Runs great
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

This game is riddled with bugs. ALWAYS USE MULTIPLE SAVE SLOTS. Save slot per town is a good option. This game can AND WILL corrupt your saves.
It's an old buggy rpg, shit breaks. Turn based mode does not slow down, if you get this bug then just spam "a" and move in turn based to the nearest exit. Reloading rarely helps, change zones.
1 or 2 crashes/black screens
It's an old RGP, they're buggy as hell.
It's a great game. You should probably try one of the fan patches like unofficial patch updated. The base game is REALLY buggy. But even with the bugs it's still a cult classic. Do try it.

Slow downs that require resetting the game every few hours or so
Works well, only issue that I've encountered (rarely) was the game slowing down after changing locations, going to the menu or there were maybe some other triggers, it was fixable by either restarting the game or saving. Definitely playable overall.

Works out of the box with default Proton. Fallout 2 High Resolution Patch can be installed easily via protontricks, running the installer works perfectly.

If using a Sennheiser GSX 1200 Pro depending on your configuration the audio is borked. Ambience and music loops a few seconds in, some sounds are quiet and others loud. Issue is present in other games.
FIX: Switching from "Mono Chat + 7.1 Sorround" to "Pro Audio" in system audio settings.
Map Speed is absurd which results in reduced encounters. Could not fix this in the configuration without also adjusting resolution.
Occasional slowdown to low fps. Resolves in a few seconds.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES='ddraw.dll=n,b' %command%
Used protontricks to install RPU.
Game is great on its own but you need RPU.
Works amazingly
WINEDLLOVERRIDES='ddraw.dll=n,b' %command%
Installed restoration project updated and installed it manually, not using the .exe. Then just change your resolution and it works. The launcher is broken beyond belief but otherwise works.
Without the restoration project updated I only got errors trying to start a new game but with it, it just works.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES='ddraw.dll=n,b' %command%
If using RPU (recommended), tweak the ini files with what you want.
If you play on windowed you're gonna get weird slowdowns during combat. Setting up the fullscreen windowed option manually in ddraw.ini fixes the issue.

It's Fallout 2, it worked flawlessly.
16:9 works, higher resolutions didn't work for me.
Guess it differs for people, but it worked perfectly for me without changing anything.
Playable, but frusturatingly so. Slowdown is the biggest issue and will make or break most people playing it. Proceed with caution.
Infrequent screen tearing
Pretty severe slowdown. Playable but becomes frusturating after a while. Especially traveling on the overworld. Getting from point A to B is painfully slow. There are fixes floating around on the internet, but none of them worked for me.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n,b" %command%
Game runs flawlessly with above changes. I play with Fallout 2 Restoration Project.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n,b" %command%
In order to prevent slow down (despite the game reporting 60fps) on Steam Deck:
- Install the latest version of the Restoration Project Updated (RPU) or the Unofficial Patch Updated (UPU)
- In the game's install directory, open
and make sure bothUAC_AWARE
are set to0
. This file is also where you set your preferred resolution. - In the same directory, open
and setHiResMode
, andSingleCore
- When the game launches, make sure you click "Yes" to disable the original HiRes patch in favor of Sfall's when prompted.
Note: The game might be unnecessarily heavy on the CPU. Be sure to take advantage of the Deck's TDP options and known Fallout 2 tweaks to remedy this.
the startup screens textures are messed up
Occasionaly when traveling to an area with many npcs such as new reno the game would slow down to 1fps until I quit and relaunched
Tried most recommended Troubleshooting steps such as configuring Wine to use ddraw.dll and renaming some exe's.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n" %command%
None of them worked and after Steam claims it launches no window opens
Worked out of the box, Audio, Cut scenes, Intro's and all.
Crashes every time the moment I step into the temple.
After seeing the Play, Readme, Tech support screen when I click play a black window will come up then close.

After seeing the Play Readme Tech support screen when I click play a black window will come up then close.
This also happens to me with Fallout 1
If you simply installed and ran this game, changed settings from the in-game options menu, and tried to play, every thing would work fine.
However, the Steam version of this game comes with two patches: a High Res patch and an engine patch called sfall. The High Res patch works out of the box, but I had to tweak winecfg to get sfall to work properly.
-In terminal I ran WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/38410/pfx winecfg
-When the dialog comes up, hit the Libraries tab
-In the "New override for library:" box I typed ddraw and hit Add
-Under existing overrides, make sure you see ddraw (native, builtin) and if it says something different, click it in the list, then click Edit to change it to Native then Builtin.
This will get Proton to use sfall's ddraw.dll from the game folder and allow any changes in ddraw.ini to actually affect the game. I recommend StartingMap=arvillag.map down under [Misc] to skip the horrible tutorial!
When you alt+tab, the window can go black. You can mouse around to get the window to redraw, so it's not an issue.
alt+tab doesn't reliably escape the window. Usually had to hammer the hotkey to get out of the window.
Severe slowdowns in some areas. It was infrequent enough that I could deal with it.
Game runs perfectly - the only issue I've had is my game dropping to 2 fps when I entered an area of Vault City after a 5+ hour session. A restart fixed this and it hasn't occurred since, so I'm considering that an anomaly.
No sound at all, even with apulse
0 audio
Even with 'apulse %command%' in the launch settings, no sound whatsoever, and absolutely no resources online for a potential fix
Works flawlessly with latest proton.
Works great with proton 5.0 but has unplayable performance in proton 4.2

Mouse lag AND changing .ini have no effect
As other said, mouse lag made the game unplayable. Moreover changing ALT_MOUSE_INPUT to 1 in f2_res.ini had no effect
Few slowdowns in certain areas - but according to the internet, it's not related to Proton at all
Just set ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=1 to fix mouse lag. Check the reports below on how to do it.
to use restoration pack you need to add override for "ddraw" and change "mode" to 4 or 5 in ddraw.ini

won't launch
can not actually launch the game
When I try to save, i got ""Error saving game! Unable to save game."". On Windows you fix this issue by installing the game in a different repertory, but on Linux with Proton, I don't know how to solve this.

set ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=1 in f2_res.ini
fixed after setting ALT_MOUSE_INPUT=1 in f2_res.ini
Runs perfect with default proton settings.
The game ran fine for me out of the box. Sometimes it may not. File verification usually solves the issues when it doesnt run out of box.
Playing in fullscreen is pretty much unplayable with mouse lag. Tweaking your .ini file for the mouse movement and playing windowed greatly lessens the issue, but doesn't get rid of it.
Between reinstalls and restoration patch installation attempts, saves would regularly be rendered unusable. If you don't plan to mod the game or reinstall several times, you'll be fine.
Great game and runs very well under Linux.
Occasionally game slows down in some locations (e.g. Vault City) but not every time and usually gets back to running normal speed after few seconds even without changing locations. Not a big issue.

I booted it up with the steam recommended for proton and it ran fine out of the box.

No tweaks. Installed fine, no errors. Game runs and plays flawlessly so far. Maybe 2-3 hours of gameplay.