use the commands "rm -r "${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450"" and "WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/" winetricks d3dx9 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts" to get all games in one you have to use this command "WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/" regedit" and then under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/microsoft games copy pid and digitalproductid from age of empires 3 expansion pack 2/1.0 to age of empires 3 expansion pack/1.0 (i couldn't copy digitalproductid so i had to type the whole thing manually) and then when you launch Asian Dynastys all content will be present
works with the d3d9.dll fix from the github completed basically all events no crashes no glitches just flawless
so the game only works using an AMD graphics card with the RADV drivers and you need to use wayland then it works. right now i'm still experiencing a bug where only the upper left quarter of the screen is beeing rendered and the rest of the image is frozen but that might be because of the early status of the driver for the AMD RX 5700XT
requires the same d3d9.dll dummy fix as atelier firis (see Firis Github after that the game runs perfectly
It runs great
using xorg i got a blank white screen so it's the same as with lulua or the atelier dx games where you can't see anything after a cutscene except for when you are using an AMD (and possibly intel) graphics card with wayland
i completed a whole playthrough using Proton. The only issue i encountered was that the game can be a bit laggy once you collected all cauldrons and upgraded them all to use a larger grid but this is only during synthesis. The game also runs fine using D9VK but i couldn't measure any performance improvement since my GTX 1080 easily maxes out the framerate
the game is technically playable but it's a horrible experience especially with the load times when it freezes
Textures are stuck on the lowest possible resolution when you wait for half an hour some textures do start to load in but when playing normally only very few textures will be in more than least possible resolution
whenever the game tries to save or you hack a machine the game gets stuck for about 10 minutes this means every time you want to manually save or you enter/leave an area it will be stuck due to autosave
you need to disable esync and fsync with: "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%"
controller and movies do not work. when the button mapping menu is opened the game freezes like the previous entries Dynasty warriors 8 xtreme edition complete edition and dynasty warriors 8 empires
after disabling the cinematics it goes into the main menu where all sounds except for the background music are missing. it freezes upon the end of the loading screen when trying to go ingame both when starting a new game and when trying to continue a savegame
you need to disable movies in the configuration tool otherwise runs fine, slight slowdowns when a lot is on screen until the shaders are cached then all runs just as expected
first you need a savegame from windows. then just use "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" (without the "") because wined3d works way faster than dxvk in this case and wined3d doesn't crash all the time
it works great using this guide:
it shows the splash screens but then crashes upon the transition to the main menu
use the dll provided here by dropping it in the game folder where the exe for gtaiv is and adding WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% to the launch options to fix the video memory
controller input isn't perfect. input promts only change while a controller button is pressed and the camera doesn't center right while driving cars
Enjoyable experience except for saving / late game stuff except if you play that far in one session
Sometimes there is slight texture flickering on some ground surfaces
the game seems to be saving and there is no error or such thing but when you leave the game and come back there is no savegame so that doesn't work right
Very much playable now
there is still some flickering on the ground textures
saving has been fixed in proton 5.0-4
Doesn't run at all
the game starts with a black screen and it's sounds work when the game is out of focus but when the game goes back into focus you see one new frame and the game freezes again until it goes back out of focus...
i tried large adress awareness, disabling f/esync, disabling d3d11 and i tried multiple versions of proton including custom ones like Glorious Eggroll or build with tkg PKGBUILDs
sometimes trees and terrain only load textures when very close up
the game only shows a black screen you need to use PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 also the game is frozen in fullscreen you need to run it in windowed
the game requires large adress awareness otherwise since proton 5.0-4 all graphical and fullscreen issues are resolved
it is playable... without sound except music and without a gamepad... you may have to start and close the game a few times to get it set up
narrator voice is missing and engine sounds are broken
DualShock 4 controller is not recognized
Not playable yet
so you need to install oblivion and nehrim... then launch nehrim and let it install itself into the oblivion folder. within the launcher you need to turn off enbboost and then you can launch into the main menu with oblivion but when you try to create a new game the game does nothing and you are just stuck in the main menu... loading a save file might be possible but i don't have one to try it out.
the update adding raytracing broke the game won't run with any version of Proton
loading into campain crashes the game with an access violation error but the freeplay works normaly except for slight shadow flickering
i completed 100% in the first world of the first spyro game. cinematic movies don't work and there is a small stutter at the beginning of all levels but except for that the game runs flawless
stuck at steam setup, Installing: Microsoft :NET Framework (step 1 of 3)
you can launch the configuration tool through steam but when trying to start the game nothing happens and steam just says running until you kill the games process
runs quite well but my controller won't work and to get fullscreen you have to turn off fullscreen and set resolution to my monitors resolution also when i start the game up i get a black screen until i press enter from then on it runs normal
so here is how to play this game which runs perfect once you get it running. 1st: install windows steam in a wineprefix or use lutris for that. 2nd: install the game 3rd: make a shortcut to Koikatsu Party.exe (using Lutris make a custom game for it and set the prefix to the prefix and set the exxecutable to Koikatsu Party.exe)
so far without windows i don't see a way to get the setup.xml to apear in UserData so you can't go into fullscreen except you use a system shortcut to do it, if you have windows then you can set your setting and copy them to your UserData.
the initial settings don't work and renaming Koikatsu Party.exe gives you an error so that doesn't work