The native linux port is playable in my experience, but a little buggy. Notably it wasn't handling Steam Input well and I was pretty keen on playing this with gyro mouse. This is likely because the game runs on the now ancient Adobe Air.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Nach dem Wechsel auf Proton Experimental gabs keine weiteren Audioprobleme
Mit Proton Experimental keine Probleme.
The game ran perfectly with the recent version of ProtonGE (7-51). There was no noticeable bugs and no controller input changes were needed.
Game launched with default Steam proton but I found the game unplayable due to many bugs and audio issues. During the first sentence puzzle, the words stopped being movable so I had to force exit. The audio wasn't synced and didn't seem great quality. The border in the talking cutscenes was also a bit bugged.
All these issues were fixed when I ran the game with Proton GE.
Works out of the box, minor sound issue
When you choose a dialog option, you can hear one of the unselected options play for a split second
The game seems to be perfectly playable otherwise.
Right before there would be a dialogue option, the beginning of a voice clip from one of the choices would play before cutting off and playing the appropriate voice clip. Also skipping through dialogue would sometimes produce a strange noise.
In the sentence forming sections, clicking on one of the bottom row subject icons without placing it into one of the sentence slots would produce a bug where the given icon becomes unselectable. The only way to fix is to restart, otherwise you can't continue if the icon is one of the correct options.
Overall, the game is completely playable outside of some minor audio bugs and one major gameplay bug that can be resolved by closing and re-launching the game. I was able to beat the game and complete it 100%
Native port is just one big bug and not playable. In Proton it works perfectly "out of the box".