The game did crash on me and kick me back to the steam menu a couple times, but this was pretty uncommon (and I saved often)
Played through about half the game, mostly using the Steam Dock and an Xbox One controler. The game works better with a mouse, but I didn't experience any major problems with the controls other than dialogue options can be annoying to click on with a controller. Did have the game crash on me a couple times, unsure why but did happen twice

Added extra shortcuts to the back pedals.
Limit to 40fps - this game has no action scenes so 40fps is plenty.
I completed the game on the Steam Deck at the very end, you have a time-limited puzzle which, with the track pads, was rather tricky to do. After a few fails, I connected a Bluetooth mouse to finish the puzzle in time.
Otherwise, the game was perfectly easy to complete.

Works great on Proton 6.3-7
Runs great on Proton 3.7-8.
Runs perfectly fine with proton 4.11
When launching the game for the first time got window "installing Direct X 11" with progress bar that didn't move for couple minutes.
Then read comments down here and downgraded proton to version 4.11 game was able to launch within 30 sec after steam restart
Working fantastically with Proton 4.11
Game worked okay with Proton 5.0.8, but got completely borked by the May 15 update of the game. Downgrading to Proton 4.11 made it work better than ever.
Runs perfect.

Everything just works. Finished the game without issues.

Everything works out of the box. I have played it for about 2 hours with no problems.

Simply added PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% and suddenly it worked fine.
First try running Proton with any game (Proton 4.11). Crashed both times I tried it. Log seems to suggest there's no ram whatsoever...

Finished the game without any issues.

It seems to run perfectly

Launched without issue (out of the box).

Newest Proton fix for corefonts works well. Game runs smoothly, although it's taxing on my laptop (can't compare with Windows and it's still fully playable so I'm not counting it as a problem).

As of 3.16-4 corefonts are no longer a problem and game does not require WINED3D11 workaround any more - it works out of the box.

Corefonts need to be installed in game prefix (installing in system is not enough). When playing on system without Vulkan support, use wine D3D11 to disable dxvk.

Despite having ms corefonts on the system , anything written just doesn't display at all

Needs corefonts

Once corefonts are installed, game works perfectly.

Wine error says oops crashed

Needs corefonts for UI text