To launch the game you may need to install fonts via protontricks 844930 corefonts
Out of the box everything works fine!
Out of the box!
Works great. Didn't experience any problems. Works pretty as same as on Windows.
No problems at all
Great experience, working
This only happened once so far, but when I went to save it crashed the game. Interestingly enough, when I opened the game back up the save was there, so I didn't lose any time, just had to reopen the game.
Slight hiccups in sound every now and again but other than that it runs perfect
Crashes on start
Note: Nvidia drivers 415 completely break unity games and will cause crash on start. drivers 410 however are perfectly fine :)
The latest Proton update pushes this game to Platinum :)
Works perfectly, but you need to install corefonts in game's wineprefix. Easiest way is to install and then run $ protontricks 844930 corefonts