've set GE=Proton globally across all of my Steam library. Wouldn't deem it a tinker setup that way. Game's running perfectly. A tiny bit more HUD ghosting on DLSS however compared to my main PC. But the 3080 Ti is doing an awesome job. Game is a joy to play across Steam Deck and this setup to my main PC!

No issues so far, works great with Proton 9.0 without any additional tinkering

Occaisional dark text and background which was difficult to read.

I used GE-Proton9-14 as others suggested to avoid the menu problems and didn't bother trying to use Valve's experimental or latest stable version. I ran the game at 4k with DLSS upscaling enabled and set to auto. Everything else was set to ultra. This game seems extremely well optimized and was silky smooth giving me around 160-170 FPS during encounters.

Runs flawlessly on my setup with Proton 9.0.3
Didn't need to tinker, runs > 100 FPS right out of the box. Very stable, no issues found.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
In the main menu, the game runs at 1-5 FPS. GE Proton fixes this.
Stutters for a second when that red aura mist thing is on screen.
Runs at 120-180 FPS at max settings, DLSS Quality.
Also, to get rid of that disgusting looking sharpening filter whilst using upscaling, disable your upscaler, go into settings, turn off Sharpening, then re-enable your upscaler. For some reason, the game locks you out of that setting when you have upscaling enabled.

Random stutters
Installed and clicked play. No problems on my system.
Played Early Access; no minor/significant bugs, glitches, or oddities to report. I used Experimental by default.

Was able to do two long play sessions without any crashes or bugs; The game hovered around 200-240 fps most of the time on ultra settings! All 3 of the maps in early access seem to function without issues.

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json DXVK_ASYNC=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
Had slowdowns and glitching shadows until I switched to AMDVLK through the launch option command....then game ran smooth as silk without any problems

The font used for the game makes it hard to read especially if its small.

It does not work on steam
By looking at the log, I believe the nvidia drivers are causing the issue

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
I've only unlocked the first 2 maps (out of the 3 in early access) but after play 6 hours it works great for me.

Witchfire won't launch on steam no matter what I've tried
Reading the log it seems like nvidia gpu drivers issue

Random stutter during gameplay. Had to set Overall Quality to Medium but it still happens

Occasional fps drops
Got 5fps in main menu with Proton Experimental. Switched to GE-Proton9-13 and now game runs fine with occasional fps drops.

Works perfectly.
Works and runs beautifully out of the box. No tinkering required.

Amazingly well made game that runs perfectly with minimal effort. I'd assume the steam version will be the same when it launches!