Requires Media Foundation workaround - see
the native version works kind of, but has artifacting, the proton version does not have this but the menu flickers. wait till it's fixed
unpleasant artifacts
does not run that well 30 fps
you have to use the Media Foundation workaround to get it to run. If you click play a black screen with music will appear and that's it. Benchmark does work.
in the main game folder just rename Control_DX11.exe to Control_DX12.exe , slight performance degradation
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
alt+tab crashes the game, but runs if you don't use alt+tab
alt+tab crashes the game
disable the Steam Overlay and use "+in_terminal 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1 +com_skipSignInManager 1"
Proton-5.4-GE-3 GloriousEggroll
alt+tab makes the game go black
game runs, if i move the mouse the framerate goes to 10 fps max. if not it runs good
if the game crashes try adding either "-force-glcore" or "-force-vulkan" to the game's launch options
does not run good and no official controller support
game does run below 60 fps and in action below 30
game crashes after 10 seconds. after i used "protontricks 674520 dotnet40" it runs as expected :)
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
just buggy
game stutters and lags extreme. unplayable
crashed after 5 minutes of lag
Proton-4.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
download and put it into /home/username/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/ folder and run into with proton
Fullscreen did not work in 1920x1080 but borderless-window did with Full HD
runs great with latest Proton, EAC works too
Proton-5.6-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
just enable "variable framerate" in -> settings -> video and the game runs perfect even on max settings
thanks to barni2000. If you get "can't get line" crash you need
protontricks 110800 -q dotnet35sp1 cd $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/L.A.Noire protontricks -c '3rd/DXSETUP.exe /silent' 110800 protontricks 110800 -q win10 Options -> Renderer -> Directx 11
fully playable in fullscreen without any problem you have to force quit it with alt+f3 if you want this game to quit. windowed mode does not work.
For KDE users right click on the game -> More Actions -> Keep Above Others, to play the game without the taskbar in windowed mode.
Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST GloriousEggroll
Fullscreen does not work and will freeze the game
install wine 64 if not already installed, use Mario's guide "" to install the Media Foundation . After that it will work :)
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
protontricks 707030 win7
does not work with 5.0.8
runs okay
The framerate drops from 100 to 60 when i get the cards. If your not framerate sensitive then you won't care :D
game runs flawless but the input is somewhat laggy in the main-menu, but ingame it runs just fine with constant 84fps
needed gamemoderun for the framerate problems to be fixed
runs great, maybe turn off v-sync and lock it to 60fps for a smoother experience :)
game stutters in-game till the cache is loaded. wait 2-5 minutes then it runs without stutter
bad performance and no controller support.
no controller support.
14 fps in the main menu, in game 40-50 fps on low
just click retry if the cloud saves fails, runs out of the box with Proton 5.13-1
Game runs with over 140fps winetricks(protontricks) dodnet40 does not fix the launcher anymore. i used the tweaks mentioned before. Open game files, rename SHMCD.exe to SUPERHOTMCD.exe and rename SHMCD_Data to SUPERHOTMCD_Data and it starts.
runs and closes after 30 seconds of nothing. tried "Use Wine 3d11" without any luck
thanks to m0stly who found this fix out install WINEPREFIX=/mnt/2tb/Games/proton/steamapps/compatdata/495420/pfx/ winetricks d3dcompiler_47
WINEPREFIX=/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/495420/pfx/ winetricks d3dcompiler_47
it crashes after the tutorial mission.
it crashes after the tutorial mission.
Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST GloriousEggroll
when the game starts it will change the display refresh rate to 60
runs but after 3 minutes of gameplay the mouse starts lagging and not working correctly.
game runs but after 30 seconds the mouse input is not working correctly, that makes it unplayable.
It finally works with the custom Proton 4.19-GE-1 (
Proton-4.19-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
it stutters a little bit
Game start error Service request timeout
launcher works, but clicking on play this error comes up