Installed PhysX_9.21.0713_SystemSoftware.exe using protontricks
The game crashed last time I played it before filling in this report
I needed to install latest PhysX, otherwise game can't launch.

I needed to download and install latest PhysX to game's prefix, cuz otherwise game crashed.
It works good after installing latest PhysX.
nach Umstellung auf Proton 6.3.8 gab es keine Probleme mehr
Auf 6.3.8 umstellen, danach läuft es perfekt.
Freezes using defaults, works well if you switch to Proton 6.3.8

everytime at around 8 to 10 mins in, game will freeze, and will have to be force closed.
the "verified" status is incorrect and should read "unsupported'.
No issues

Worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 controller and no tweaks.

Working perfectly out of the box.

The game works out of the box, including Gamepad. Vsync isn't enabled, this is an issue with the game, not Proton. Here is how to fix it: https://steamcommunity.com/app/42140/discussions/0/619574421305834465/

No Vsync enabled and no option in the settings