No issues!

After adding the launch options everything worked perfect exept some minor graphical issues
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="version=n,b" game-performance %COMMAND% -width 1920 -height 1080 -fullscreen
sometimes when being inside of buildings the light glitches a little bit
without the launch options the game crashes due to VRAM leaking
Add launch options to fix VRAM leaking

Works out of the box
The game seems to just randomly hang out of nowhere after playing 2 - 3 hours. I need to kill it forcefully and start the game again when the issue occurs.
Minus the occasional crashes.
Workes Like a Charm

Occasionally completely froze and needed to be killed externally. On restarting, just worked playing through the same section.
Mostly just works out of the box

Instealled vulkanrt from the redistributables folder unner the proton prefix, 188 FPS avg on the benchmark with everythingk maxed at 1440p

Game leaks VRAM like on windows when not in fullscreen, fullscreen seems to slow it down
Crashes due to VRAM overflow, this happens on windows too, has been an issue since around 2019
Tried it for 15 minutes.Worked same as it would on windows.

A stunning masterpiece
Forcing 30 fps and and lowering TDP
No issues. Really pleasent experience
Can't fullscreen, and can't change to 2160x1440 resolution. DX12 stops the game from opening.
DO NOT USE DX12. Keep it on vulkan, game would not relaunch.

gamemoderun RADV_PERFTEST=nosam RADV_DEBUG=nobinning,zerovram,nocache %command% -ignorepipelinecache
mainly playing online mode and ran into the usual crashing. posted my fix for the FFFFFFFF crashes on reddit. system seems stable now sometimes have to toggle window/borderless/fullscreen to clean out the vram leakage after exiting a mission/instance.
technically no issues with the online outside of the crashes lol
fun game, i recommend looking up how to do private sessions if you wanna chill and do open world stuff with friends. sucks that i had to dig through buckets of posts to figure out how to get it to stop crashing

Smoother and more stable than under Win11
In Windows I would get random crashes while playing story mode, but that hasn't been a probem since moving to Linux.

Worked perfectly as it is

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="version=n,b" %COMMAND% -width 1920 -height 1080 -fullscreen
When using custom proton they was texture and lightning errors
No problems, runs between 130-140 fps on my system without an issue.

Occasionally the Rockstar launcher will cause cloud save issues, but only really when you've been using the Deck's sleep function. It can also stop you from being able to play the game if you have been offline for an amount of time (I think 1 week), but these are minor issues and won't affect the majority of people.
Occasionally the Rockstar launcher will experience issues with cloud saves, especially if quitting out of the game using Steam's inbuilt menu. Easily rectified by starting the game up and quitting using the in-game menu instead. If the "cloud save error" message appears, just tap "retry".
Some VERY minor slowdown when in larger areas such as Saint Denis (at medium graphics settings, capped at 45FPS), but barely an issue.

gamemoderun %command%
Works out of the box with proton, didnt have any problems, also online works too.

gamemoderun WINEDLLOVERRIDES="version=n,b" %command%
Set lauch option: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="version=n,b" to use LML and ScriptHook for mods
works perfect no issues, if i remember right the launcher went black on initial install and i just had to restart it after install
Working fine
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi=n,b" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" taskset -c 0-7 %command%
Working pretty great, performance is the same as on windows

env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY steam -applaunch 117418
For me atleast, the menu flickered a lot when using xwayland, so I just wrote a command to run it with x11. There's no other issues, the game runs as smooth as you can imagine.

Flickers with wayland, have to switch to X11

gamemoderun mangohud %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
I have the game through rockstar launcher, so I used proton tricks to install the launcher
I own the game through Rockstar Launcher instead of Steam. The preformance when using Lutris or Heroics Game Launcher was rather buggy. So I added the RDR2.exe as a non-steam game, used proton tricks to install the laucher to that prefex, than changed the exe path from rdr2.exe to the launcher.exe. The preformance and stability using proton through steam for rdr2 was so much better than through other means. Note: I used a syslink to link the folder of rdr2 install to my prefex. It was not found right away so I installed rdr2 and it was found immediatly after. You do have make sure the syslink is the same as the default install ofc

Didn't work on proton GE, I had to use regular proton (v9)
I always try proton GE first but that didn't work, used regular proton which works.

BIggest pain I've had was making an account in the launcher, which would have been the same on windows. Besides that, several hours in without a single issue.
runs just as you would expect it to. rockstar launcher is an L

Pretty solid so far
Haven't played a lot but for now is been pretty good, no issues, no tinkering and performance is pretty solid.

Runs as normal

Crashes Steam as a WHOLE after the Rockstar logo the vast majority of the time.
I was able to get ingame one time. ONCE. After that, it's either crashed during the story loading screen, or doesn't even get past the first logo. Oh, and each and every single crash ends up taking Steam with it, making this increasingly frustating to troubleshoot. No amount of tinkering, config edits, file verifications, or changing proton versions makes a single difference. Miserable experience.

I am using hyprland - some odd behaviour with fullscreen apps is to be expected. Nothing really gets in the way of doing things though.
Sometimes odd visual behaviour when moving from one type of screen to another, e.g. Menu to loading screen, loading screen to game. Solution is to just keep it focused, not really a big issue.
More than good enough for me :3

PROTON_NO_GLSL=1 RADV_PERFTEST=aco PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi=n,b" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" taskset -c 0-7 %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -cpuLoadRebalancing -ignorepipelinecach -vulkan
Occasionally, some shadows in the distance will flicker
Sometimes has issues with input latency, can be fixed by just closing and re-opening the game
These launch options are required for me to maintain 60 FPS with Vulkan. If I use DirectX 12, the game CTD's on launch, and it refuses to hit 50 FPS without these launch options for some reason.
Other than that, it's surprisingly stable and runs pretty good; better than it did on Windows
gamemoderun mangohud %command%