More or less work in singleplay (scenario is bad bad bad)
Constantly error "Load templates error" while loading data, but game starts more times than not. If game not starts, try again.
Set in Video options: graphic level - ugly low, vert sync - on, resolution - 1280x800, fullscreen - off. May be this settings not correspond to crashes fix.
Main menu background video freezes menu periodicaly for a short time.
Servers not found
Played with Proton 7.0-6
Game launches, not much else works
You can get to the main menu (background video is broken), but as soon as you try to start a new game it will crash to desktop. Issue open on Proton GitHub here:
Doesn't work even after SE tweaks
I tried to apply the tweaks described in this guide for Space Engineers because it seems to use the same engine. But I still get the error from my previous report.
I get the following error:
"Unofficial modification of MinerWars has crashed, please contact creator of this modification and send him logfile: C:\users\steamuser\Application Data\MinerWars\MinerWars.log".
Here is the logfile:
runs and crashes after 10 seconds! no luck with any of the 3 tweaks.
Stops running after clicking steam play