Just a smooth and flawless gameplay on DirectX 11 mode, selected in game settings and total unplayable on DirectX 12 mode - game just hangs after ~5 minutes of a gameplay with strange green-colored visual glitches.

Устанавливается и запускается почему то только с DirectX 11.На 12-м не запусукается. В остальном всё прекрасно!
DX 11
DirectX 11

The game drops to 30fps when loading new areas.
The game was freezing a lot when reaching new levels but switching back to DX11 fixed it.
Use the Steam Deck preset provided by the devs but switch to DX11 and you will have good time on almost constant 60FPS. (limit the fps to 60 both ingame and from the Steam Deck menu)

ENABLE_HDR_WSI=1 SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 --steam -e -f --force-grab-cursor -F fsr -S auto --hdr-enabled -O card1-DP-1 -- game-performance %command%
Можно запускать нативно, можно через протон, можно через модифицированный протон. Я подобрал комбинацию которая лучше всего работает у меня. Запускаю в режиме DX12, поддерживается HDR, FSR. FPS уверенно уходит за 250. Настройки высокие или ультра. Проблем нет никаких.

лок FPS на 60 кадров

в лютых замесах очень проседает. на некоторых участках карт просадки

For my set-up, worked OOTB, Proton 9.0-2 as of this writing. Haven't tried DX11 option

This game reminds me alot of half life but a lot more fast paced. The only issue I had with gameplay was missing a button right after geting the AK and having to retrace my steps to find it.

Have not tried the native build, but the game works extremely well via proton; Solid 240 fps with max settings!

Game loads wrong textures for certain objects and weapons, could be a game bug not a linux issue.
Texture bugs persist through save games, need to shutdown game and reopen to fix this.
THIS GAME IS NOT NATIVE! The game uses DX11/12 not VK/OGL. You need to run the game through Proton to play it. I tried 9-11GE but got a black screen, I then tried TKG bleeding edge and it works great apart from the texture bug which is more than likley a game bug not a linux bug.