Kill DXSETUP.exe
The game hangs on first run waiting for DXSETUP.exe to finish but it never does. Simply kill that process using something like System Monitor and then the game will launch and work from that point on.
Old school Run & Gun Nostalgia that runs perfectly!
It is a poor pc port but no issues found with the performance via proton. Just a heads up that there seem to be no proper way to exit the game and the key rebinds are limited but these are issues with the native pc port.
Had to manually alt+enter for fullscreen
I saved and loaded many times to make sure and haven't had any problems on my end
I wouldn't give this game a platinum yet. The load and save options still occur with the chinese text error that you can't get out of
Have to manually put fullscreen by using alt+enter for example
Still has the same text problem like others have mentioned and have to exit the game application
The Collection's playable, if you don't mind playing without saving or loading
alt+enter doesn't make it fully fullscreen
Just like the Castlevania Collection, when you try to save or load a save game, it either crashes or use a Chinese text screen with a question mark next to that
may just be the game
Runs perfectly on my passively cooled ASUS ZenBook
Aside from the Contra games' trademark difficulty the game runs really well and was quite enjoyable.
Pressing L2 popped up an in-game window which has Chinese (I think?) characters with a ? mark. You can close the window by hitting the A button on the gamepad or the Z key on the keyboard but it pops back up immediately. Avoiding an accidental pressing of the L2 helps this. I had no problems with switching between windowed and fullscreen using alt+enter.
The L2 window popup thing requires you to shutdown the game via alt+f4 or by going into window mode and X'ing out.
A question screen ("No?" in Chinese) pops up regularly and can't be dismissed. When it happens you need to restart the game.
There are additional input issues, but they are not Proton's fault - they happen on Windows as well - they are caused by emulators used by this title.
Runs great in general, just some minor issues: not full screen, changing size of the window closes the game. Sometimes a Chinese question pops up, where you can only confirm the dialog, but it pop ups again. Only closing the game helps then. Controller works great.