Works well enough
Crashed like three times during my playthrough. Not terrible.
Demanding game, but it honestly still looks pretty damn good on low settings.
Background music is totally missing. Sound effects work though.
I heard no sound effects or music while playing
Controller was mapped in a way that made the game unplayable ( Triggers made me aim down and up, no way to aim left.) When playing with M/KB the aim of the ship would not follow the mouse pointer, making the game unplayable.
Servers are shutdown
Cannot test proton compatibility as the game requires a login to play and the servers are shutdown
Works fine
Crashed maybe three times in my playtime. Always when loading a level, but no progress was lost.
It's a mess.
If bloom is on, the whole screen is white + a hud. If you alt+tab the screen is all black. Without bloom, the sky is white and your character cannot be seen.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
There is a strange "deadzone" to the mouse movement. This is not a Proton Thing, it's a bad console port from 2008 thing. A fix can be found here. You will also have to add my launch arguments to get it to work, the linked page doesn't mention that in it's instructions. This fix isn't perfect, in some situations the sensitivity will change wildly, but it's much more playable with the fix than without.
Also of note, this game handles mixed input really well if you wanted to do some Flick Stick or Gyro Aim after applying the mouse fix.
Game only works when cutting out the music with the "-nomusic" launch argument
Game only filled a portion of the screen, looked like a 720p square
As seen here, the game crashes when creating a new game because of a lack of windows media player.
Frequent crashes when using the steam recommended version of proton
Base game works fine
Framerate dips in weird areas for seemingly no reason
The game now comes with the Neon Splash mini sequel, which got stuck in an infinite loading screen. I had already bought it separately, so I just launched it that way. Base game worked fine.
Oh, and the tower DLC seems to work well enough too, haven't finished that one yet though.
The native linux port is playable in my experience, but a little buggy. Notably it wasn't handling Steam Input well and I was pretty keen on playing this with gyro mouse. This is likely because the game runs on the now ancient Adobe Air.
Small headaches, but works
Alt-Tabbing from fullscreen will crash the game. This can be avoided by running the game in windowed mode and fullscreening it through your desktop environment.
EA launcher seems to block the Steam overlay. This is troublesome since I was using Steam Input to map the KBM bindings to my controller. All I had to do was Alt-Tab to the main Steam window to adjust the configuration though.
Overall playable
FPS tanks in some parts of the Marsh/Swamp area, from 90's to 20's. Might be a CPU bottleneck, but I'm above minimum specs for this game.
Playable with caveats
I assume this game is supposed to have sound effects, I hear none
Prerendered video is diagonally stretched and misaligned by half a screen
Game will not start if the option "Simulate Fences" is enabled. This option is enabled by default.
Appears to work
I have no idea what is going on with these controller bindings.
Couldn't tell you how it's supposed to be played though.
Works well enough
EA app crashed out a few times
Framerate maxes out @ ~60fps when DirectX 12 mode is activated. Framerate can reach ~100fps with it disabled
A cursory glance at other reports here shows conflicting accounts on the impact of the DirectX 12 setting. It looks like it might have to do with graphics hardware. It seems like people who reccommend enabling DX12 are running on nvidia, while those who say to disable it are running AMD. Just wanted to put that out there.
Never even pops open a window
Tried several versions of proton, unable to even get to a menu
Some text in the dialogue boxes runs off the screen and cannot be read.
Does not support controller, you'll have to use steam input.
The Linux build is non existent, if you try to install on linux you will be told the download is 0 bytes. You need to force the use of a specific compatibility tool before downloading in order to play the game.
Works fine
Quitting the game doesn't seem to end the processes properly. Steam still says it's running and it still has some active processes. Selecting "Stop" from Steam does end the processes though.
Works well enough
Crashed maybe six times in twenty hours of play. Not ideal, but not a big deal.
Works well enough to play
The Orb in the center skips if you rotate clockwise (move mouse right) over a certain speed. When adding custom music, the wine file selector dialogue reacts up and to the left of the actual pointer location.
Other than that the game appears to work as intended
Still appears to crash when it autosaves sometimes. Happens frequently enough that I'm uninstalling.
There is a beta build you can opt in to that supposedly addresses some of the stability issues. It didn't do terribly much for me, but maybe someone else would have better luck
Manga cutscenes have colored lines running diagonally across them
Without the switch to proton 6, boss introduction cutscenes won't play, they only show a black screen. They can be skipped though.
Seems Fine
Any changes to the advanced graphical settings will revert as soon as you apply them. Therefore there is no way to change the advanced settings from within the game.
Lost about an hour of progress after I booted up the game and a whole play session worth of saves was missing. It seems likely that this was steam cloud saves messing up and not the games fault, but I thought it was worth mentioning
Had some sudden framerate drops here and there.
With the steam recomended version of proton the benchmark would dip as low as 40fps for more than a few seconds. Switching to GE got me to the 50s.
Mixed input caused framerate stutters
Subtitles in some scenes were removed from screen too soon. Checkpoint placed my character in the wrong place upon reload, forcing me to restart the chapter.
These issues are likely not caused by proton, but bugs in the game itself.
Works, keyboard only
Up input does not work when a controller is plugged in. This includes pressing Up arrow on the keyboard. Controller play is a no go, even if you remapped the controller to use keyboard inputs in steam input. Appears to be an overall game issue not a Proton issue.
Seems to work
Use the number keys to initiate different versions of full screen scaling, no version was "fully full"
Each screen during gameplay had a different base framerate ranging from ~35 to 65fps. Unable to determine if this is a proton thing or a game engine thing.
Linux build fails to run on my machine.
Playable, not pretty
The game launches in windowed mode and has only two options for resolution. Applying fullscreen only stretches the small window and doesn't actually fullscreen or increase resolution. Fullscreen alt mode only shows black screen and cannot be reverted in menu.
The blurry pixel filter combined with the limited resolution options makes this game a little hard to look at at higher resolutions. Probably looks fine at 720p, or at least looks as it was intended.
Was able to finish the game, I wouldn't reccomend it as I played it.
Sometimes when I would launch the game no audio would play, restarting would eventually fix the problem
Weird framerate drops to about 25fps.
Tried a few other versions of proton to no avail
Fine, other than that one bit.
In the first level, there's a bunker with a bunch of smoke after you get off of the beach. Framerate crashed to about 10FPS. This was the only point in the game where this happened. Others have reported that this is a AMD card thing.
Some prerendered videos had some artifacting, not much though
Framerate would sometimes dip from a locked 60 to about 45fps or so when on the streets. It seemed to happen when the game would load too many bystanders at once.
Caught a turtle, soft locked the game and had to reload.
Initally played the game with the Steam Recommended version of proton and the wrong audio played during a cutscene a couple of times. This did not occur again after I switched to GE Proton.