Flash Player doesn't install during first setup and is required for the main menu. Manually run "install_flash_player_10_active_x.exe" in the "redist" folder to fix this.
Main menu has significant performance issues (~10fps) and can be hard to navigate but the actual game seems to run fine.
Won't start
Black screen, sound from opening video plays then it crashes. Config window can be opened though
Game won't open.
I press play, select Play Garshasp. It loads something and then closes.
Won't start.
Game wont start, but i did managed to make the config-window to work. You have to download or Copy the File "PhysXLoader.dll" (If you have other Games installed, i would recommend that you search in your Steam-Folder for it, and drop it in your "Garshasp"-Gamefolder "[PATH TO YOUR GAMEFOLDER]/distro". So you can play around with the settings... Maybe this will help anyone.
wont open
neither configuration tool or game starts