Initial test indicates, that game runs perfectly - game is locked to smooth 60fps, starts in native resolution out of the box and properly interacts with desktop (I can freely alt-tab in and out of the game). Steam Overlay also works exactly as it should.
Using WineD3D, because my hardware does not support Vulkan. Game starts in windowed mode for some reason (press alt-enter to switch to fullscreen). Seems to be working fine.
Use: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% -nointro. No esync fixes low-quality textures, -nointro fixes "press space to continue" bug.
Using Boxtron instead of Proton.
Download a new version of Boxtron and configure it to run dosbox-staging. Game works great (select version without hardware acceleration) - music, video cutscenes, Splat Pack, everything works, performance is great.
Proton version works very well, but scaling was not so good out of the box. Works better when using steam-dos (https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos).
Tried several times, with workarounds - sometimes game starts, but then crashes right away.
A question screen ("No?" in Chinese) pops up regularly and can't be dismissed. When it happens you need to restart the game.
There are additional input issues, but they are not Proton's fault - they happen on Windows as well - they are caused by emulators used by this title.
This game advertises native Linux support, but it does not work (developer did not upload Linux binaries to Steam and lied on Linux support to get his game into original Humble Bundle). Thanks to new Steam update it is now possible to run this game on Linux through Proton - I tried it and it works perfectly.
The only tweak I used is: protontricks 17300 -q d3dcompiler_43 (nothing more). On the fist start game takes a while - it looks like it does not work, but after ~20s it starts. Default settings were high - in the beginning of first level I get 80-90fps. Changed to "very high" - got ~60fps (using my old GTX 770).
On my old GPU I can't play using Vulkan, because of bug in NVIDIA drivers (black textures - happens on Windows as well). Using OpenGL game worked surprisingly well. Did not try multiplayer.
Works perfect, no workarounds. In 1080p, all details cranked to ultra, more than 120fps. My old cloud saves got corrupted, but that issue was fixed months ago and now seems to work as it should.
Still renders partly off-screen. After alt-tabbing out and back in I was able to click on buttons in menu, but they do not work (except 'i'). Unplayable :(
Black screen with music after intro video. On other hardware (AMD) I managed to bypass it by pressing alt-enter several times in a row, but on this one it doesn't seem to work.
After intro the screen turns black - keep pressing alt+enter, after several times menu will eventually appear - from now on the game works ok. There are annoying pauses when maps are loading and high input lag. Framerate is not great (~45-50 FPS).
I couldn't make Steam version to work at all. GOG version works great with wine 3.19 and setting WINEARCH=win32 (oldest working reports in wine appdb is using wine 0.9). After manually creating 32-bit pfx for Proton I managed to reach state when game started and "steam initialization" error popped up. GOG version runs beautifully in some resolutions but crashes in others (game was originally created only for 800x600 and 1024x768).
To make it work you need to install Vrok's GL Wrapper: https://verokster.blogspot.com/2019/03/disciples-i-ii-gl-wrapper-patch.html - after installing it the game runs perfectly: alt-tab works, steam overlay works, it's possible to run game using modern resolutions, etc.
Windowed mode was a bit glitchy, but not breaking (probably due to low resolution of my laptop). Fullscreen mode works great. Tested Windows version. Linux version works ok in windowed mode as well.
Proton 4.2-3 fixed the launcher. Game now works out-of-the-box :)
The intro movie plays fine after following tweaks: 1) replace TacticsLauncher.exe with BOS_HR.exe 2) select your native resolution and 32bpp (32bpp is important). Resolutions are not sorted correctly in options, so look for correct one.
With Proton 4.2-3 it's no longer necessary to rename files - game runs out of the box. To fix choppy movies change resolution and select 32-bit mode (as mentioned above). Alt-tab works without problems. Steam overlay does not work at all. When notifications happen (e.g. when changing volume in OS), space button stops working - mouse input and other keys on keyboard still work (e.g. you can run by pressing shift and double click) - so game is playable. Space fixes itself after loading save, restarting map, etc.
Using Proton 3.7-7 Beta - file renaming is no longer needed, just install/repair dotnet40 using winetricks or protontricks: $ protontricks 38400 dotnet40
Proton 4.2-3 fixes the launcher. Game now works like native :)
Menu starts, but as soon as you try to start the game screen goes full white and nothing happens. You can't actually play the game at all. There seems to be a workaround, as explained by other reports here, but to make it work you need to copy files from Windows 7 installation and manually edit registry - it's quite involved and there's no guarantee it's going to work (I don't have Windows 7, Windows 10 files do not work). Unfortunately unplayable at the moment.
Works perfectly out of the box with Proton. Works perfectly with steam-dos as well.
With Proton it crashes right after menu. Works perfectly with steam-dos 0.3.2: https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos
Played from start to finish on Linux. With 3.16-4 game does not seem to require any workarounds any more. If you happen to experience crackling sound, then I recommend closing background apps and restarting game.
Everything works like a native game. On the first run after installation you can't skip intro movie (it's not a bug - that's how the game was designed). I didn't test multiplayer.
Used PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1, because my hardware does not support Vulkan. Game itself works great.
No launch options required, simply installed and started the game :)
Tried PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% - also tried all available Proton versions between 3.7-8 - 4.2-9. Game starts, but crashes with pure virtual function call (in older Proton versions crash happens after the publisher logo, in new Proton versions crash happens after menu, after intro movie).
- Properties -> Betas and select VGA version (much better graphics) 2) use alt+enter to leave fulscreen and ctrl+alt+plus to make window bigger, but in fullscreen you can't actually go fullscreen :/
Use either Boxtron 0.5.1 to play through DOSBox: https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron or Roberta 0.1.0 to play through ScummVM: https://github.com/dreamer/roberta - both work great. It's recommended to switch to "vgaversion" branch.
Starts fine and seems to be working fine. You can't go properly fullscreen (use alt+enter to switch to window).
Use either Boxtron 0.5.1 to play through DOSBox: https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron or Roberta 0.1.0 to play through ScummVM: https://github.com/dreamer/roberta - both work great.
Works fine, but there's no way to go properly fullscreen.
Seems to be working fine, but it's not possible to run it in fullscreen. Just like Larry 1-3. Use alt+enter switch to windowed mode.
(tested normal version) Similar to Larry 1-5 - fullscreen does not work correctly out of the box. Use alt+enter to switch to windowed. Otherwise seems to be working fine.
Use steam-dos 0.4.0 instead of Proton (https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos). Works perfectly.
Integrated GPU does not support Vulkan. With PROTON_USE_WINED3D the game runs perfectly.
Testing Demo. "GetThreadContext failed" error. After that a Unity windows with progress pops up and then it disappears. Nothing happens after that. This is a Unity game, so they should just release Linux port.
Disabled DXVK, because my hardware does not support DX11. Game works perfect in windowed mode. When used in fullscreen game works great, but sometimes has problems with alt-tab (same behaviour as some other Unity games - black window, game comes back after double-clicking on game title). Nature of the game (card game) makes it more convenient to play in a window anyway.
Installed .NET 4.0 with: protontricks 338060 dotnet40. Some errors usually pop-up on game launch, but then game starts and works well. Switching between resolutions takes extremely long time and I could play only in window. During match everything seems to be working ok.
Everything works, including multiplayer. To play multiplayer, opt-in to beta2 "Steam Multiplayer Support" branch and use Steam chat to invite friends to your lobby. Outside beta2 branch it's hard/impossible to play multi, no matter the OS (as indicated by Community Forum, so keeping Platinum score).
Game itself works fine and performs well, BUT: fullscreen does not work (seems like it does not work on Windows either), music does now work (works on Windows), controller support does not work (mixed reports on Windows - based on Steam Reviews).
Correction to previous report; I managed to make the game run in fullscreen with music - works great. Xbox One S controller sort-of works (game is designed for Sega Genesis - 6 buttons controller, it does not support other controllers very well). Steam Controller does not work (but it doesn't on Windows either). Tweaks: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/2712
This game is simply badly packaged and won't run normally. However, steam-dos provides override that fixes it, allowing it to run through native Linux DOSBox: https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos. During play, use mouse or controller to emulate mouse - keyboard will break due to SDL bug.
I don't know how to avoid homicidal horse... Game itself works perfectly out of the box.
It took quite long to start, but it worked, without any workarounds. I played through tutorial and everything seemed fine (except text in main menu was a bit hard to read, but that's probably due to scaling and my resolution). Unfortunately I couldn't join any multiplayer game (couldn't connect to lobby).
Can't connect to the lobby.
Tried with clean installation (game starts, can't connect to lobby). Then followed the advice in the previous report and ran protontricks 700480 directplay
. Nothing changed.
Works great out of the box with Proton. After playing using Proton for some time, I switched to using steam-dos (https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos) to make leaving fullscreen work a little better.
After using WineD3D it does not crash any more: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Play-tested several levels, attached following controllers: Steam controller, Xbox One S. Tried to alt-tab (worked). I was using highest quality settings - stable 60fps. As far as I can tell it works perfectly.
This report is for people, who have trouble running it on Intel iGPUs. Paste following line into launch options: "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" and force the use of specific Proton version, select 4.2-3 (that line won't work with very old Proton versions). My old integrated GPU in this laptop does not even fulfil minimum requirements for this game, but it still works (FPS is very low, but there are no bugs). On other computer I played this game start to finish co-op using 2 controllers.
To the poster with "Borked" report below mine. Your hardware does not meet minimum system requirements for this game. Minimum is Intel HD 4400 (Haswell, released in 2013), while yours is Intel HD (Westmere/Ironlake, released 2010). More specifically, your GPU supports max OpenGL 2.1 and DirectX 10, while it seems like at least OpenGL 3.0 is needed to accurately emulate DirectX 11 used by this game.
Create a symbolic link to older version of gnutls as described in https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/225 to workaround connection issue.
I have old GPU, so playing on low settings. After November patch: no crashes any more (specifically tested playing Sorlag - no crash when using ability), no connection issue any more. Excessive stutter on first map load, but it disappears pretty quickly. Decided on silver rating only because performance is considerably lower than on Windows. Finally, it's playable out of the box :).
I am not sure if disabing esync helps with anything, but new NVIDIA drivers significantly improve performance. There are no technical problems whatsoever.
Excessive stuttering, even playing on several different maps does not result in properly cached shaders - stuttering persists (this is the only game where I have this problem). The high point for this game was ~December 2018 - since then it works worse and worse with every passing month, and I am testing it now with much more powerful GPU.
It's impossible to create an account from game client - register on https://riseofflight.com/ and after that you can login.
On game start several errors are indicated - after pressing "Ignore" on all of them, game runs, but the screen is black. You can hear music in the background and input triggers menu sounds, but the game is unplayable. Tried using various PROTON_* variables, but it didn't work.
Game just works out of the box now, no tweaking required. Select "hardware acceleration" in in-game display settings - after that more available resolutions will show up. It has a bit weird control scheme by default, but that's normal for such old game.
Tested if new Proton still runs it and yeah, runs fine. Controller needs to be connected - tested with Steam Controller.
Using Boxtron instead of Proton.
Download a new version of Boxtron and configure it to run dosbox-staging. Boxtron will automatically pre-configure the game for you and turn on MIDI music (which is great in this game). When using this solution performance is stellar and there's no input lag at all.
I do not rank it Platinum only due to crackling music, but it does not affect gameplay in any way (music is repetitive and you're likely want to turn it off anyway).
Crackling happens only to the background music and does not affect gameplay.
Using steam-dos 0.3.2; Works out of the box, but runs too fast. It's possible to limit framerate by changing cpu.cycles in dosbox settings, but it does not provide proper native experience; link to steam-dos: https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos
As of 3.16-4 corefonts are no longer a problem and game does not require WINED3D11 workaround any more - it works out of the box.
Just started the game, watched through intro and interacted a little bit - seems to work perfectly so far.
Runs perfectly - including alt-tabbing out of the game. Game is locked to 50fps for some reason (but it's not a big deal in this game).
After only few minutes of initial gameplay - it seems to be working perfect.
Using glide=emu in dosboxTR.conf. It performs at 20-30 fps, but that's quite accurate for this game and I can't compare it to windows, so reporting as silver for now.
Using steam-dos 0.3.2; game works out of the box, including cutscenes and everything, but is using software renderer. https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos
Using Boxtron instead of Proton.
Download a new version of Boxtron and configure it to run dosbox-staging. Using this method game will start out-of-the-box (using version without hardware acceleration). Performance is great, music and everything works great. If you'll use a different DOSBox version than dosbox-staging, you will encounter input-related issues in fullscreen; with version I recommend you'll have no issues at all.
To run in fullscreen press F1, select option and restart game ; alt+enter does not work.
Terrible performance - supposedly it's also very bad on Windows, so this might be not a Proton issue, but the game is barely playable. There is long thread on community forum about installing missing/newer patches to fix the experience, but I haven't tried it yet.
Basically a slide show. Every time fog of war is being revealed the game pauses and you can see the screen being refreshed.
I am setting this to Silver instead of Platinum only because I haven't played it on Windows to compare. The game is playable, no tweaks required - so that would qualify it for Platinum, but it has obvious gameplay issues and I can't decide if these are bugs or is original this way as well. It loads SLOOOOOOWLY (I saw the same criticism in Steam reviews for Windows version). This game simply seems unfinished as of August 2019 - controls are unintuitive and text in interaction menus is extremely sparse, even icons is stock Unreal engine icon.
With Proton it crashes on start. Seems to work perfectly with steam-dos 0.3.2 though: https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos
With Proton the game has very high input lag and crashes when Steam Overlay is turned on. With steam-dos (https://github.com/dreamer/steam-dos), game works perfectly. Turn on MIDI by running SETUP.EXE and setting General MIDI and port 330 (this game has amazing music).