PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
on 21:9 monitors the image is stretched even when pcgamingwiki says that it has support for ultrawide.
Since that I forced to WINED3D the game can run on low framerate
Without any tinkering the game opens and gets frozen on the startup fmv no mather what proton version you use, after adding wined3d command the game runs normally, it's a bit laggy but playable.
The game is working out of the box
You may need to open the keyboard a lot to play this game (it's part of the gameplay). To open it, press STEAM + X
some cutscenes have no audio
Some cutscenes play in double time with no audio
OOTB No issues.
Worked perfectly with no tweaks needed.
I think performance has increased with newer versions of Proton. The UI has less lag and the cameras have become more responsive while manually panning in any direction.
Very good performances, no