Changed Options button to Esc and Start button to Enter
Terminal text is tiny
The game freezes after the start screen in any but the lowest graphics setting. In the lowest setting it still takes a few minutes to load which will appear as the grid room. Just be patient, it will load.
The game works under the default Proton, but when it launches the fullscreen doesn't compose right and the game is in the top left corner of the screen and isn't widescreen. If you hit Esc to go windowed it works fine and if you then used the menu from the top to go fullscreen, it wil work with no issues.
Under GE-Proton8-4 this doesn't happen. It launches directly into fullscreen.
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
For whatever reason when I first installed the game nothing would work, it would crash every time you tried to launch it or get stuck on the "launching" screen where nothing would happen. I verified integrity several times to no avail as well as try various things mentioned on other entires on this page to no avail. Then just deicded to uninstall and reinstall it and that worked. Not sure if this is a common problem or not but evven if verify integrity succeeds it might be worth uinstalling/reinstalling if it isn't working for you like when I tried.
Kill DXSETUP.exe
The game hangs on first run waiting for DXSETUP.exe to finish but it never does. Simply kill that process using something like System Monitor and then the game will launch and work from that point on.
Kill DXSETUP.exe
The game hangs on first run waiting for DXSETUP.exe to finish but it never does. Simply kill that process using something like System Monitor and then the game will launch and work from that point on.
Starts and I can hear the audio of the Bethesda logo video but only shows a black screen then crashes afterwards
Tried a number of suggested fixes including +com_skipintrovideo 1, +r_renderapi 1, winetricks xinput, winetricks vcrun2015, different proton versions and disabling steam overlay to no avail.
Game is entirely unplayable because things turn invisible if they are directly in front of you.
Objects (including enemies) in the center of the viewport are being culled making the game entirely unplayable.
Objects in the center of the screen get culled in Gnome desktop environment but do not in LXQT. Using LXQT gets better performance in VR as well so I recommend using it instead of Gnome when playing VR games on PopOS (and probably upstream Ubuntu as well)
Kill DXSETUP.exe
The game hangs on first run waiting for DXSETUP.exe to finish but it never does. Simply kill that process using something like System Monitor and then the game will launch and work from that point on.
By default the game is stretched out as it isn't widescreen. This can be fixed by going into the game's priorities on Steam and changing the game resolution to 640x480. It will now be letter boxed and centered.
It will work as is, just stretched out.
Crashes before it gets to the main menu on Proton 5.0-5, but works fine without issues on Proton 4.11-13
protontricks 2004670 install d3dcompiler_43
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
Had to adjust the joystick sensitivity and dead zones in the game's controller settings. The default sensitivity is really slow and the default dead zones are really wide. I prefer the touch pads to be pretty fast. YMMV
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
Install the Community Patch. I used v3.1. It can be found in the game's Discussion forum.
Leaving PulseAudio Volume Control open in the background while the game runs resolves the crackling, though I'm usure why.
The opening titles don't work. You can see them if you tab out of the game and go back in but when the next one is supposed to show it doesn't. Not really a big deal, just wait the few seconds it takes. There are audio cues so you'll have an idea of what's happening. However, the intro video doesn't work unless you've installed the aforementioned Community Patch. Once you reach the main menu the rest of the game seems to work more or less normally.
Works fine after adding the following to launch options: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Launch using Luxtorpedia and select DosBox
Kill DXSETUP.exe
The game hangs on first run waiting for DXSETUP.exe to finish but it never does. Simply kill that process using something like System Monitor and then the game will launch and work from that point on.
FMV does not play.
Absolutely no issues, you'd think it was native
Game opens but freezes at main menu
Game opens but freezes at main menu. It also warned me my graphics card wasn't supported even though it was more than enough to play the game.
Use Luxtorpedia and select DosBox
Runs without issues in windowed mode
White boarders around the edges of the screen during fullscreen gameplay that obscure a little of the HUD but not enough to cause issues and the game itself is otherwise playable. This issue is not present in windowed mode.
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
Works fine after added launch options DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
The pre-rendered cutscenes show a blank screen, the in-game ones are fine though
The game itself works great after copying D3DCompiler_43.dll and D3DX9_43.dll into the game's directory (obtained 32 bit versions from www.dll-files.com), and setting up libstrangle to limit the framerate to 60 by installing it using the instructions from the libstrangle GitLab page, then using the launch option "strangle 60 %command%" (without quotes). Tested using Steam controller. Checked all filter options, all work as expected. The video settings dialog does not work, however all it does is let you select your resolution but the game defaults to your maximum resolution by default so as long as you have a high-end machine you should be fine.
Audio crackling in pulses, opening PulseAudio Volume Control and leaving it running in the background before launching the game keeps this from happening. I have no idea why.
Opening PulseAudio Volume Control and leaving it running in the background when you launch the game resolves the crackling, but I'm unsure as to why.
When Denuvo is checking the game license the game will lag for a short ammount of time then resume normally. This is a problem on Windows as well.
The visual artifacting and glitchy image quality people are reporting is actually part of the game and is not a graphics card problem.
Random frame drops is a problem on all versions of the game, not just in Proton
The visual artifacting and glitchy image quality people are reporting is actually part of the game and is not a graphics card problem. It exists in all versions of the game. You can tell from the intro video, in the parts where Eggman is messing with the tower it starts glitching only after he activates the device and when it cuts to the Sonic gang in Tails' plane it stops until they reach the glitched area resulting from Eggman's actions.
There are random framerate drops, however my investigation suggests this is just a problem with the game itself and not unique to Proton. Gameplay videos from YouTube show the same thing on other platforms.
Sega recently pushed out a patch for the NVidia driver issue and now the game runs perfectly with this version of GE proton.
As of a recent update all the issues are resolved and the game just runs as if native.
Works without issues after adding the following to launch options: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
There's a minor but noticable drop in framerate in Chemical Plant Act 2, however this also exists in the PS3 version so it's an issue with the game itself, not the Deck.
Working completely, tested with Steam Controller on both Pop!_os Eoan and Steam OS Brewmaster without issues
Used the cracked exe mentioned in other reports
No issues
There is a bug on a particular level that makes the menu break but this is a known issue on the Windows version. It's not a proton issue.
Gets confused on multiple monitor setups when in full screen causing the cursor to be stuck on one screen. Using Windowed Maximised instead of conventional Fullscreen (Found one the Display tab of the options menu) resolves this and everything then behaves normally.
Added Y key for yes/no prompts
No issues
The game is pretty bare bones but that's not a proton issue but rather the game itself.
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
A little slow to launch but just give it a minute. After that you'd never know it wasn't native.
protontricks 611670 xact
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
Tested with Valve Index and SteamVR.
In Proton Experimental, the mouse gets stuck and so you can't turn left. This is not a problem in Proton 7.0-6
No issues
If your graphics card is like mine the list of available resolutions will max out the dropdown menu option so you can't set the higher resolutions. You can play it just fine in its default resolution, but if you're like me and want as high a resolution as I can get, then...
- Right click the game in Steam Manage >> Browse local files A file browser window should pop up in the game's directory
- Open the folder titled "System"
- Search for Unreal.ini and open it in a text editor
- Scroll down to the section called [WinDrv.WindowsClient] find the key as follows and set it to your desired resolution and color bits (16 or 32)
- Save the file and launch the game
The game works just fine in windowed mode using the default proton but fullscreen does not work. However it does work if you use GE-Proton8-25.