Ограничение поля курсора мыши.
К сожалению 1/3 пространства экрана (нижняя и правая) ограничены и не позваляют трекпадом или тачскрином завести туда курсор. Не возможно выбрать пункт меню(справа) для настроек.
gamemoderun mangohud OBS_VKCAPTURE=1 %command%
Se queda tildado en la pantalla de inicio, realmente ni siquiera puedo ver el menú principal.
The performance is bad, really bad. Racing with a single digit fps is not fun.
This is probably a bug in the game with my ultrawide monitor but in fullscreen I am unable to move mouse cursor all the way down (even with gamepad.) Entering windowed mode (alt-enter) works around that.
This game eats GPU memory for breakfast right at boot and mostly regardless of graphic detail settings. Temporarily lowering desktop resolution allows entering the settings menu and lowering game resolution and detail levels but it still always uses all the available memory which is probably why the performance sucks.
I suspect the game is just crap and the poor performance is its own fault but it should not be this bad in Linux with an RTX 2070 8GB if I can get a playable framerate in Windows with my old GTX 960 4GB and a slower CPU albeit in low detail. I had to use the same desktop resolution trick there, too, to get it running.