Select DX10 to gain a few watts back and improve performance. Native Steam deck resolution supported, but needs to be set in settings
Set launch option to DX10 (9c is default)

Works out of the box
Played the DirectX 9 version. Some background movies behind the start menu showed colorbars but is not important to the game.

Worked perectly, 60FPS locked at max graphics and 2x AA, Beat entire campaign with no problems.
An excellent experience on the Steam Deck.
Runs great. I completed the campaign but I didn't try multiplayer.
On DirectX 10 mode there's noticeable stuttering and uneven frame times. The game runs much smoother on DirectX 9 mode.

Runs just great. No major issue noticed. Online multiplayer: I couldn't find anybody online, but it is probably because the game is old.
Rare frame drops when there are several enemies and bombs, and also in some boss fights. I believe it might be related to motion blur or the game be bad optimized.
Game ran just fine under Proton Experimental.
Played just the first mission for this review. Didn't change anything, aside from V-Sync in-game to sync audio in cutscenes.
The game works very well after the tweaks. I haven't tried multiplayer since no one plays it.
Audio desync in cutscenes. This is normal, however, since some of the game's logic is tied to framerate.
Moving the mouse caused performance to tank. Feral Gamemode fixed this.
ProtonDB has Feral Gamemode listed in their help section. Capping your FPS isn't necessary since nothing gamebreaking happens at high FPS, but it does help with the presentation since some scripted sequences won't work properly among other issues. Here are the launch options I use: strangle -v 0 62 gamemoderun %command%
Occasional audio missing from exploding barrels.
Some mouse buttons do not work.
Stuttering snow, explosions, and blood spray from enemies.

The game will not start at all under proton 4.11-4. I have tried all versions Dx9 Dx10 and nothing the screen flashes black than crashes to desktop. The only solution I have found is to use proton 4.2 than the game works fine under Dx9.

The less good version of the forgotten classic... DX10 does not work at all, the game starts and plays fine but runs like dogshit in ways I don't think it should, constant tiny stutters...

Runs flawlessly out of the box, like native.

Finished without any problem

No issues

Like native

Works perfectly out of the box with good performance, a solid 120fps.

As of Proton 3.16-8 this game is now working out of box

Played for about an hour. Works great at 1440p.

Works out of a box. Performance 25% lower than windows

runs great with the latest steamplay proton 3.16-7

Steam is not running error after splash screens

Capcom logo shows, then error "steam is not running please start steam then start the game" appears.

Gets pass Capcom screen then an error "steam is not running please start steam then start the game"