Plays well natively and with proton. Switched to Proton as my save on Windows was not synchronised to Linux
mangohud gamemoderun %command%

After several hours (6+) and multiple hibernations, the FPS gradually starts to drop. Relaunching the game fixes this.
800p Med settings. FPS around 80.

It's a great sequel to the franchise
Audio seems to break if you leave the game on the background for a long time. It'll fix itself eventually.
Sometimes textures would flicker
Some slowdowns during combat. But it's an Unity game, bad performance is a feature.
The issues I ran into we're rare. It's an awesome game, do try it.

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Some cassette tapes (in-game audio collectibles) have missing audio.
The Battle of Steeltown Expansion - stutterings in some locations, usually when there are many NPCs or items.
Played the entire game with your two expansions (The Battle of Steeltown and Cult of the Holy Detonation).
Game have native version, but I only played with Proton-Experimental [bleeding-edge] in Ultra settings, 1080p windowed fullscreen with 60 FPS stable.
Interesting game, runs almost perfect.

8W, limit to 30FPS. With that, battery about 4 hours.
Only the numbers for the countdown to death over the characters, but is readable on the GUI.
Often, after start, I need to re-select the pad using the touchscreen.
Accessing the DLCs were impossible in gaming mode and I needed to switch to desktop to make the travel the first time on each DLC.
I tried this game from GOG using Heroic. This doesn't need much tinkering, only use proton GE to see the starting videos and not much more. Has a few bugs, but no blocker after 70h (still finishing the game).

Native, runs flawlessly.
gamemoderun %command%

had to select gamepad explicitly on the menus because it wasn't corectly detected
had to switch to proton in order to use cloud saves

An awesome turn-, and squad-based post-apocalyptic rpg, perfect for the deck, supports stable 60 fps
Enabled a back button for quicksave(F5) At first startup, had to navigate to options and change the controls to controller from keyboard+mouse with the trackpad plus at every startup the game asks you to press A to identify the controller you play with, the steam page of the game doesn't advertise controller support but it works perfectly and it's optimised for the steam deck and external controllers also
40 hz/fps for around 4 hours of battery but the game's default settings support a stable 60 fps also with lower battery life logically
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE="144" VKD3D_CONFIG="dxr11,force_static_cbv" gamemoderun mangohud %command%
F5 key for quick saving
30/45 fps lock
Despite this game having a native linux version users should avoid it by switching to Proton compatibility as not only are windows saves files not compatible with the linux version but steam deck users will find significant increases to not only proformence but battery life projections.
Works out of the box
It's a native games and works fine.
Forced Proton compatbility to synchronize saves between my Deck and my Desktop. Linux saves don't sync with Windows saves.
Works out of the box but Linux saves don't synchornize with Windows saves (through Steamcloud)
Controller Support works on Steam Deck! Just use Gamepad with Trackpad controller config. And use Mouse/KB to change control setting to Controller. Must have a button mapped as "A" (Controller A) to Confirm/Set/Save that preference.
Default Controller config is mapped to keyboard buttons. Must change to Gamepad with Trackpad.

The game runs constantly close to 60FPS with medium and high settings. I recommend the Proton version vs. the native port for better performance.
You can increase the text size in the settings.
Use Proton GE, because the default version won't show the cinematics, just black screen. Overall great experience!
The game doesn't detect the steam deck controller so i had to change it. Thanks to a little guide in Reddit, now the game detects my controller on the settings menu. "Before launching the game just go to the controller icon and select "Gamepad with Mouse Trackpad", then launch game, then go to "options", select "Controller", and press "A" and it should now work" by King_Jeebus

Looked great on the Steamdeck and performance was good at 40fps/40hz. You will have to try a few different control setups to find the best
Everything started up as it should, performance was good, looked great, you might have to try a few different community control setups though to get it how you want. Another rpg that is a great experience on the Steamdeck.
Proton GE runs perfectly out of the box. Probably same for Proton experimental.
Native had sub-par fps for me. Also at first it used my intel as gpu so i had to force it to use dedicated gpu with __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia %command%
on steam launch options. You may need to use DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
depending on your drivers. But don't bother if proton works nicely, try it first.
mangohud %command% -popup-window -screen-height 1440 -screen-width 5120
No initial 32:9 support on Samsung Odyssey G9 in the native resolution(5120x1440)
Running nicely just after install. The native 5120x1440 resolution of an Samsung Odyssey G9 (32:9) wasn't available in the graphic/video settings. In this case, just the change the settings in .config/unity3d/InxileEntertainment/Wasteland 3/prefs (Resolution Width/Height) accordingly. I'm using MangoHUD with this one in order to limit the FPS. 35-40 FPS are enough for this kind of game, IMO, and don't stress my Vega or my electricity bill either :)
Use experimental or ProtonGE
Native has bad FPS and serious performance problems. You must use proton to run this game properly!

Had to do some weird wizardry to play online: As host:
- Try to host normally
- the other player tries to join
- host stops hosting
- client gets error, goes back to main menu
- host starts a "singleplayer" game, loads into the game
- client tries to join again
- host gets a notification and accepts join request
We've also experienced some disconnections, after that we had to both restart the game and perform the co-op ritual again
I had to manually download my cloud saves to continue my playtrough
Without Proton-GE there could be issues with cinematics

With valve's proton the game runs perfectly fine except for cinematics. Installed protonge 6.21-GE-2 to make cinematics works properly.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll

Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I tried all versions on steam: Experimental, 6 and 5. All of them went to a black screen after clicking in new game. Proton GE worked flawlessly.

Runs smoothly with lutris-6.21-3-x86_64 and Esync disabled. This fixes the black screen issue after selecting game difficulty.
Disabling Esync in Lutris fixed black screen during game intro (the intro played after game difficulty selection)

More than 20 hours in, and no crash, no slow down, no hang, no lag, alt-tab a millions times, no problem ... High settings .. smooth.
Flawless on Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST . Fail on Proton-5.21-GE-1

Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll

Will not be installed
I tryed to install Wasteland 3 with Proton 5.13-1 and Proton 5.9 GE 8 ST. Unfortunately I couldn't install it with either version.
You have to install Proton Glorious Eggroll and launch the game forcing it as special compatibility tool

Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
Loading screens are bruuuuuutal
Occasional softlocks where menu items don't even work, have to restart client.
Game client frequently requires restarting to resolve bugs like UI elements not functioning, weird letterboxing, softlocks, etc.

stops before main menu
i see picture of 3 rangers and white unity box then it stops. i used proton 5.9ge and 5.11ge.
Played with Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST, which fixes cutscene and black screen issues.

Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
Basically, a rave party.
Works perfectly except for one thing : do NOT turn on the "Reflections" setting in the display menu. If you want to do it anyway, don't do it at night. I'm not responsible for any damage done to your eyesight.
Here's how it looks ingame, with it off and then on: https://imgur.com/a/iSFQdkW