Darthmod's installer doesn't put preference.script.txt and user.script.txt in the right place. You will have to manually copy the two files to the c: drive prefix inside your steamapps install. Roughly here. /.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/.../pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Napoleon/scripts. Mod was installed using wine and manually changing the install location.

All the Total War games from Total War: Medieval II, up to Total War: Atilla, work great with my setup instructions
30 fps
There are some things you must do to each and every Total War game from Total War Empire, all the way up to Total War Atilla to run them smoothly, luckly they are a one time thing. Only Total War: Empire needs a few extra tweeks.
With my instructions, you should be fine to use either dx11 or dx9. I prefer dx11.
Step one: Use protontricks to install missing dll files (I may have used too many but if you download these for the total war games I listed above, it will work every time so I haven't messed with them). Please install d3dx9_42, d3dx9_43, d3dx11_42, d3dx11_43, d3dcompiler_42, d3dcompiler_43, d3dcompiler_46, d3dcompiler_47
Step two: confirm you are running on Proton Experimental (If you don't set the compatability to a version of proton, steam will automatically download the native linux version which you DO NOT WANT, most of them have been broken for quite some time. The Windows versions run better than the linux versions anyways).
(Only if you are playing Total War: Empire) Step three: Go to https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/7074#issuecomment-1948807811 and follow the instructions to fix Total War: Empire.
Step four: Profit!
P.S. As of today I have tested out these Total War games with the above steps and they have all worked on March 10th, 2025: Total War: Empire, Total War: Napoleon, Total War: Shogun II, Total War: Rome II, Total War: Atilla.
Total War Medieval II works great too, but other people have already covered it. If you do try to play it, make sure to use Desktop Mode since running it in gaming mode causes massive fps drops when hovering over UI Prompts. Also make sure to set your proton compatability (preferably Experimental) because otherwise it will download the native linux version which is broken

PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Installed vcrun2005 via protontricks
Occassional distracting audio distortion noise on campaign map. Can usually be atleast temporarily resolved by changing audio settings or going to a different part of the campaign map. Seems to go away over time. Somewhat annoying, but not a deal breaker for me.
Occassionally crashes, usually in large battles. It only happens in land battles (naval battles and the campaign map were not effected). I couldn't figure out a resolution to this. Tried proton experimental + protontricks vcrun2005 as well as proton versions 9.0.3, 8.0.5, 7.0.6, and 6.3.8
There are reports of this game crashing on Windows as well so I'm not sure if proton is actually the fundamental issue.
Sometimes desynced in the grand campaign. Likely unrelated to Linux.

No problems
Works right out of the box. I only played a few naval battles, but I had no issues at all.
Runs perfectly out of the box

Works fine with AlienBob's Slackware versions of Steam and Wine. Installs DirectX automatically.
Game as other users have reported starts with a black screen and immediately crashes. I reverted to 4.11.x as suggested. No joy. The windows installer installs VC 2005, directx9 and net 3.5 runtimes. Proton doesn't trigger those installations by default. With the help of "protontricks 34030 d3dx9 vcrun2005 vcrun2008" game can be launched normally and it is fully playable. Yet, Proton 4.11 uses wined3d by default and that means almost half the framerate achieved by later versions of Proton which use dvxk. Proton 6.3.8 and 7.0.5 perform nearly on par with Windows. 7.0.5 has some stability problems. Game does not exit gracefully and does not save settings you modify after the initial setup but similar bugs are present on Windows too. Proton 6.3.8 proved more stable.
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=144 %command%
Works great out of the box with proton 4.11-13 Multiplayer also works out of the box I didn't try any other proton versions
Works out of the box
Works out of the box with proton 4.11

crashes after black screen
a page fault reading from the logs
raised a compatibility issue here https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/2245

Would not install direct x for windows by default therefor wouldn't launch, had to instal another steamplay game (endless legend) then it installed all the directx and VS garbage, works like a charm now!
When running for the first time it would not install the external dependencies like directx9 or the microsft VS libraries. Had to install another steamplay game (endless legend) and run it, it installs all the external dependencies. After closing the other game and running Napoleon it properly installed the external dependencies. Happy gaymin!

Crashes on start
when running in a terminal this is what it reports before crashing
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x0046b23b). 0047:fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
things I have tried; Turned on/off esync/fsync, Latest Proton, Proton 4.11.13, Proton-GE 6.16-1, steam-native-runtime, Xorg and wayland both resulted in crashing. I'm not really good at deciphering error messages, it might be something easy to fix, I don't know.
Use the 4-11-13 proton and you will have no flawsl. It works for Empire Total War with the same result.

Without Audio it's not a good experience.
Terrible. Audio doesn't really work at all.
I had to switch it to Proton 4.11-13; using default steam proton caused the game to crash when entering any battle
I installed it and played with everything in Full, and as in Windows, everything worked wonderfully. Always with Proton 4.11-13
Audio issues were enough to make battles undesirable to play. It is still otherwise functioning however.
Battle audio missing except background music.
The game consistently crashes on the latest version of Proton when starting a battle. Use Proton 4.11-13 instead and the game will run without an issue.

Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.9-GE GloriousEggroll
The game crashed hard and froze everything, had to go into ctrl+alt f2 to kill the process.
When alt-tabbing during a battle, it takes almost a minute to go back to the battle
Crash when launching battle
Crash when launching battle

with version 4.11-13
Crashes as soon as battle loading screen is started with the proton version 5.0-7, I stayed with version 4.11-13.

without the sizzle sans le grésillement
sometimes very unpleasant - parfois très désagréable
with Proton 5.0-5 and Proton 5.0-6 avec Proton 5.0-5 et Proton 5.0-6
Crashes as soon as battle loading screen is started Crash dès que l'écran de chargement des batailles est lancé
so I stayed with Proton:4.11-3 donc je suis resté avec Proton:4.11-3

quelque fois
proton 5.0-5 et 5.0-6 arrêt le jeux lors de départ en combat donc obligé de resté avec la version 4.11-13 qui n'a aucun problème que le grésillement.
The HDR(light bloom) effect causes flickering.
Crashed on play

Runs great!
The game is just like I remember on Windows
very rare crashes

Was expecting to have a lot of problems with this but it worked perfectly as soon as it had finished downloading from steam.

verifying the game integrity and changing to proton 4.11 made it possible to load into battles

Works perfectly since recent SteamPlay update

Worked perfectly out of the box with proton 4.11. No problems and no crashes in about 1 hour gamplay.