Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. Completed game with three characters.
Native version crashed for me on start. Ran the game with Proton and it worked perfectly. Completed entire campaign.
Game runs, but mouse gets stuck in the middle of the screen in the pause menu. The reticle is also missing when not holding an item, which can make picking things up and interacting with the world tricky.
Game loaded initial logo then hard crashed and locked up entire computer, requiring a full restart to resolve.
With the exception of one minor controller issue, the game worked flawlessly. I finished it with nearly all achievements.
Occasionally my character in-game would act as if RT was pressed when it wasn't. Pressing the trigger on my controller would resolve the issue. Not sure if this is an issue with my controller, with the game itself, or with Proton, but I figured I'd mention it here.
The native version crashes on launch, so playing it through Proton is recommended.
Completed full game with all achievements. Perfectly playable with no major issues.
I experienced pauses for a few seconds when alt-tabbing and during on-screen notifications from GNOME (e.g. changing volume).
Game is playable. My character defaulted to auto-shooting to the right, possibly a deadzone issue on the right stick. Does not affect gameplay negatively.
mf-install required for cutscenes (pretty much only intro and credits)
Experienced some stuttering early on (presumably for shader caching). Resolved itself pretty quickly and was never encountered again.
Game is playable with some minor artifacting. Frequently crashed at loading screens. Annoyance but not a complete showstopper.
Some minor lighting/shadow issues
Seems there's about a 50% chance of it to crash at load screens.
Game throws various errors when navigating menus and does not start level. Tweaks did not resolve issues.
Loading screen is visible but then moves to a black screen and crashes with a LowLevelFatalError message.
Game was perfectly playable with no tweaks. Only issue was the start button isn't mapped to start on the Xbox 360 controller but R3 (clicking the right stick) instead.
Crashes in the main menu with an error message about a failure to create a save.
Game ran, however it would freeze for 15-30 seconds each time the music changed. Disabling Esync fixed this issue for me. Completed the game and all endings.
Runs fine in windowed mode. Half the screen goes black and text flickers when in fullscreen mode.
Game runs. When an Xbox 360 controller is plugged in your character will auto-run, probably due to the game not using a deadzone on the analog stick. Unclear whether this and some other bugs (I fell through a platform and walked through a wall) are because of Proton or are native to the game itself.
Did not properly fullscreen. Ran perfectly in windowed mode with an Xbox 360 controller.
Nearly 100%ed the game. Worked almost flawlessly outside of a few issues on boot that are fixed by restarts.
6.14-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Occasionally when booting the game, the controller would not be recognized. Restarting the game fixed this.
Occasionally the game would crash at the title screen when first loaded. Restarting the game fixed this, and I experienced no crashes during play.
I originally tried the game with 6.3-5 but cutscenes were black and the game crashed at the end of the first boss. Changing over to GloriousEggroll made the game fully playable for me.
Game runs fine and I was able to play through the tutorial and first level. Does not properly fullscreen (runs fine in windowed mode), and does not exit cleanly.
Game runs, but in-game mouse input is unusable. It is fluid and accurate during the menu but choppy and hardly moves in-game. The game, by design, slows your mouse down some so I expected a difference, however what I experienced in-game is not comparable to native. The movement is broken so as to make the game unplayable.
Game works well. Played through all levels.
There are some bugs, but I think those are because of the game being a bit unpolished, not because of Proton.
Game ran perfectly with a controller and no tweaks. Game doesn't appear to have a built-in option for fullscreen but alt-enter worked just fine.
Works perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks. I played through the entire campaign with no problems.
Splash screen loaded up off-center with large parts off-screen. Game loaded fine after it, but did not properly fullscreen. Game runs perfectly in windowed mode.
Game had some graphical flickering along bottom while fullscreened. Was not present in windowed mode. Played fine otherwise.
Main screen loads, then crashes with a vertex shader error.
Game runs perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. I did not have performance issues as others reported and the game ran smoothly for me.
Worked fine. Load screens are very long, but it's not clear if that's related to Proton or not.
Game is fully playable with no tweaks. Flickering text may be a cosmetic issue or part of the design of the game. Even if it is an error, it doesn't impact readability and game is still fully playable.
mf-install required to see background on main menu as well as opening cutscene
Played through game to completion.
In a long gaming session (> 1 hour), I started to experience increasing amounts of slowdown. Remedied by restarting the game. Unsure if this was due to Proton or if it would also happen on Windows.
Crashes on start with "Fatal Error in VertexShader" message. None of the recommended tweaks resolved the issue.
Game worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Completed full playthrough.
Only issue is that it would not properly fullscreen. Ran great in windowed mode. Played through to one of the endings.
Game ran perfectly with no tweaks. Short pauses on resolution changes, alt-tabs, and overlay events (e.g. changing volume) but no other issues.
Did not test multiplayer, but solo play worked fine with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks
Native version was missing executable. Played through entire game from start to finish using Proton with no issues.
Game was playable for a bit but froze on pause menu. Appeared to still be working in the background, but would not accept any input. Had to be force closed.
GloriousEggroll: Proton-7.1-GE-2
When using vanilla Proton, cutscenes would not load.
Game fails to launch. Disabling esync did not help, and disabling D3d11 gave an error message about failing to find compatible Direct3d devices.
Launches but doesn't correctly fullscreen itself. Navigating menus with the controller is clunky and potentially glitchy, though it's hard to tell if that's from Proton or just how it was designed and implemented. Game itself is playable.
Game ran fine. Did not crash on change of focus, and Xbox 360 controller worked out of the box (note the game uses B for accept and A for back, but that is not an error). Still missing the sprites for the button prompts in the tutorial, but is otherwise completely playable.
Works perfectly; no tweaks needed. I did have an achievement trigger when I wasn't supposed to get it, but I think that's the fault of the game not of Proton.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed.
Game worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Finished entire story from start to finish (~2 hours).
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Completed a full playthrough (game is short). Does not have native fullscreen option so must be played in window.
Initial logo displayed and music was audible, but it did not move past that.
Game displays an error message about being unable to play the startup video and to check the DirectX version. Disabling D3d11 did not fix it, nor did disabling esync.
Native version is out of date and was crashing for me. Played perfectly through Proton with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks. I only tested single player.
Game would not properly fullscreen. Ran fine otherwise. There were a few moments of choppiness on loading, but it's unclear if that's from Proton or just the game itself.
UDK installation fails with a path not found message. Game launched successfully after this anyway and worked in menu and in the opening cutscene. Crashed at load of first level.
Went to microphone input settings (since a mic is required to play the game). It would not detect my my via the default option and had a pulldown to switch to Pulseaudio. Hard crashed and had to be force killed when I clicked the pulldown.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Bugs and performance issues encountered also exist in native.
Game ran and was fully playable. Only issue I saw was that the bunches of grass would rise up and down, floating in the air and then going below the ground of the level, but this only affected aesthetics, not gameplay.
Ran perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed.
Game ran fine. A few item placement issues, but I'm don't think that's related to Proton.
Placement of items was buggy at times, but I think that's probably due to the game and not Proton.
I ran the updated version. I did not try the classic version.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Played through complete game from start to finish.
Game worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller with no tweaks needed. Note: game speed is tied to framerate, so enabling vsync with 144hz will make it run too fast. Disable vsync to make it playable again. This exists on the Windows native version as well.
When controller was plugged in, input was sporadic and I ended up in the same self-destruct loop mentioned by another report. Without the controller the game was playable on keyboard. Does not appear to have a native method of fullscreening, so it runs windowed.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. Only tested single player.
Aside from a few issues (possibly not even Proton-related), the game ran perfectly.
As other reports have mentioned, fullscreen isn't possible at the beginning of the game. After the tutorial you can access the options menu in order to change to fullscreen. No issues after that.
For most sessions the controller worked fine. A few times I started up the game my controller (8BitDo SN30 Pro+) was not recognized at the initial screens but became recognized after I loaded my save using the keyboard.
Game worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed.
Loaded a black screen. Could hear audio for startup underneath it, but that was all.
Loads two different black windows. Can hear music. Using Wine D3d11 changed it to one black window with music.
Game works perfectly with no tweaks. Game has no native fullscreen mode, so it will run in a window.
Was able to play through full game. Crashed once, but everything else worked flawlessly.
Game crashed once. Restarted and it continued fine.
Played through the game from start to finish. Some instability with alt-tabbing and volume change. Works perfectly outside of those.
Alt-tabbing would lock up game for several seconds. Most of the time it would resolve, but it caused a crash once.
Changing the volume via keyboard shortcut would lock up the game for about five seconds. Usually this resolved, but it also crashed the game twice.
Game runs perfectly in windowed mode only, with a workaround for fullscreen.
Workaround: When first starting the game a prompt for the graphics mode appears, and selecting any full-screen option causes an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error message and crash. However, selecting windowed mode and then selecting fullscreen from the main menu allows the game to run in fullscreen. Be aware that the game does not support high resolutions (even on Windows).
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Completed most of campaign with no issues.
Game runs fine and I was able to complete it from start to finish with no tweaks. Only issue is that it does not exit cleanly.
Hangs on Unity screen after startup.
Crashes with error message "cannot initialize windows media playback." Recommended tweaks did not resolve issue.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. I only tested single player.
Game runs, but input on controller was inconsistent. At times would be unresponsive, at others would act as if I'd held down a button for a second or two with only a single press.
Screen was flipped and cropped in windowed mode. Resolved by running in fullscreen.
Menus load and function, game displays a black screen when you try to play. Sounds are audible and text is visible, but no more than that.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed.
Loads black screen with audio. Was not remedied with any of the recommended tweaks.
Native version did not launch for me. Running the Windows version with Proton worked perfectly in windowed mode, but the screen would jitter in fullscreen. I completed it from start to finish with no issues in windowed mode.
Worked perfectly. Played through entire campaign.
Game would pause for multiple seconds when alt-tabbing or on GNOME OSD events (such as changing volume).
Whether run in fullscreen or windowed mode, the window loads in the lower right corner with much of it offscreen and not visible. The recommended tweaks did not remedy this.
Game worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. The white screen that others have mentioned exists on Windows as well. Restart the game to resolve the issue.
Worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks. Completed full playthrough (game is short).
Played through the game fully with no issues. Used an Xbox 360 controller.
Game runs fine with some very minor issues (that might not be related to Proton). Perfectly playable and enjoyable.
Some minor artifacting in places. Nothing that impacts playability. Unclear if it's due to Proton or just present in the game.
Some slowdown on larger/more complicated levels. Nothing major, and others in the forums report this same issue, so I do not think it is related to Proton.
No window appears. Can hear startup sound but nothing else happens. Game's process has to be force killed.
Game worked flawlessly from start to finish. I had to double check before submitting this to make sure it wasn't native!
Game ran perfectly with no tweaks. Used an Xbox 360 controller and the accept/action was mapped to X, and back/menu was mapped to L3. Not sure if that's an error or intentional, but it's workable and doesn't inhibit the gameplay.
Game runs perfectly with no tweaks. Only issue is that it crashes on exit and must be force killed.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Game does not appear to have a native fullscreen option so it runs in windowed mode.
Loads DOSBox which stops at prompt and does not load game.
Native build would not start for me. Game works flawlessly through Proton instead.
Game worked for a bit. Got stuck in a repeated loop of floating point errors after buying a car.
Game ran but was hanging every 20-30 minutes. Using WineD3D11 fixed that and I was able to complete most of the campaign (~6 hours of play)
Works perfectly with no tweaks needed, including online play.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks. Only issue is that it hangs on exit.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. Played through entire game (it's short).
Game is perfectly playable--I completed a full playthrough. Only issue is that the mouse can get locked to the middle of the screen in menu and you have to use the keyboard to navigate choices.
Completed full game with no major issues.
Occasional flickering/load in. Not sure if it's due to Proton or the game itself.
Played through the full game to 100% completion after changing graphics settings to DX11.
On first boot, window was in a corner with parts of screen missing. Alt-tab got it to a fully-viewable window which let me change the settings. Fullscreen only worked for me by activating DX11 instead of DX9. After changing to DX11 the game ran flawlessly.
Sometimes, on start, gives an "exception access violation" error and does not start. Other times starts and runs perfectly. I'm not sure what causes the issue or how to remedy it other than simply restarting the game in hopes that the error doesn't happen.
Game loaded in 4:3 ratio, off-center. Fixed by using "stretch" option in settings. Fully playable with Xbox 360 controller.
Same experience as other report. Menu loaded fine (although it wouldn't properly fullscreen, even in borderless). Opening cutscene is a black screen with audio. You cannot skip it, and nothing loads once it is completed.
Game runs perfectly with no tweaks needed. Gives an error message on exit, but it affects nothing. The game still closes perfectly.
Game ran perfectly with no tweaks. Only issue was that it crashed on exit and I had to manually kill the process.
Played through all three games to near 100% completion. Game runs flawlessly after mf-install tweak.
mf-install needed for cutscenes.
Game worked perfectly. Finished a full playthrough.
Older reports note that the game runs too fast, but I did not experience that and it ran as intended.
Quite buggy, and it's unclear if that's a result of the game or Proton. My first savegame didn't take so I had to start over from the beginning. When I got to the second area, the game never loaded the new objectives for it (i.e. the photos for the area). It's certainly playable, and these issues might be due to the game itself (reviews point out numerous bugs), but I'm giving it a Silver to be on the safe side.
Game didn't start initially. Ran perfectly after I disabled esync, however, after I re-enabled esync it still ran perfectly, so I'm not sure if it's needed.
Game runs but mouse gets stuck in the middle of the screen. The menus are not navigable by keyboard, so this prevents the player from choosing menu options which is essential to the game.
Game worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed.
Loaded a black screen the first time I ran the game. Restarted the game, and it worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller.
Worked perfectly with Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. I completed the entire game.
Worked perfectly with whitelisted Proton (3.16-9) and no tweaks needed. Completed entire game with no issues.
When the game was running it ran fine, but frequent crashes keep this from being fully playable.
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Corrupted save notification, as others have mentioned
Crashed twice in 30 minutes at scene changes
I originally tried 6.3-6 but cutscenes were black screens. Switching to GloriousEggroll made the cutscenes work, but the game crashed frequently.
Game hangs on opening logo and will not advance.
Also tried running it through 4.11-13 and had the same result.
GloriousEggroll: Proton-7.1-GE-2
Team17 splash screen at beginning of game didn't load with regular Proton but also didn't crash the game. Might be playable with vanilla Proton if you don't mind that missing (it's not important to the game at all).
Game runs perfectly in windowed mode
No fullscreen option, and was not able to fullscreen manually; resolution options were blacked out on the menu, so changing between them was guesswork
Crash DLC works nearly flawlessly in Proton. I played through the full DLC.
On some launches of the game the fullscreen wouldn't quite fill the screen and would leave a bar of the desktop visible at the bottom. On other launches it worked fine. Not sure what the cause was.
In the Crash DLC, there is one part in the game when there are a lot of things onscreen all at once and I experienced some slowdown. Might be unrelated to Proton though and just unoptimized, as the dev is still patching the DLC.
I played through the original game with the native build (before it was discontinued), so this report is for the Crash DLC only, though presumably the main game runs comparably.
First three levels worked fine. Fourth level loaded the HUD but only a black screen. Crashed on the fifth level.
Had some artifacting on resolution change that was resolved after restarting the game. Game ran perfectly other than that. Note: I only tested singleplayer.
Worked well. Completed full game.
Some minor flickering on the level select menu. Could have been a deliberate effect, but looked like an error.
Game runs perfectly. Completed full campaign. Did not test multiplayer.
Game would pause for a few seconds on OSD events (e.g. volume change) and alt-tabbing.
Apparently there is an intro video that I missed because I didn't use mf-install, but the fact that I didn't even know that I missed it until I went to write this report shows that it's not crucial to enjoying the game.
I did not test multiplayer. I was able to create a lobby, but there were never any other players. I don't know if this was due to lack of people playing the game or some sort of Proton error.
Worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. I honestly didn't realize it wasn't native until I checked.
Launcher doesn't work, but game does. When fullscreened the bottom of the screen was cropped. I was not able to get into the settings menu to change graphics from the main menu, but once in game I was. After changing it to windowed mode, the game worked as intended. Unclear if these issues were because of Proton or the game's Early Access state.
Works perfectly with no tweaks needed. I was able to complete a full playthrough from start to finish.
SPOILER: There is a part of the game where it fakes a blue-screen. This is intended and is not an error. It resolves shortly after occurring.
Loads black screen. Can hear startup sound but nothing beyond that. Did not work with disabling either esync or d3d11.
Ran into some issues on the menu (mouse wouldn't register initially, and then a previous menu overlaid a new one). Did not run into any issues during gameplay itself.
Completed game from start to finish. Some minor issues that I believe are due to the game itself, and not due to Proton.
Some flickering and the occasional minor issue. Nothing significant, and it's unclear if it's due to Proton or just the game itself.
When handling items in game, framerate was low. Not sure that this was due to Proton. Might just be poor optimization.
Runs, but input is laggy and imprecise to the point that it's not comfortably playable.
The native version attempts to install Adobe Air and fails. I ran the Windows version through Proton and it worked flawlessly. Was able to complete the entire game from start to finish.
Game runs perfectly. Punctuation in the tutorials (but not subtitles) shows up as boxes. Game is still fully playable in spite of this.
Game loads to a plain blue-gray screen with no input or audio. Must force-quit in order to exit.
Worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks needed. Completed game from start to finish.
When fullscreened, the game was cropped at the bottom so some text was unreadable. It crashed a few screens in. Restarted the game in windowed mode and it worked perfectly.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed. The game did not have a native fullscreen option, so it runs windowed.
Completed entire game using the whitelisted Proton (3.7-8). It would lock up for 5-10 seconds when I changed the volume, presumably due to the on-screen notification from my window manager, and in menus my mouse would be locked to the center of the screen (so I would have to navigate them by keyboard). Had two hard crashes toward the end of the game, but I was able to reload and continue past them.
I briefly tried it with 4.11-1 after I beat the game, and the mouse issue in menu was fixed, and the pauses on volume change were much shorter. For anyone playing the game, it might be worth overriding the default Proton option to see if a newer release handles it better. Nevertheless, it is still entirely playable in 3.7-8.
Black boxes are present as mentioned in other report, but they are infrequent and game is still playable.
Game was playable and worked well; issues are likely related to game itself and not Proton
Flickering textures; unclear whether this is an issue with Proton or the game itself (it's quite unpolished)
Loads black screen with choppy, distorted audio in the background. Tweaks did not resolve issue.
Game runs and is playable, but graphics are jittery and there is some stuttering in the audio.
Loads black screen. Audio plays, and when it hits the main menu, the cursor is visible, but that is it. Recommended tweaks did not resolve issue.
Game does not launch. Tried all three recommended tweaks and none of them resolved the issue.
It ran successfully without needing to use Wine D3D. Xbox 360 controller worked fine. The water flickers in the game which can look like a graphical error, but that's actually how it displays natively.
Game seems to run perfectly for 20-30 minutes before hard crashing (I could not resolve it and had to fully reset the computer). This happened twice before I stopped playing.
A couple of times I experienced a glitch where exiting one room flicker and reload the same room, but it was easy to resolve by re-exiting. Other than this, the game was perfectly playable with an Xbox 360 controller.
Game runs with some issues; bugs/stability might be due to game itself rather than Proton
Occasionally, when the cup was being awarded after completing a race series, the game chugged and framerate dropped significantly.
Game unexpectedly closed once during an hour of play.
I don't know if this is related to Proton or not, but when starting a new race series the scores for the participants don't reset. It's only a two-digit display, but I eventually got scores in the 100s, so they displayed only as 10.
Game runs perfectly, however the enemy cars seem to have AI/physics issues. They drive inconsistently, in circles, often backwards. The tutorial was unbeatable because some of the cars could not find their way offscreen onto the main map.
Played through entire game with a friend on a Windows computer. Minor issues, but completely playable.
Push-to-talk did not appear to work, but we used an external chat for communication.
Opening cutscene did not play, but it is not necessary to enjoy the game.
Barring two crashes, game worked perfectly
The game hard crashed twice in my 7 hour playthrough.
Menu would not respond to mouse input while fullscreened. Game worked perfectly in windowed mode.
Played through most of the game. Aside from some very minor flickering, it worked flawlessly.
Very occasionally, there would be a grey rectangle that flickered onto the screen for a brief moment. Very minor.
Kicks me back to the login screen of my GNOME session whenever I run it.