The stuttering affects the audio
Lots of stuttering
I could not try the new external proton builds(GE) build because of this problem with steam and system-wide Proton vestions https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-runtime/issues/302
There are no servers
I haven’t tried Project Celeste. But it seems it works on Linux
You might want to use the link from here, as the game doesn't appear on steam anymore. https://www.projectceleste.com/install
It works with the steam default 5.13
The game will not start with GE 5.21
also, launch options use:
%command% NoStartup
The menu, dashboard, status are laggy, the training areas works fine.
the game seems to run, but random calls to EAC disconnects you from the main menu.
Be mindful of some stuttering
the first time I changed from full to window the game lost my inputs
it lots inputs at one time
The game stutters sometimes
stutering, and one crash
It works
The game wont close with alt+f4, but it closes if you use the menus.
Make sure to tweak the volume on settings.
Sometimes you hear the audio, sometimes not. It is weird. sometimes you hear a crackling, instead of whatever you were supposed to hear like someone talking or a gun firing.
It opens only half of the game screen, but full screen. I need to go to options and choose another resolution to fix it, any resolution. Alt+tab and the problem happens again.
For some reason Linux fixed the stuttering that the game have on windows.
It felt like I was using mouse acceleration.
Doesn't work
Tried to run with other proton versions as well, not even Eggroll worked
this is not a problem of the game, but I think of linux VR. If I start VR and the sound is robotic I have to restart the computer.
All VR games using Unity show a crash when I try to run with newer proton versions.
The game seems to load, there is a black screen and then it closes
I tried with the default config on steam at the time of writing this. Then I tried 4.11 and 4.2 (I saw the other people here got it working with 4.2.6) but none of them worked.
Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll
Borderlands 2 has a workaround to work on linux and mac, it saves in a different path and it will not find your cloud saves if you played on windows before. There is a way to migrate it
Native linux is not updated. The old version will prevent you to play with friends on windows and mac. Force the proton use so you can play with friends on windows.
save games from linux and windows are on different folder. you need this guide to migrate it
The windows version 2.0.0 was just an update to add ads and crash other stuff in the game. Including wierds bugs from BL3
Ask your friends playing on windows to follow this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2014284368
So they downgrade to 1.8.4 and get rid of a lot of ads, bugs and lack of dialogs.
It works fine
Pre rendered cutscenes won't play / in game cutscene works fine.
I watched the cutscenes on youtube after I finished the game.
The game won't open with proton
I tried proton after finding problems with native version. Turns out you can fix the native version with this steps https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=656877012
The game won't run again after the first crash
I could not alt+tab the game and it went from fullscreen to not fully full
My game crashed after I tried to alt+tab a few times. After that, the game would not start again.
- I press play.
- choose it without battleeye
- it shows the [x stop] on steam.
- it goes back to play.
- The splash screen appears and the game closes.
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
The game starts with the smallest of the resolutions.
I tried first with steam proton. It will not work and you will need to kill the process because it will not close.
The game freezes after the loading pages
The loading was taking forever in the splash, then loading screen, so I changed windows (alt+tab). The other reviews report crashing when changing screens, so I will try that next. I will be trying other proton versions.
The game freezes on alt+tab and crashes on a few anymations
the game freezes on switching windows.
Once I reach a slab by a door the game crashes and I cannot progress.
I will tried on experimental and 6, I will be trying GE next.
It cannot detect EAC
Once you press space to continue, the game connects to a bunch of services, but then it closes because it cannot detect EAC
It works out of the box
There was some slowness at the beginning, but it went away after a few seconds.
The game started windowed, but you could not move the screen with mouse down. Only up, left and right. Going full screen fixed it.
This game is native to linux
It asks for a PlayOnline account.
I click to register and the game get stuck on some loading
The stuttering is off putting. and it always ends in crash
The beginning I had some stuttering once every ~5 minutes, then it got more and more frequent. Until the game froze.
I will try to make it work with other proton versions
Stuck on looking for patches. (Uplay)
It tries to open Uplay but it gets stuck on looking for patches.
It works fine
sometimes the a pop up from the software disappears. you need to alt+tab the whole thing to get it back.
You save your projects with proton. Your files will be in
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/[steam game number]/pfx/
It works fine
sometimes the a pop up from the software disappears. you need to alt+tab the whole thing to get it back.
You save your projects with proton. Your files will be in if you don't change the default
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/[steam game number]/pfx/
There is an option to save on your linux filesystem if you use save as.
Game won't open.
I press play, select Play Garshasp. It loads something and then closes.
It works mostly fine.
It syncs my online char, but not my story progression from windows (I guess I can copy those files later).
Some problems were fixed with PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% the other I had to reduce the graphics settings.
Rockstar Editor won't export videos. "An unknown error occurred while attempting to export your video"
If you want to record gameplay, a workaround is to play in the editor, press H to hide the UI and use your choice of recording tool to get the footage.
EAC doesn't work on linux for this game
It is working fine.
The input was a little weird on the vertical, horizontal was ok. It was like the game wanted me to only get headshots.
gamemoderun %command% -nominidumps -dx12
The crtl for crouching on the bounding was Toggle, but for some reason it was hold. I had to change the slide to toggle for it to work properly (maybe it is a game bug rather than linux)
Some stutering here and there.
The game would not open without using those launch commands
It does not connect to the sever
You can play training mode with some stuttering.
Just remember to restart the game if you get any artifact.
If you start the game without artifact, changes are you are not going to see them. But if you start and see an artifact they are going to get worse over time.
if you use ctrl as "show pointer" in your linux distro, it will prevent you from using Focus in game.
The game has a change to crash in between cutscenes and levels.
The company closed and lost its licensing over the game, so you will not find it being sold anymore and the online multiplayer is not working.
But you will have an enjoyable experience playing the single player.
The game works great
Vertical color bars sometimes - I saw other games using proton showing this. I guess it is some sort of video player.
I tested on the demo, it is windows only, there is not native version for the demo, but it works great!
This is an example of what I mention by color bars.
Play it fullscreen.
The game will crash on windowed
The controller or mouse would not work in windowed once in a while.
Some stuttering in the beginning and in new areas, I guess loading textures
When I tested drive the vehicles it seemed fine, but once I went to the first mission the game would freeze and stutter every time I used my mouse to change camera angle.
Game would freeze or stutter every time I used my mouse to change camera angle during missions. (the test drive was fine).
I also tried Experimental and GE, both seems to work well too.
It works fine
the first time you drop in a game there is some stuttering but it goes away in ~10 seconds.
Runs great
alt+tab the game sometimes disable the SFX and Music. You need to start the game again.
It usually runs around 70~80 FPS with everything on LOW, sometimes it drops for under 60 FPS. Usually starting the game again solves this problem.
Once a cop car dropped from the sky, but I think that was something from the game rather from linux.
To get rid of the annoying splash screen, use the launch options: eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/mafiadefinitiveedition.exe'/" )
It stutters a lot during the start, gets better over time, but here and there there is some spike.
works fine
Works fine - played tutorials and pvp
Degradation over time, makes the game less ideal for competitive.
FPS drops over time during the gameplay.
Depending on the heroes used in the match, the performance will drop faster. If I start a match with 100 FPS, and the game does not freeze or crash, it will end with a bit more than 40FPS.
Dr. Strange portal brings the game to less than 10 FPS, sometimes freezing or crashing the game, and I have to terminate it. That can happen if anyone in the game uses him.
Psylocke, I could not pinpoint what skills are causing it, but it degrades faster than with the rest of the rooster. I was never able to finish a match with her without freezing and terminating a game.
If the game freezes, Steam also crashes, and I have to terminate both.
I had some fun at first. The practice rooms work fine, and some of the matches were ok.
But if I try to play against players or bots, and some characters are picked, I know I will not be able to finish a match.
I tried different settings, lowering everything, and nothing helped.
It appears that those problems were happening even during the beta, and for Windows users as well. https://steamcommunity.com/app/2767030/discussions/0/596260472619018871/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/2767030/discussions/0/596260472619131921/
People were blaming it on Unreal Engine 5, but I could not confirm.
It works
The first time I opened it was giving me rewards from last season. It was full screen but my browser was in front of it. I could interact with the game but not with the browser. alt+tab a few times and it was fixed.
It keeps crashing at everything you try to do.
The program asks you to register every time you open it.
This program was terrible on windows, I tried with Proton just for completion.
Unsuported GPU error
Forced Experimental and GE
The game works fine on windows, but when I try to open on linux it says the GPU is not supported.
Audio in the intro was cracking
If you stay long in the Doc's menu (implants), the game freezes.
I don't think it work on windows either.
Game was abandoned after devs cashed the money.
Stuck on logo with loading message
The game installs, it appears the perfect world login page, but when you click play you get stuck in loading, sometimes appears a message if I want to foce quit the game
This is a DLC for a game that runs native on Linux.
The game start with a minimal weird resolution
The game works well with Proton Experimental
It was laggy from the menu, but nothing too bad. I think it could be something from the game, as some games add acceleration. But I could not find an option to disable it on the menu.
If you let the cutscenes play, the game crashes at the end of the video. If playing in lower difficulty, save before extraction, so you don't have to replay the full thing, or skip the cutscenes.
When I played with default proton, the game would get slower over time when solving the clues.
I think the company/server is long gone - not a proton problem.
It installs, I see the splash screen but then it closes.
It works well with proton.
This is a tool to create pixel art with nodes, made with game maker. It works fine with proton.
All the problems faced with the demo, or complete version seems to be bugs that also happen with windows, and the author is already aware, as they are registered in both their github https://github.com/Ttanasart-pt/Pixel-Composer (it is open source), and their discord.
It does not work with Native or Proton
The first loading of the game would take a long time, then the game would crash on New Game
The game runs native, with exception of the tutorial.
The game runs native, however there is a problem where the keyboard doesn't work during tutorial.
I tried proton to see if I could pass that part, but none of the versions I tried worked. There is an error while loading a VM.
I click play but nothing opens.
I also tried different versions of proton, but nothing.
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
You get some stuttering when aiming around
Lots of stuttering. I tried to change mouse pooling rate but it stills bad even on lower pooling rate
The game FPS crashes down every time you go to a "new" area.
I heard about this in other games, people suggests might be a texture loading issue that can be fixed with new vulkan drivers. But I didn't see it working here.
I could alt+tab a few times, but then it got dark. Make sure to save.
I played the Beta, it seems that it is supposed to keep your save game when you upgrade, but for some reason it deleted my save. Backup your save before upgrading the game.
The game crashes every few minutes.
Unity crash screen all the time in multiple games and with Rustler is not different. Another reason to avoid Unity games.
I tried Experimental, GE and other proton people mentioned here. I did not have these problems when I played the demo before release.
It works great, just as Native
This test was done using the demo version. As the game was not released yet.
It works well on Linux and Steam Deck
I doubt the problems I faced were proton exclusive, as the game is still new.
Loading a game reset some aspects of the world, like bullet holes. I imagined they had some overhaul or something.
Game just left early access, I reported all the bugs to the devs
On Steam Deck, the defaults caps at 30 FPS, it is very playable but the TDP can go +20W when it is raining outside. You might want to tweak some settings to improve your battery life.
I tried with proton experimental first. At the time the next proton in the list was the 6.3-7.
But when I started the game I was stuck on something that looked like a red eye. Forcing proton 5.13-6 solved the problem and I was able to play.
The game crashes at the FIKA screen sometimes, I restart the game and it seems to allow me to go to the menu.
I can play online using remote play, but the multiplayer crashes on lobby
Controllers recommend, the keyboard is a bit weird.
The default proton will get you stuck on a black screen (probably the FIKA before the text appears).
Missing Executable.
It won't open. It complains of missing executable.
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
For some reason changing proton version solved the missing executable error.
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
This was open only during the beta
It shows an error message saying it was unable to connect to the server.
there is this problem with VR and linux that if the audio gets robotic at start, I need to restart the computer to fix. At first I thought it was something related to having VR and Discord open, but I can not narrow down to what is causing it.
All VR games using Unity show a crash message when I try to run with newer proton versions.
It won't run the game .exe
LaunchWinterWar.exe manifest could not be extracted! fopen: Permission denied
The full demo works great
Because there are two characters I thought I could play the demo with 2 players, but both keyboard and controller control the same char. Adding a second controller didn't work. Maybe because it is a demo, or the multiplayer is only pvp.
Going into the menu you still control the character in game (might be a bug as the game is in alpha)
I had to go to the menu and select the sensitivity to individual, and map every single one of them, as the shared was not working (might be a bug as the game is in alpha)
Spikes and lags here and there
BattleEye is important! Don't forget to install it on Steam before playing the game.
Spikes here and there, I still need to check if it works with https://ishitatsuyuki.github.io/post/latencyflex/
Proton-GE will play the proprietary videos, Steam proton won't but the game will work. Install Proton BattleEye Runtime on steam or the game will close if you try to deploy.
Game won't work anymore with Proton BattleEye. You will get kicked as soon as you deploy
It doesn't work out of the box, or with the other proton versions I tried
Forced Experimental and Proton-GE
The first time I tried to run, it frooze the whole computer while building the vukan shade. I had to restart
Ubisoft canceled the game a while ago
There is no data on the steam servers, and the game it self has no servers. There are some people trying to revive the game but I don't think ubisoft has any interest in it anymore.
The game was clearly P2W and a lot of changes need to be done to make it playable.
On Steam, out of the box the game comes packaged with a Ubisoft launcher that does not work.
Following the steps on this link: https://www.protondb.com/app/365590#sOLwIgFZWA will make it work, in general lines:
- Install ubisoft connect on lutris
- Find the folder somewhere like: lutris/ubisoft-connect/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/ and copy Ubisoft Game Launcher
- Go to the steam installation of the game steamapps/compatdata/365590/pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Ubisoft/ remove the Ubisoft Game Launcher and paste the one from Lutris.
Also, I had a problem where the game launcher would be looking for a patch, I just removed it from lutris and installed it again.
on launch options use
'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6 %command%'
If you use proton it will not sync you save games.
The company closed, the publisher has no way of fixing any problems it have. Everything is an workaround.
There are several issues with the netcode and desync happens a lot. The launch command is because the devs messed up some libraries on their last update.
Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll
The game crashed hard and froze everything, had to go into ctrl+alt f2 to kill the process.
When selection the folder where you want to save your screenshots, you need to make sure the path is appearing on the bar. That happens when you click on the folder in the right panel. If you select only on the left navigation, it will not update.
I suggest you to save somewhere on your Z: (Linux user) instead of the C: (proton prefix).
It works but I cannot manually save
The autosave works and I can load from it, but the game always crash when I try to save manually
Sometimes the game crashes when I click on the cogs options
The nexon security kicks you from the game after a while.
It disconnects you for suspicious activity some moment after you open the game, even in the menu.
Proton GE doesn't work with the default version of the game
gamemoderun %command%
I tried proton GE because of the proprietary video player (or else you will see the rainbow colors when a video is played (tutorial, skills description, etc). But it doesn't open the game.
I still need to figure out other stuff. I might update this soon
gamemoderun %command%
The game stutters quite offen, it increases when you jump or fire your gun. It gets worse when people are close.
I noticed that some icons appear at the top right corner when in a match, everytime I shoot or jump.
I used GE-Proton because there are plenty of proprietary videos, that means regular proton will not play them (during tutorial, or skill descriptions)
Shooting and jumping makes that game stutter, it gets worse the more people are around you.
The regular version will run on proton experimental, but without videos.
If you want to see the videos switch to proton-GE (I had to select directx11 version, the normal version won't run).
For both versions shooting and jumping seems to add lots of stuttering, some long freeze when surrounded by people.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Multiplayer - Constant stuttering or freezing during multiplayer matches.
As you play the icon for (optimizing shaders)[https://support.sharkmob.com/hc/en-us/articles/4435665838609-Performance-Icons-Explained] is always on.
The first few matches every time I jumped or shot it would sttuter or a quick freeze (even in the tutorial). After a while this reduced by a lot. I am not sure if it is the proton vk3d3 cache or the vulkan cache steam is building.
It still freezes when people get too close, and there is this long freeze when I kill someone, I don't know if it is releated to the items spawning like in some other games, or all the hud changes.
At first I thought this was a Linux issue, but as I try to find more about the problem it seems that windows users are affected by this as well. I tried their solutions with no success, (low settings, ultra settings, frame smothering, uninstalling the EAC).
Steam overlay doesn't work, because of that you cannot buy tokens.
The framerates are good on ultra, my monitor 3440x1440 only supports 100fps. It is smooth most of the time. except when it freezes during fights, kills.
The stuttering while jumping or shooting eventually are reduced a lot, but people comming in and out your range, dieing, or you killing then still freezes.
My hope is that the problems that are also happening on windows (freezing / overlay) gets patched soon.
The audio on proprietary videos are cracking. (Proton-GE does not have this problem).
Steam Overlay doesn't work, that means you cannot buy tokens.
There is a frame skip here and there, but mostly it plays smooth.
A bit of history here:
I first tested with Manjaro and the game was awful(you can check my previous proton review of this game #0, #1, #2). After tinkering here and there I could not find a solution, but I saw on the proton page that there was not a single satisfactory review using Manjaro. So I decided to try other distro.
While investigating the problems, I found a video spotlight of someone running it smooth on Linux, and he is quite vocal on reddit about the Nobara Project, so I decided to give it a go.
Games are running great on Nobara project. I still need to try on Arch, but I need to learn a little bit about linux first.
gamemoderun WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_9redist=n,b" %command%
There is some crackling on videos, and as someone mentioned some audio playing can drop the frame rate.
I saw that people on Windows are having this problem too. Some masks or clothes have this greyed out textures.
steam overlay doesn't work. you cannot buy tokens
The game stutters a lot, mostly during fights, sometimes it freezes for a second or two. during the first minute, while you are in the church, there is this huge freeze that can take up to 10 seconds.
Freezes/stuttering happening when enemies are around you.
I have a long story of proton feedback about this game, I thought Project Nobara solved it because the stuttering reduced significantly after the fresh installation. But now it is the same as I was having with Manjaro. So I wonder if it was some package that was updated or another game that I played that messed things. I tried GE, Experimental and Recommended. All showed the same problem. Past Proton Feedback
make sure you have proton easyanticheat runtime installed on Steam
game stutters a bit when you play the first time, but then is fine
The UE4-AVGame has crashed and will close
After I saw a few spash screens the game crashes with the message above. I tried running with different versions of Proton and with the commands suggested but the game always crash.
You can play basic stuff, but the performance hit will prevent you from trying hard mode.
When there are too many items in the screen the game becomes laggy. Example: you open the menu, visit the item store, or too many drops on the same map.
Server is gone. Not proton fault.
I could not find patches or community servers.
Game crashes at the initial character selection screen.
When you first start the game you need to pick a character, when I pick one the game freezes.
If you get stuck on the building cache screen, restart until it works.
I tried GE and experimental too without luck.
This is a closed test and is not open for a while
It opens the launcher but all the buttons but the forum are disabled.
You might try the main game, but the EAC is not working yet.
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I tried all versions on steam: Experimental, 6 and 5. All of them went to a black screen after clicking in new game. Proton GE worked flawlessly.
You will spend more time trying to save your progress than actually playing.
Audio is missing in some minigames, the audio crackling happens mostly when people talk.
game crashes on fullscreen if you alt+tab
sometimes a button stops working, I have to close and open the game
you need to keep trying to save until a game saved message appear. (+10 times)
some skipping frames, usually right after the audio crackling.
sometimes, when you have to press the buttons on time, it does't work.
Set on launch options: PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1
You can also use Feral's gamemode for a better experience. Add to the launch options(after fsync): gamemoderun %COMMAND%
missing audio on SEGA arcade games
The game would crash on alt+tab, or never go back to full screen. I solved this using ctrl+alt+down and ctrl+alt+up to change desktop. This way it does not crash and does not lose the fullscreen aspect.
Use the title of this review on your launch options. Also, I had some problems with proton 5.13. I suggest 5.0.9 or Glorious Egg 5.9. Both worked fine for me.
Thanks @Zedjones review for the instructions.
PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 fixed the audio cracking, some of the controller input and the save game issue for me.
It will work, but not fully. Maybe there are some tweaks I am not aware of.
Mostly related to light and player texture
Had to restart the game in big picture to use the controller.
some hiccups here and there
Character customisation crashes the game, had to restart.
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
If you try to run without the custom proton you will get a black screen after the unity message