It just works
It's just minigames from the game itself.
After multiple playthroughs I've only seen bugs common to other platforms

Perfect OOTBE
Virtually identical experience and performance as native.

Screen Tearing
Used Steam controller support for PS5 controller
This game was having a lot of trouble launching no matter what launch command or proton version I used. My solution to getting it to finally launch was installing it locally instead of the SSD, the proton version doesn't mattter.

This is a game issue afair, because it also happens on windows, but the game will get angry at you if you alt tab and crashes

Limit FPS to 30 FPS
Sometimes the audio start stuttering when playing with bluetooth headphone after resuming from sleep. Restarting the game solved the issue.

Audio sometimes starts crackling after putting the Steam Deck to sleep

Ограничение потребляемой мощности при средних графических настройках.
Некоторые текстуры мерцали
Несколько раз игра намертво зависала, что разрешалось лишь её перезапуском.

Had to change the Steam Controller Layout to PS4-Dualshock Layout
Stuttering when initially looking around the in-game environment

Real Yakuza play on Linux
Dualshock 4 works great, too!

Somehow this game seems to run better through Proton on Linux than it does natively on Windows lol

Worked perfectly including the gamepad (Gamesir T4 Pro Wireless) after I moved the game from a different drive to the / directory.

Battery life isn't the best but the game still runs well

gamemoderun %command%
After forcing to use dedicated graphics card it works great. If you only have dedicated graphics card you probably will have even less problems and possibly skip the tinkering.

Sound troubles 1-2 times after sleep

Installs but doesn't run
gamemorerun %command%
I'm on a fresh install of Pop_OS 22.04 LTS, I initially installed Steam as a flatpak, but after not being able to run the game via proton, even with the launch args recommended by others, I wasn't able to get it to launch.
I uninstalled Steam, and reinstalled it as a .deb via the Pop shop app, and was able to get the game to install and compile the Vulkan shaders, but the game just doesn't launch. I've tried again using "gamemoderun %command%" as an argument, I've changed to different proton versions from v9 through to 5.3-16 but I wasn't able to get it to launch.
Not sure what's causing it, maybe it's because I'm using the same secondary drive that I initially played it on using windows as I've added that as a steam library location? Could be my particular setup, but I've had no luck getting it to run, disappointing

the fullscreen option doesn't work, switching to borderless mode does work though.
Runs out of the box, pretty much.

there's a bug on KDE plasma were screen will turn off due to not recognizing the controller input, so i recommend gamemode.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%

Do not store the game on a different hard disk than the / directory
I have two hard disks, both with LUKS encryption, and if I store the game on a hard disk that is not where the / directory is located (in my case /run/media/mcseekeri/*** ), the game won't start. Not sure if it's LUKS related or not, I can't test it at the moment.

gamemoderun %command%
alt+tab(ing) 3 or more times in fullscreen causes the game to just hang, switching to borderless fixes it.
Works on gnome just as great as on KDE
Works OOTB and runs better than on Windows

0 issues, runs flawlessly!
I was able to play through this title entirely without any hiccups. Enjoy your Yakuza carnage!
Works out of the box

Runs even better than on Windows 11.
Just don't forget to turn off vsync. (I also made sure to play borderless windowed)

crashed once when alt-tabbing from fullscreen. Play windowed.
Experienced unusually high GPU utilisation on the SSAA 8x setting. Allegedly this as well as the 2x setting disable illumination effects. So run 4x if you're able.
Didn't have success with running the mod manager properly, but adding mods manually worked fine.
Runs beautifully out of the box

The game runs great out of the box, there's no need to tinker it unless you want to install mods to localize your game and such.
gamemoderun %command%
For some reason if you upscale the game more than 2X the game becomes choppy for some weird reason but as soon as you go back to 2X or 1X the choppiness vanishes.
120 FPS all time, no slowdowns. Runs like melted butter.
TDP Limit: 9 Manual GPU Clock: 1200

Majima #1!

mangohud %command%
runs flawlessly out of the box.
The game runs just fine, no tinkering required.
On game launch, the game shows Xbox button prompts for my PS5 Dualsense controller. However, disabling Steam input (via Steam overlay) and re-enabling it would switch the button prompts to the correct Playstation ones.
I am not sure if this is a native quirk of the game or simply a Proton-specific issue.